2020: 17 Blogs, many new virtual friends and thoughts for 2021 – A River, a Life and Time Just Keeps Going

2020: 17 Blogs, many new virtual friends and thoughts for 2021 – A River, a Life and Time Just Keeps Going

I have written over 40 blogs on linkedin. I wrote 17 in 2020.

Here is the link for all my blogs


My 2 favorite, most significant to me are:

The 21st Century – The Century of the Billion and Billions. 322 Views written on Nov 11, 2019 https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/21st-century-billions-doug-hohulin/ 

This is a living list of what technologies have reach a billion users in the past and my predictions of the technologies for in the future.

The value of a horrible job - especially when you are young – 600 Views Publish date December 13, 2014


Author’s note, this blog is now the most significant to me because it is the "Blog-iVerse" of my Blogs.

In 2020, I came up with the following novel ideas during the year of the novel virus as highlighted in the blog links

We shall see if any of these ideas become popular. 

If Isaac Newton can invent gravity during his lock-down ??, I can try to come up with novel ideas.  Of course, Isaac Newton stuck an ice pick into his eye socket to see what would happen. Actually it was Albert Einstein that invented gravity. My jokes are heavy and warped. Fun fact about Einstein and related to lock-down, he Rarely Changed His Clothes. “Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve” - John Wheeler, so I will move on with this blog and stop with the humor - or lack there of.

I write these blogs for myself. Many times it is to capture ideas and thoughts I think are interesting to me, I do not want to forget, to put out in the digital universe to see if others have a similar interest and what to engage with me, to help me to prepare for a public presentation I will be giving and maybe to meet a new friend or colleague. I do not edit for the readers so you can expect rambling thoughts and grammar errors (I repeated 3rd grade and was still getting D’s and F’s in spelling in 6 grade before getting straight A’s in 7th grade – my GPA at Purdue in BSEE as 5.63 on a 6 point scale – sometimes it take time to figure life out) but I hope the reader receives some interesting insights from time to time. I try to be funny from time to time – very few people get my humor but it is fun for me when they do. Sadly, my humor is a lot like my Dad’s (how I wished he was here to tell me his jokes).  

I am pleased when my progressive friends and my conservative friends both like a blog I write. I try to write so you are not sure what side of the argument I am on.  I write to try to bring unity to a troubled world and make the world a little better each day. I write to provide insight so I can come to a conclusion and I am hopeful it helps the reader to gain insight into various views on a subject as well.

It is insightful to me looking back on my past blogs, my thoughts and ideas – where I was in the moment and where I thought the future may lead. As you can read, I really need an editor. That will be the job for my Digital Twin in a few years.

2020 has made me more grateful for the friends and family I have. In 2020, I have engaged with a lot of new people virtually through zoom and other video platforms. I met a new friend in 2020 that I have never met in person – a virtual friend. I hope she is real ??, I hope she gets my humor. She is an expert in VR and education.  I sent the following email to her after one of our discussions:

I am grateful for our discussion today, our discussions may meander a but “they just keep going” and are “full of rhythm and flow that magnifies life.”  Per the discussion about being the same person from our past, I am reminded of the quote “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” Heraclitus,

None of us can be the same person twice, for with time, health, experiences and a meandering world, we are not the same – sometimes for the better but with age usually for the worst. We need to just keep going as long as we can be here, to be as “full of rhythm and flow that magnifies life” as possible whatever our circumstance may be – “to spark across the gap.

I like this quote from Sir Thomas More in the Movie Man for all Seasons “I will not give in, because I oppose it. Not my pride, not my spleen, nor any other of my appetites, but I do, I. Is there, in the midst of all this muscle, no sinew that serves no appetite... of Norfolk's, but is just Norfolk?”

Another quote I like “Amy published a memoir in the form of an encyclopedia called Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. That book ends, “I was here, you see. I was.” Another sentence that once it becomes true, never stops being true. … We live in hope--that life will get better, and more importantly that it will go on, that love will survive even though we will not. As Emily Dickinson put it, hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all. And we are here because we’re here because we’re here because we’re here.” – John Green

I believe in each of us that in the mist of our best of times and worst of times, our physical and mental health, our muscle, sinew, appetite... in each of us is a soul that makes us unique and special – that “spark across the gap.”

I try to read at least on book a week and I am reading one on mindfulness. On a walk with a friend on Dec 31st (I do have more than just virtual friends), we discussed mindfulness and how to be more aware of our surroundings during our walk. We also played the “You-iVerse game” I came with (See the blog: Your Digital Twin – The You-iVerse Game – Mirror Mirror on the Wall https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/your-digital-twin-you-iverse-game-mirror-wall-doug-hohulin/) I learned a few new things about my friend. That is the joy of friendship.  I told her I was grateful for our friendship and the past year. When you are in a state of mindfulness, it is easier to be in a spirit of gratitude.

