17 Fitness First Customer Fails
Chris J Reed
$888 per month is all it costs to market you and your firm on LinkedIn to get you new clients or a new job. I am "The Only CEO with a Mohawk" and Singaporean entrepreneur with 2,200+ LinkedIn Recommendations.
Fitness First is not a brand people love or even like. It is a brand that people tolerate. Here are my experiences over the last few months as both a private consumer and potential partner with Fitness First and their supposedly "premium" brand Gravity, in Singapore of their customer fails time and time again.
Gravity is supposed to be this exclusive "C-suite gym" where the high membership fees are supposed to give you special treatment. Best trainers, best customer service, best gym, best networking.... But at the end of the day it’s still Fitness First, they still have that small minded, customer second, who cares Fitness First mentality.
They kicked off with great aspirations and it went down hill there from then on….this is the press from when they launched. Hilarious reading it now. What were they smoking?
No one has ever paid this level of fees to join or this monthly fee. You just wouldn't get away with that in Singapore when the evidence of clear that they are no better than any other gym,in fact often worse.
I joined a few years back because they supposedly were offering exclusive VIP events to network, a large gym with less members, locker for me to store things for when I change out of my cycling gear (as I cycle to work) and into my work gear and I loved the pool. Surface over substance.
Personal Trainers
The personal training I took up and very quickly abandoned was fine but nothing special not like Ultimate Performance (UP) which changes peoples lives. This is like the cheap, lite, value UP brand.
Considering the price of the gym you would think that they would have an elite band of Personal Trainers (PT's) but they all appear to work for UP. If you want a real personal trainer who will change the way you do everything from eat to rest go to Chris Richards at UP.
VIP events?
One of the reasons for charging such a high monthly fee and joining fee was Gravity's promise of exclusive VIP events. This, like everything that Gravity promised, has failed to materialise.
So far I have been invited to two events in 3 years. Neither were VIP. They were not even member only events.
At one they invited AIA members to come and join Gravity and meet members. This is not what I had in mind or what they promised. They talked about bringing in experts to do talks, networking with people who potentially could become clients. None of this happened.
I met barely a handful of actual members and all the AIA employees thought the place was overpriced, which it is.
There hasn’t been an event for a year now and not one “VIP” event that they originally promised.
Basically nothing that they promised they delivered.
They also started with high joining and membership fees and quickly realised (well quickly for FF, took a couple of years…) that no one was going to pay that. I didn’t, and no one who joined when I did did either. Everyone else who joined at the same time as me in those early days has left which says a lot about what they promised and what they failed to deliver.
It’s hilarious reading the coverage of the launch, chalk and cheese. It's also weird when you talk to First First Singapore and Gravity employees and none of them realised that this is how the club was marketed when opened, this was what was promised.
You wonder why your members are leaving and then you don't ask them or find out about the mismatch between sell and actual delivery?
The app
The Gravity app was supposed to track everything, all your activities and you could communicate everything on it and network with other members and your health history would be there and so many other things... It was also supposed to list all the events that they had lined up.
Didn't happen. None of that happened.
The app doesn’t work, never has. No one uses it. It has no content. Redundant.
Gravity employees have even stopped promoting it.
Another broken promise.
On site wellness person
The on site wellness person left because she was so bored at having nothing to do and their checks and balances machines are never used despite saying that they were state of the art. The on site wellness person basically said they were next to useless. Pure style over substance. Basically the data was flawed so she stopped using it....
Just another gym
If they really are going to attract C-suites who want special attention and service they really should have told the staff because they treat everyone as if they were just in any other gym.
The front of house people are friendly enough but do they go that extra mile for you?
Do they act like a C-suite concierge of a hotel as promised at the start?
They just do the job, nothing more.
Fine. But not at twice the monthly fee that everyone else charges.
Just like a normal gym not one costing twice as much.
No one seems to have told them that their monthly fee is twice the price of every other gym in Singapore and the facilities are nothing better, in fact they are often worse.
No one seems to have trained them to give excellent customer service. That's down to Fitness First culture and leadership.
Broken machines
For example they only have one cycling machine (that is not part of the spinning class) and that has been broken for months….
The jacuzzi doesn’t work half the time and the weights section is very small.
If three people are there it’s full.
It needs a revamp even though it’s only 3 years old.
Money problems?
