The 17 Serious, Performance and Results-Suffocating Mistakes 97% of Chief Executive Officers, Managers, Board Leaders, Board Members and Business Make
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
Many companies, organisations, businesses and economies permanently underperform both in relative and in absolute terms. Relative underperformance is the performance of the company or organisation or economy when compared with others while absolute underperformance is actual performance when compared to the potential performance of the same organisation. In this case, many companies organisations and businesses make the mistake of measuring their success by comparing themselves with others and never compare their actual performance against their highest possible levels of performance. High achievers and peak performers measure their actual performance versus their best possible and care less about comparing themselves with their competitors or with others. This is actually a big mistake 95 percent of companies, organisations businesses and economies make.
Now, these mistakes must not be taken lightly by anyone who is serious about transforming the performance and results of her company, organisation, business, or economy because these mistakes are in operation right now and are undermining their ability to produce higher levels of performance and to achieve better results. Correcting these mistakes will have a dramatic impact in the performance and results of those who take this advice seriously.
I will talk about four of these mistakes and if you can call or email for the full details account of all the mistakes discussed here.
Mistake Number One: They Ignore Managing Themselves Properly
Poor self-management is a the biggest weaknesses and the most serious mistakes 95 percent of leaders, managers, chief executive officers, board members and board leaders make. And poor self-management is the biggest contributor to poor performance in those positions. It leads to serious health problems for those in these positions while it also leads to the dramatic and unfortunate failures of many companies organisations and businesses.
I will argue that self-management is at the core of what is called emotional intelligence and self-management is actually a better term for the phenomenon called emotional intelligence. Many leaders and managers take this topic way too lightly for its important.
Mistake Number Two: They Become Victims of Their Egos
I have read books and listened to many confessions from people who rose through the ranks how at some level they had to battle with their egos stemming from their sense of high achievement and the belief that their rising to those ranks meant that they were superior to others and that they everything that others did not know. Some confessed to arrogance that ended up undermining their performance and how they eventually worked hard to recalibrate their ego to avoid leadership and management disasters.
Mistake Number Seventeen: They do not constantly review their Theory and Practice in the areas of ?Strategy, Strategic Planning, Strategic Thinking, Performance Management, Teaching, Training, Education, Team Building, Leadership, Management, Marketing and Sales.
95% of companies, organisations, businesses and economies are still operating within the pre-21st Century Paradigm, using old-fashioned, outdated and obsolete methods, theories, stools, approaches, definitions and concepts in virtually all areas that constitute a company, or organisation or business or economy. Many companies have fallen way behind of the leading edge being enabled by advances in technology, research and development and in the understanding of how humans work. What used to be a mystery in areas such as leadership, management, human performance and achievement, organisational performance, marketing and sales and in other areas relating to the performance and results in business, economies and corporate activity is now explained scientifically with high degrees of accuracy, making achieving desired levels of performance and producing desired results easier and faster. The major problem is that 95% of the leaders, decision-makers and their managers remain stuck in the old way of things and leading people and running organisations using yester year management and leadership theory some of which are still relevant and useful but many of which are now obsolete.
Without constantly reviewing their theory and practice in strategy, the performance management and results achievement, these leaders and managers and their companies, organisations, businesses and economies continue to struggle with mediocre performance and meagre to average results when they have the potential for elite performance and outstanding results. Sadly, this is happening everywhere around the world.
Mistake Number Three: They Do Not Invest in Managing Their Thinking
The world is hooked to the notion that knowledge is the single most important asset in company, organizational, business and economic performance. They still do not pay enough attention to thinking and kind of ignore the reality that thinking and not general, raw knowledge is the most important asset when it comes to performance and results in organisations.
Thinking about how we think and managing our thinking is very critical especially given that our human brain struggles to think properly about many things and in many situations. First, it is known that we do most of our thinking and decision-making unconsciously and we are prone to the desire of the human brain to use the wrong things to make decisions and to act.
As much as we want to think otherwise, thinking properly is rare even among the top leadership positions. Improving our thinking is therefore one of the most important we must do but don’t do, leading to the underperformance so common among the 95% of institutions. ?
You can email or text or whatsapp for the details of the rest of the mistakes below.
Mistake Number Four: They Expect Unreasonable Results from Their Teams
Mistake Number Five: They Stick to the Templates Approach to Strategic Planning
Mistake Number Six: They do not Take Serious Things Seriously Enough
Mistake Number Seven: They ignore advice
Mistake Number Eight: They Use the Same Old Way of Doing Things Over and Over Again
Mistake Number Nine: They Overly Depend on Academic Qualifications and Certificates in Areas
Mistake Number Ten: They Invest Little in Training, Education and Development
Mistake Number Eleven: They do not periodically review their theory and practice of things in their companies, organisations and economies
Mistake Number Twelve: They Never Cross Check if they are correct or if they have the correct understanding of things, concepts, ideas and issues.
Mistake Number Thirteen: They Never Seriously Pay Attention to the Vision, Mission and Values of Thigs
Mistake Number Fourteen: They Rarely Seriously Act on What They Learn and on the Information They Get
Mistake Number Sixteen: They Do Not Use Personal Coaches, Advisors, Mentors, Person Developers, Teachers, Trainers and Strategists.
Mistake Number Eighteen: They Continue to Use Old Fashioned, Poor and Bad Training Education and Development Models
??Simon Bere, 2022