Reviewing my blogs of 2020, I had times of optimism and despair, hope and pessimism. In spite of reading all of Peter Zeihan books this year and especially the last one Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World. I am still optimistic of what the future holds, the optimism of Peter Diamandis as expressed in the book: The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives.

See this blog: A tale of 2 Peters: What will the next 20 years look like? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/tale-2-peters-what-next-20-years-look-like-doug-hohulin/

I believe a darkest hour allows for a finest hour. We shall see if 2021 will be humanities finest hour, 2020 seemed to be one of our darkest.

Here’s to a brighter future in 2021 and beyond.

2020 Blogs 

Your Digital Twin – The You-iVerse Game – Mirror Mirror on the Wall


STEAMS – sports, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and science


From Zoomers (Gen-Z) to Voomers (Gen-V) – From the “Digital Native” Generation to the “Virtual Native” Generation


The Most Novel Human: What AI and IA Will Teach Us About Being Alive - What did you do “novel” in 2020?


5G/6G, Telepresence, Telenetworking and Digital Twining


Digital Twin – Understanding the Ghost in the Machine https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/digital-twin-understanding-ghost-machine-doug-hohulin/

The risk and reward of technology – will 5G hurt you? will AV technology hurt you? the shark in the water.


China 1st 6G satellite? Are humans 7G BTS? ~30 THz ~100 Watts, Is the Eye Hyper Massive MIMO?


Information of Waymo’s L4 and Tesla's L2 AV Systems – How to Design a Safer Road System with AV Technology


When will there be 1 Billion people with invasive BMI (brain machine interface)? Neuralink August 28 - The 6G Physical-Digital-Biological World


Are you afraid? No, I am concern for myself and those around me and for the least healthy and the world economy.


2020 - A Year Without ...


70 Days that Changed the World & the Next 5 Years


COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on the global economy - list of reports


Making a healthier and safer world – Pandemics That Changed History & Information Technology to Solve Diseases, Accidents & Pollution


When will there be 1 Billion Smart Robots in Space? & 1 Billion Humans in Space?


Making a healthier and safer world - the coronavirus & 1.35 million people die each year from road traffic crashes - 3,700 every day


2019 Blogs and earlier

Future of AR/VR, 5G and Transportation: When Will We Achieve 1B 5G and AV/VR Users? Digital Twinning & First COPX Climate Change Conference in VR?


Mustang Mach E v CyberTruck v Y v Other EV – The Best EV/AV Vehicle for Me in 2020


A tale of 2 Peters: What will the next 20 years look like?


1959/1989 "Game-Changer" - Cystic Fibrosis/CML – 30/40 year journeys of hard work to solve how the body fails.


ML/AI, HI (human intelligence) IA (Intelligence Augmentation) to Solve how the body fails – Centaur Drug Discovery.


Publish date October 26, 2019October 26, 2019

6G - Transportation - My first experience with Business VR - VirBELA! – scalable, sustainable & salubrious - saving time, treasure and Terra Earth


NHTSA’s Automated Driving Systems (ADSs – SAE International Automation Levels 3-5) Voluntary Safety Self-Assessment (VSSA) November 11, 2018


Safe Driving - Bonding between Teenagers and Grandparents at Thanksgiving while Saving Money (~$500) and Lives (Reducing Car Accidents)


Commercialization of Space & Spectrum Policy July 10, 2018


Making the Future Great – Again: What Makes a Great Society? Country? School? Class? Sports Team? (Go Chiefs) Business? Family? Future?


Future of AR/VR, 5G and Transportation: When Will We Achieve 1B 5G and AV/VR Users? Digital Twinning & First COPX Climate Change Conference in VR? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/future-arvr-5g-transportation-when-we-achieve-1b-avvr-doug-hohulin/

6G - Transportation - My first experience with Business VR - VirBELA! – scalable, sustainable & salubrious - saving time, treasure and Terra Earth


The Next Big Bang - The ending of the Holocene Epoch and beginning of the Anthropocene – or what happens when you release ~200 Zettajoules quickly.

The dinosaurs did not do well when the earth consumed an extra 420 zettajoules of energy quickly. How will the earth do when humans use 200 zettajoules in next 100 years?