Fitness First and money problems seem to run hand in hand. From their failed IPO (also supposed to be in Singapore despite being a UK brand) to having to having to merge with Celebrity Fitness to save both of them as they didn’t wish to go the way of California Fitness which closed down.
You would think in a fitness obsessed country you could make money at this but apparently not. Gravity was known to allegedly be losing money from when it opened because of their poor marketing, branding, customer service, customer delivery staff and customer churn rates.
Over promise and under deliver seems to be their motto.
Off peak
They have even started offering a cheap off peak version now. Some of the full time members are resentful of it as it appears to let people use the gym at all times even though they have only paid half the price of the rest.
Not great marketing or customer management. Poorly communicated to other members too.
The off peak price is still more expensive than every other gym in Singapore for peak.
How not to socially sell
It’s ironic that I talked to both the Fitness First team and the Gravity team from a marketing point of view about helping them with their LinkedIn marketing to recruit new members and market the brand.
They seem oblivious to how poorly they are perceived and of the high customer churn rate and dissatisfaction of members. Probably not surprising as they have never done any customer surveys in the three years that I have been there to try and improve service, get feedback see what actual paying members think.
Weird way for a brand trying to be elite to behave.
They want to be Singapore Airlines and they're not even Scoot.
Sales Navigator
Fitness First/Gravity (FF) told me that they had bought lots of Sales Navigators (SN) and didn’t need my help. I hear this from multi nationals all the time. It's when I know that they are too arrogant to admit that they bought too many licenses, no one is using them and that they do indeed need my help.
So I asked how well they were doing with Sales Navigator. They then showed me the people who worked for FF who were allegedly using Sales Navigator (SN), the best people who had been telling everyone that they were using it daily and I pointed out that:
- One, apparently the best sales person, had 6 connections which meant that SN would not work
- They had no description of Gravity on their page
- They had no content on their page
- There was no background picture
- There was no videos/pictures of the gym itself
- They had no content marketing plan
- They were not even connected to the right company page on LinkedIn
- I went through others and not one person had any clue as to how to use LinkedIn
- Basically they were lying, they could not possibly be using SN for social selling but because no one else at FF knew anything about it they were, and still allowed to get away with it. The blind leading the blind.
Typically LinkedIn sell these poor suckers Sales Navigator as a complete solution without really caring that if you have no personal brand, no company branding, no content marketing and no connections it fundamentally will not work.
Spamming existing members
Then, as if by magic to prove my point I received a inmail from one of the sales team asking me if I’d like to join this great leisure and gym club called Gravity......
I kid you not. See below:
Spamming existing customers. Great customer service.
Personalised. Made me feel special.....
As you can see it is written in broken English with no links, no benefits and no reasons to join and spelling mistakes all over the place. CapitaGreen is also not in Raffles Place.....or raffles place.
The person who sent me this only has 200 connections and no description of Gravity or any content on her profile so basically social selling doesn't work like this and neither does Sales Navigator. Some people won't be told and even when they see the evidence of how not to sell would rather put their head deeper into the sand.
Premium brand? This spam says the complete opposite.
Not least targeting an existing member makes that member feel completely unappreciated. How much have I paid you over the last three years? And you don't even know that I am a member? Thousands of dollars.
Classic FF, try and do something on the cheap without knowing anything about it.
Nice one LinkedIn, selling people SN when they barely have a profile and don’t understand social selling.
I showed the people at Gravity and FF this and they weren’t interested about their own sales team not having any clue as to how to sell.
They just didn’t care. Head in the sand attitude.
They knew better.
LinkedIn Profile Management
I offered to manage the GM’s profile on LinkedIn as he had no profile to speak of (still doesn't), minimal connections, not even connected to his own members and no description of Gravity on his profile, no content marketing, not even any special offers promoted or videos through his profile not even a photo of Gravity on his background.
They turned me down saying that they now had their incompetent sorry competent elite sales team managing his profile......spamming existing members with no benefits.
They had made no changes to his profile because they fundamentally do not understand how to use LinkedIn.
The GM only has a couple of hundred connections, all from the previous country, place where he worked so again with no content, no Gravity videos, pictures, recommendations social selling does not work this way and Sales Navigator needs 1st connections to work.
Some people just won't be told. Keep spending pointless money with LinkedIn for no results. Genius way to run a business.
I happily share this story with others who are thinking of investing in SN without first having a sales and marketing strategy or indeed a full profile. Or like FF are thinking of buying dozens of licenses and have no social selling strategy in place to start with.
