Those were the exact words told to us upon entering the basic school, words to set expectations, words to invite, words to intimidate, and words to motivate. In phases of our lives, we are indeed the lowest of the low, but how much more can point-zero take away from us?
To have the reputation and all credentials taken away is both demoralizing and liberating. Yet with nothing to lose, you now have more to gain. Experience and learn, take notice and earn; this is what the lowest have taught me, in this case, willingly being low.
Yet being low does not give you a pass to be mediocre or another pawn. You may be the lowest in the food chain, but you can and should be the greatest of your kind. Call me a small dog among wolves, but this small dog can fight; this small dog will fight.
The lowest mammal on the food chain, but the greatest among the low. Is there value to that? Maybe so. Remember that natural selection favored those that managed to evolve, those that evolved managed to adapt, and those that adapted managed to be greater than their kind.
I may be the lowest mammal on this food chain, but I will strive to be the greatest of my kind. Not to compete or compare but to be great, adapt, and evolve. Wherever you are placed, you can be benevolently developing with that mentality.