1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - Slavery Runs Through It -
In case folks don't understand....
(response to offended folks about the truth...SLAVES BUILT THIS SHIT...from the rooter to the tooter WHITE HOUSE included)
I think the issue is....that the history you so love and cherish is being re-written and for some completely erased! It is such a privilege to look back and honor the accomplishments of the people that came before you - to recognize that where you sit today is based off of the hard work of people probably not alive today! While you can do that and be proud of it - for a lot of people that history is pain filled and the trauma of it being dismissed and not even acknowledge is just as injurious as the first act.
Furthermore, the point of acknowledging the history of the white house being built by slaves is to fully understand that this country at its very core was built upon a system that disenfranchised, killed, raped, murdered, and excluded some of its citizens. These citizens did not have any freedoms and were and continue to be considered less than, but this rich history clearly WHEN TOLD IN FULL, and not just the comfortable pretty parts, cannot escape the essential and critical contributions of BLACK people.
All of the other groups you outlined DID help build, but none were forced - and all of them were compensated in some capacity commensurate with their labor.
So please do not feel shame for the racist past of this country - but do not dismiss nor erase the racist past of this country. For it is racism that opened the doors for so many white people to enjoy the fruits of their own labor, but also the labor of other folks who were NEVER compensated for it!
So while the White House may have been renovated, the foundations literal and metaphorical still remain - it was built upon a system of slavery that has aided the wealth and development of this country and its white citizens far greater than any other group