Customer fails on so many levels.
My locker
Even little things they managed to screw up and create a bad customer experience.
They reneged on agreements around my locker without any apology or compensation even though it had been agreed as part of my terms on joining.
I cycle to work with a large bag of work clothes etc so I negotiated on joining that I could use a large locker. They agreed.
They even changed the locking setting to enable me to have my stuff protected when the rest of the lockers open at the end of the day.
As they weren't full they weren't full they were happy with this.
Then the GM joined and sent me an overly aggressive email. This to someone paying thousands of dollars a year to his gym. Rather than arrange a chat I received an email out of the blue.
I was no longer to use this locker and had to remove my stuff immediately or they would.
Nice elite customer service and experience. Made me feel very special. In the all the wrong ways.
Next customer fail was a disagreement about a talk at Gravity and a discounted LinkedIn workshop they needed and wanted.
I had previously offered FF sales team my LinkedIn/Social Selling masterclass as they clearly need it. Not a single FF senior or junior executive knows how to use LinkedIn.
They told me that they couldn’t afford it. I said that they couldn’t afford not to. But they declined.
So then we talked about me giving a small talk for members at Gravity.
They first agreed to this.
Then they sneakily tried to get me to give them a free workshop too for their senior team. The same talk that they said that they didn't need and wouldn't pay for previously.
Cheeky as the talk at Gravity would only be to a couple of members (their boardroom where the talk would be only fits 8) and clearly they needed my help with LinkedIn as had been proven by their own inept sales team spamming existing members.
As they are not a non-profit I couldn't give it for free. So I instead offered them a quid pro quo 66% discount, very reasonable I felt.
They declined and cancelled the talk out of spite that I dare to ask that I be paid for my time when I know that they need it and I know how much money they are currently wasting on SN.
But at the same time they are charging for their Personal Trainers time. So they want others to pay for professional time while not willing to do so themselves. Hypocritical
As you can see it was very much their loss. They need this training more than I needed to do the talk.
The final straw.
4 minutes
Recently their customer service went further down hill.
I used to cycle to Gravity to get changed, then do some weights have a shower get changed and go to work. So sometimes when I cycle I arrive at 5.40, sometimes 5.45, sometimes 5.50 depends on the weather, hangover etc.
The lifts begin to work to reach the Gravity floor at CapitaGreen for customers at 5.44 am.
So sometimes I join the cleaning crew who are very nice in the lift at 5.40am.
4 minutes.
Not a long time for you or I but apparently a long time for Gravity management.
They wrote me lovely passive aggressive email saying that I was no longer allowed to come up with the cleaning crew at 5.40. I had to wait until 5.44.
4 minutes.
Unbelievable customer experience fail.
The gym is open from 5.15am-ish and is empty but all the lights, machines are on, air conditioning is on etc. It’s empty when I start training at 5.50/6am/6.30am.
The PT's had no problem with me being there, they hardly noticed me.
I don’t cause any fuss. I get in, change, go to the weights, do my workout, come back, shower, change, go to work. I'm gone by 6.15/6.30am.
But for the sake of 4 minutes they wish to stop me riding up the lift with the cleaning crew.
How to make someone feel special. Not.
Why Only me?
Other members do it too as the Personal Trainers like their clients to come in early so that they are ready at 6am for their session.
That’s why the lift starts at 5.44am.
None of the other members have been mailed telling them that they are not allowed to come up with the PT/cleaning crew at 5.40. I checked.
Only me.
I am sure that it has nothing to do with me refusing to do my workshop for the FF senior executives for free. Purely coincidental.
Think that’s called cutting your nose off to spite your face. Self harm.
Not only did he mail me, the area manager (who many people in the organisation blame for the way it’s led) but he copied in all the PT’s and Front of House people too.
4 minutes.
Why only me?
Plus, why by email? I was there most days, why not a word a conversation?
When I received the email I reached out to someone more reasonable at FF to see if he could broker a deal but he clearly thought that it wasn’t worth it and that I was better off out of it.
Just in case you’re thinking, was the gym open, was I causing problems by coming in early. Yes it was open all lights/air con were on and no problems at all. They hardly noticed that I was there. I literally came in, changed, went to the weights, 30 minutes later I would be in the shower and changing to go to work.
To me I was the dream customer, come in early, use the equipment then leave before the "crowds" came in so freeing up the machines/weights for others. Maybe they don’t want anyone to use any of their equipment.
