16 Startup Mistakes You Should Avoid at Any Cost
Every business should have a business plan, it is not mandatory, but it is a need. Showing irresponsibility can be hard for your business's future. Here is a list of some common startup mistakes you should avoid to boost up your business-
#1. Not Validating the Business Model before Investing.
#2. Not Adjusting to What Customers Want.
#3. Starting Other Businesses too soon.
#4. Not having a Clear Elevator Pitch.
#5. Focusing on Revenue instead of Profits & Not having a clear Revenue Model.
#6. Looking at marketing as an Expense vs. Investment.
#7. Expanding Fast into other Markets without Systems.
#8. Not Delegating Tasks Sooner.
#9. Following the Industry Norm vs. having a Unique Selling proportion.
#10. Shiny Object Syndrome Distracting from Your Core Business.
#11. Taking the Eye off Receivables.
#12. Getting Distracted Working In Your Business vs. On Your Business.
#13. Burning the Candle & thus Burning Out.
#14. Not Celebrating Minor Successes & only Focusing on Problems.
#15. Not Pre-marketing Sooner and Not Measuring Marketing Returns.
#16. Not Learning to Step Away & Reflect to Control Emotional Reactions.
#17. Not Understanding the Power of Networking and being Careless about your Contact data management.
There is no wonder in it, we all make mistakes, but we should learn and try not to repeat them, this is an actual sign of wise business man.