We need to Engineer a Scalable, Sustainable & Salubrious Way! https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/next-big-bang-ending-holocene-epoch-beginning-what-happens-hohulin/

Mustang Mach E v CyberTruck v Y v Other EV – The Best EV/AV Vehicle for Me in 2020 https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/mustang-mach-e-v-cybertruck-other-evs-have-love-travel-doug-hohulin/

A tale of 2 Peters: What will the next 20 years look like? https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/tale-2-peters-what-next-20-years-look-like-doug-hohulin/

1959/1989 "Game-Changer" - Cystic Fibrosis/CML – 30/40 year journeys of hard work to solve how the body fails.


We Choose this Race: How 5G and AV Can Help Humanity April 11, 2018


Brave New Shared World

Publish date March 31, 2018

Dedicated Public Servants – Defending against all threats, foreign and domestic

Publish date March 11, 2018

WHICH LEADER DO YOU ADMIRE MOST? Promoting Diversity: Women's History Month – Thoughts on a Safer Road System

Publish date March 5, 2018

Ad astra per aspera - vel technologias; a vision of the future by a Rational Sanguine Futurist who is working to be a Wizard

Publish date January 28, 2018

Are You Smarter than your Grandparents? Intelligence X - Intelligence Augmentation IA- Collaborated

Publish date November 28, 2017

A 5G Communication System for a 5G Transportation System

Publish date November 16, 2017

Good HFE / HMI or the “Driving World of Babel” of Confusion and Distractions

Doug Hohulin on LinkedIn

Publish date October 8, 2017

Entropy & Complexity – Similarities between the Universe and Humanity and Thoughts on Free Will

Publish date July 23, 2017

Free Will & Determinism: Trajectory & Inevitability - Part 1

Publish date July 16, 2017

My Reading List - by a Rational Sanguine Futurist who is Working to be a Wizard

Publish date July 16, 2017

Mary Meeker’s 2017 Internet Trends report

Publish date June 1, 2017 

War or Peace - One War at a Time

Publish date May 3, 2017

Solving the World’s Problems – R&D – The Next Moonshot

Publish date March 25, 2017

152 views of your article

The Dream - Joining Hands in Unity

Publish date January 15, 2017

Transformation – The Rise of the Autonomous Vehicles in 2016 and the State of the AV Industry

Publish date December 29, 2016

Autonomous Vehicles & Ethics - the A.I. Trolley Problem and Socialism

Publish date July 6, 2016

Internet trends report | Mary Meeker, KPCB | Code Conference 2016

Publish date June 3, 2016

Space Time – Game Changers - The Door into Summer - thoughts on R&D

Publish date March 27, 2016March 27, 2016

Your Life Matters – “meeting physical force with soul force”

Publish date March 12, 2016

Vote Yourself a War - Thoughts on Real Leadership

Publish date February 28, 2016

Connected & Self-Driving Cars - Transforming the Transportation Industry and Society

Publish date January 7, 2016

Reducing Entropy, Improving Efficiency, IoT and Getting Rid of Things for 2016

Publish date December 26, 2015

Because in the end, “there is nothing on this screen that matters.”

Publish date October 16, 2015   

A Genetic Carol – the Ghosts of Genetics Past, Present and Future

Publish date August 28, 2015

6 Minute War in the Middle East - Or - Education, Prosperity and Peace

Publish date August 2, 2015

IoT or IfP: Internet for People - “nothing on this screen matters.”

Publish date July 25, 2015

Hubble before the void – changing unknown unknowns in known knowns

Publish date April 13, 2015

Great Experiments: Junk Food; Junk Energy

Publish date March 17, 2015

Self-Driving Cars, Horseless Carriage, Wireless Phones and A.I. (E.I.?)

Publish date March 6, 2015

“What important truth do very few people agree with you on?”

Publish date February 10, 2015

The Emotions of Faith, Family, Pharmacy and Phones - Why We Text

Publish date February 7, 2015

Actionable Information, Wearables, IoT and Seeing a Doctor?

Publish date January 20, 2015

Thoughts on MLK, the 19th Amendment and Voting

Publish date January 14, 2015

Stupid Questions Doctors Ask and “What Matters in the End”

Publish date December 23, 2014

The Bad News that Everyone Will Get: Unless They Are 1st Hit by a Bus

Publish date December 19, 2014   

The value of a horrible job - especially when you are young

Publish date December 13, 2014

Solving for pain - the pursuit of Happiness

Publish date October 18, 2014

Internet of Things (IoT) - Enchanted Objects, Hype and Hope and Thoughts on the Future

Publish date September 4, 2014

“I do not know” or “The question is indeterminate”

Publish date August 31, 2014

"Humans Need Not Apply" and "what Artificial Intelligence Teaches Us about Being Alive"

Publish date August 21, 2014

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