Terrible customer service.
I have recommended Gravity to many people. I have shown Gravity around to many people who have become members.
Have I had any thanks or recognition of this?
Nope. Not once.
I have though received this abuse for daring to use the lift at 5.40 and not 5.44 every now and again.
10k lost a year and mounting
A friend of mine was about to join but I advised her not to and she joined Pure Fitness. So that’s $5k a year lost.
I have now terminated my contract. So that’s another $5k lost to them per year.
They’re on a winner. Pretty soon they will have the whole place to themselves….. No customer experience problems at all….no customers.
For a club that is allegedly losing money to wish to lose influential members deliberately by their overly aggressive actions is amazing. Maybe they love to allegedly lose money by losing members and not having referrals of new members.
So I have now joined Pure Fitness which is half the price, the gym is five times the size, has a far superior and much larger weights section, in fact three weights sections plus countless bikes and none of them are broken (on top of their space age spinning section/classes).
Can’t wait to get started.
Company culture
Which brings me nicely to the company culture. Poisonous and vicious would be two words to describe Gravity/FF.
When I was told that I wasn’t allowed in at 5.40am they blamed the cleaning crew and said that they had told management.
This wasn’t true.
Why do I know that? Because the cleaning crew are the nicest people you could possibly meet who only have only one face and I, and others, had been up with them in the lift many, many times and they had never said a word.
Clearly the Area Manager/GM, some of the front of house team/PT’s have had enough of these customers daring to use the gym and found an angle to start a fight.
Customer experience fail. It's all about them not the customer paying twice the price of any other gym in Singapore and been promised the world.
The Area manager had previously taken down my books which I had offered them to distribute to members even though they were added value and approved by the GM,
The Area Manager apparently doesn’t like to add value even though my books were all snapped up by members enthusiastically. I have never had any added value since being there despite that too being part of the original Gravity sell.
Gravity’s first proposition was exactly that, added value, VIP. The truth couldn’t be furthest from this fiction.
Some of the front of house are happy to indulge him looking for angles to have a go at customers. Nice.
Great customer friendly environment. Not.
This is the same brand that encourages their personal trainers to fat shame people on social media and gained global negativity publicity for doing so. Even the English tabloids picked this up.
This kind of closed minded, inward looking, head in sand leadership comes from the top.
This poorly led company embodies everything wrong with male macho companies in Singapore.
Good customer, brings in business, refers us, influential on social media? Annoy him and make the environment so toxic that he feels so unwelcome that he resigns and leaves.
They probably think it’s a victory. No more annoying person coming in and using the gym when no one else is there….
A bizarre way of working.
Anti-customer focused, negative customer experience, terrible customer management.
Probably why if you look at Fitness First’s brand index they come outside the top 20 of health brands and have a minus brand score.
And in Australia they were called Finance First, check out the feedback to their rebrand:
They are not a liked brand, they are merely there as a utility and if you can get that utility elsewhere people will choose someone else.
A gym should be a place to focus, relax and enjoy your sessions. They made it the opposite.
I am glad I left and I am looking forward to my new adventure at Pure Fitness.
No customer should stand for being lied to, mis-sold, overpromised, abused, taken advantage of, victimised, singled out for the wrong kind of aggressive attention, made to feel unwelcome and arrogantly and contemptuously dealt with by ignorant people who can't even lead their own organisations successfully.
Life is too short to put up with bad service and being treated badly. Change, find something else, don't settle for terrible customer experience and service.
Creative & Leadgen
6 年A work of art, an epic evisceration followed by surgical crucifixion. I really love this! Plus a bit of personal advertising thrown in. I know Anthony who used to head them, but he left for a competing gym. Probably couldn't stand the toxic culture. I have done worse though, to corporates who pissed me off. I must learn from you! ??
Tbh 2 years ago when I joined it was a lot more classy and “executive” focus.. recently the management just went downhill. It felt like an exhibition center; skinfitness and Mont Blanc showroom? Apart for my personal trainer which is awesome. I probably won’t have stayed. All my friends who joined while I did no longer come to the gym.
Publisher and co-founder at Australasian Leisure Management
6 年Assassination?
Head of Accounts and Projects at Liv.it
6 年Chris J "Mohawk"Reed The Most Recommended ? Zurich ?CologneCologne knowing your out of the box tactics, makes me think if its not a tricky way to promote brand, which was already damaged by comments online. Reading this made me curious to check how bad it is.