16 Steps To Accept Change And Moving On In Life
As per my professional experience and my learning, we do not fear change, embrace it and view it as a positive force in our life.?
Here I am going to share 16 steps to help to accept?change ?and move on in life in this dynamic and changing world.?????
1) Be Ready For It?
You must have a clear picture of the change and if you think that change is vital for your growth, then go ahead and adopt it.
Always start small, and do it on a routine basis, starting is a tough job be after regular practice of 21 days, it will come into your habit.
Read good books like?Tiny Habits? and adopt methods to make change practices.?
Do certain practices to change, making it more manageable when big changes come, and when you see the differences you will be ready for more.?
2) Visualize The Value Of Change ?
We all are human, we know our nature and we can do anything just for nothing, we always expect some results, and value benefits out of our actions.?
We are always excited about the great changes like getting married, moving or going to college, buying a home, and becoming a father but some changes require reflection.?
3) Be Proactive?
Be proactive to complete the change process and for this, you have to be proactive and keep acquiring current skills, expertise, etc.?
A proactive strategy is always fruitful and gives you the required results.?
A good strategy is to be aware of your situation by asking questions yourself like what is your mission, purpose, weakness, and hurdles in your ways this will contribute to understanding change and assist you to build skills and expertise.?
4) Think About the opportunities?
Change is an essential step in the growth process and moving in life by embracing change is about having the right mindset.?
Being passionately curious and committed the change always seeing the untapped opportunities and advantages in a given situation.?
5) Follow Your Dream?
You should follow your dream and do what you want because your optimum performance is possible when you are deeply engaged with your job.
Your commitment, confidence, performance, belief, incremental improvement, etc at high and give you maximum satisfaction.?
6) Allow The Changes To Explore Your Strengths?
Changes bring opportunities so your acceptance of change can transform you and explore your untapped strengths.
Change is a part of life and vital for exploring new things in life and building unique characteristics.?
7) Develop A Positive Belief System?
Develop a positive belief system that will benefit you in all parts of your life and keep you stay focused and engaging in your change process.
The positive belief system is the lifeblood of your decision-making, interacting, introducing changes, and always expecting a positive result.?
A positive belief system can be developed through self-belief, hard work, being book-ready, relationships with good people, and developing a positive environment.?
8) Trained Yourself For Self Affirmation?
Self-affirmation so that you can be more confident and raise self-esteem.
Self-affirmation can create strong willpower and mentally prepare for change.?
Trained yourself for self-affirmation through practice, a positive belief system, hard work, and?learning.
9) Deliberate Practice And Stay Motivated?
Deliberate practice is referring effortless in nature with the aim of personal development of performance but not enjoyment and without immediate reward.?
10) Drive The Change?
Be action-oriented and do all needed that help in the change process and assure the change process’s success.
Put your maximum to make the change successful and enjoy the success of your hard work.
11) Concentration And Focus
You must concentrate on your target and make all your efforts to make it happen.
Your level of focus will directly impact the change process successfully and you to be precise and give your best.
12) Connect With Accountability Partner?
Nobody is perfect and everyone is scared of change so make accountability partners and do more follow your accountability partner for improved and growing results.?
It will help you in tracking performance, identifying improvement areas, a reason to celebrate good things.
13) Achievable Roadmap To Change?
The roadmap is key to success and the roadmap of how to change will save your time, and labor and boost your confidence.
The most effective way to achieve this result is a timeline and strategy.
You must develop an action plan along with a clear mindset on how the change may be maintained creating effective habits.
Your success in accepting change is much dependent on your roadmap so that you can move on in your life.
14) Make Change As An Adventure?
What I have experienced about accepting change we all are scared and worried but we should not make it a hard job, make it simple, amusing, learn, and think for growth.?
15)?Review Progress And Analyze The Results
You must track and analyze the results in terms of progress, and completeness, and requires things to be complete that will make you more precisely able to accept the change.
16) Never underestimate your power to change yourself ( H.Jackson Brown Jr)
Never underestimate the power to change yourself and keep thinking and performing beyond your boundary.
Jeff Keller’s?book?“Attitude is everything?“that can help you to adopt new things and change yourself as per your goals.
Why accept change ?
You have to accept change only give us benefits, new experience, new learning, and opportunities, and motivates us for the better.?
Take the help of good books, watch videos of famous people about change, and learn from big changes.?
Move-in life by accepting changes and keep exploring opportunities.?