17 Reasons for own Crowdfunding
Octavio Pitaluga Neto
Founder of TaqTaq, B2C2B contact management app. Become TaqTaq Lifetime now!
Like every entrepreneur, we always seek resources for our initiatives. After all, Angel investors and 1st tier investors only want to support ready-made products that are preferably already monetizing and with high adhesion. They do not seem very interested in the venture′s vision and growth potential.
Thus, we carefully considered a strategy of continuous self-financing through crowdfunding sites. We had an undesirable experience with a market leader in Brazil to learn this truth:
- By definition, crowdfunding sites compel the entrepreneur to set a value vis-à-vis the time to raise project funds;
- Crowdfunding sites create an "all or nothing" rule (i.e. if you do not hit a financial goal, all the fundraising effort is thrown away);
- The entrepreneuer loses full control over the process itself when confirms contractual terms of the third-party crowdfunding platform;
- Crowdfunding sites do nothing for the entrepreneurs. They do not put their projects on the 1st page in an area of "new projects";
- Crowdfunding sites only want entrepreneurs to use their time and energy to bring traffic to their own site (i.e., skilled labor working for their business for free);
- Crowdfunding sites only put entrepreneurs in the spotlight when and if he is about to hit the target on time. Otherwise, they do not give them visibility;
- Crowdfunding sites take credit for the entrepreneur's victory by announcing "their achievement" in the media, if the entrepreneur hits the target;
- Finally, crowdfunding sites are still entitled to commissions by the adhesion contract;
We do not know how many will read this article but this crowdfunding site′s business model simply does not interest us for the reasons listed above.
Therefore, we have the idea of creating our own continuous crowd-funding. In addition to the eight reasons listed above for which you do not have to adhere to the other existing template, we understand so many reasons to develop your own crowd-funding site:
- Total control over the site, process and terms of use;
- Creation of a crowd-funding site in a continuous and indefinite mode;
- Any promotional action will take traffic to our own site and brand;
- Every gain is absorbed right away. No need to wait for deadlines and / or risk losing all our efforts;
- The credits for all the work belong to our team;
- No mark-up to pay commissions to crowdfunding sites, which leads to lower rates and greater possibility of donations;
- Possibility of multiple strategies both in the real world and within social networks, always around your brand using established platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook;
- Ability to change the site as many times as you want and even put it in multiple languages to reach the most diverse audiences globally;
- Possibility of permanent, growing, viral and global engagement with any audience that has an interest in our value proposition.
Therefore, we believe that 17 reasons, including 8 reasons for not adhering to the existing crowdfunding model and, especially, 9 powerful reasons for having our own site, are sufficient for such a decision. And so we did according to the video below:
We invite you to know the simple and direct structure of the TaqTaq crowdfunding site in a continuous and permanent way using videos, plans, terms of use, FAQ and everything a potential donor needs to know to decide to support our initiative. We look forward to receiving constructive feedback.
Complementing our own crowdfunding site, we have created groups on Facebook for better centralized communication, constant engagement around our brand, knowledge of our value proposition and the product development stage. They are:
- TaqTaq Hour: Open to the general public. We recruit affiliates who will organize networking events in bars and restaurants around the world. The only requirement to join is that participants install TaqTaq App on their respective smartphones.
- TaqTaq Donors: Closed only for crowdfunding donors. We will tell them all the news about our development. Total transparency.
- TaqTaq Ambassadors: Closed only for Gold Plan donors. Members will already have special privileges immediately. It will be worth relying on the seriousness of our work.
Therefore, we invite entrepreneurs to reflect on the possibility of adopting a similar strategy in their sustainable and continuous self-financing of their projects. We are fully prepared to share our experience and results.
Octavio Pitaluga Neto
CNO - Chief Networking Officer