[16] Subconscious Mind - Risk & Wonders
(Psyche, 2018)

[16] Subconscious Mind - Risk & Wonders

One Line Summary: Achieving goals less effortlessly influencing our subconscious mind, consciously.

One Paragraph Summary:

Our primitive brain is so easily influenced by our environment. Our primal needs are easily triggered, and marketers, behavioral scientists, etc. know this and use it against our best interests to benefit corporations and companies. The good thing is that when we become aware of how our unconscious and subconscious mind work we can place the required boundaries and take back control of our life. And furthermore, we can influence our subconscious and delegate work to it.


One of the key things scientists about the subconscious mind want to address is:

“What we think we′ll do vs What we actually do”

Basically, what fascinates behavioral scientists and brain/mind specialists is

“Why we constantly do things that are not in our best interest?”

Big corporations and companies invest millions of dollars to know more about this and use it to their advantage to basically manipulate us to buy and consume their products.

John Bargh, the author Before You Know It (Bargh, 2017), states that we are:

  • Unaware of the effect of the influence of situation or event has on our choices and behavior
  • Unaware of the operation of a mental process such as a goal, or unaware of the effects this process has on us

To understand better our mind, the following picture can be helpful:

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(Sharma, 2020)

The difference between Conscious, Unconscious and Subconscious minds in simple words are:

  • Conscious is to be aware, intentional and responsive.
  • Unconscious, refers to being unaware, unintentional or performing something without realizing. Processes in the mind that occur automatically and are not easily available to introspection (i.e. special therapy or specific techniques are required).
  • The subconscious is the stage of mind between the conscious mind and unconscious mind. The part of our mind that is not currently in focal awareness. Subconscious memory or automatic skills examples are: breathing, typing, driving, recalling our phone number, etc. Skills that have been acquired by repetition that do not require our conscious awareness/focus.

Our brain is so powerful that can process lots of information from our environment really fast and act according to “our best interest” to pursue a specific GOAL.

Now the “problem” is our “Active Goals”, that they can be consciously chosen or unconsciously chosen or influenced by our environment.

Active Goals Change:

  • What we notice and pay attention to. Directs selective attention, makes us more sensitive to goal relevant information
  • Our Preferences and Evaluations. Evaluates events, people (e.g. friends), stimuli in term of whether they help or harm the goal
  • Our risk assessments and choices.
  • Our behavior (or guides our behaviour) towards goal. Our values and philosophy.
  • The processes that help the goal (making it more efficient), and removes efficient processes that hinder it (e.g. implicit attitudes change in order to facilitate goal pursuit)

And here are some of the real-life triggers of Unconscious Goal Pursuit:

  • Common, naturally occurring contexts. Studies have shown that people behave differently and express different moralities and values depending on the context they are (e.g. Work vs Home)
  • Mere thought about significant others (e.g. making our mother proud could be a trigger to make us work harder)
  • Words and pictures associated with the goal – e.g. Healthy brochures in supermarket
  • Power – Authority
  • Threats and need states (primary or primal needs, e.g. physical safety, hunger, physical warmth, etc.)
  • Emotions

An important point to take here is that:

“The Goal seems to Justify the Means (conscious or unconsciously!)”

And that′s why in many occasions we end up doing things we know (later or in the moment) are not good for us in the long term. Because we are wired to do so, or primed to do so by our environment.

Now how can we use this knowledge to our benefit?

  • Set your important goals, and let the unconscious work and reap the benefits.
  • Have clear intentions. It is important to have clear beliefs, values and purposes. Stabilize your motivation and goal intention.
  • Delegate tasks to the unconscious/subconscious minds. Start early. Take breaks. Meditate.
  • Develop positive habits and let your subconscious take care of it.
  • Use Priming wisely (motivational vision board?, Talisman, etc.)
  • Take care of your environment (family, friends, social media, news, etc.). “what you see is what you do”
  • Be the example! Good deeds and acts are literally contagious!

References and/or Recommended Resources:

  • Bargh, J. (2017). Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do.
  • Psyche, J. (2018). Your Hidden Unconscious Mind. https://journalpsyche.org/your-hidden-unconscious-mind/
  • Sharma, G. (2020). A transcendental phenomenological study of happiness as experienced by the Sadhus. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.32906.49607

Credit to:

John Bargh for his wonderful lectures in the Neuro Change Practitioner Program and his book “Before your Know It”

Dr. Zuly Jacob

Individual and Marital Counsellor - Parent Educator - Parent Coach at Mi Amor Sana

9 个月

Yoshi, how much should I pay you to use some of your fantastic images?



