The 16 Personalities of the Office
Abisekh Kumar J V
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Welcome to the wonderful world of office personalities, where everyone fits neatly into one of 16 categories. Inspired by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), this guide will help you navigate the colourful spectrum of coworkers you encounter daily.
1. The INTJ – The Mastermind
Ah, the INTJ. They’re the ones who believe they’re always the smartest in the room, and they’re probably right. Just ask them. Their natural habitat? Plotting world domination or, more realistically, silently judging the inefficiencies of the office coffee machine.
2. The INTP – The Thinker
INTPs are the idea generators. They’ll come up with brilliant solutions to problems you didn’t even know existed. Execution, though? That’s for lesser mortals. Their desk is a shrine to half-read books and unfinished projects, a testament to their boundless curiosity and attention span of a goldfish.
3. The ENTJ – The Commander
These are your classic overachievers. ENTJs live by the motto, “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” They’ll bulldoze through obstacles and people alike, all in the name of efficiency. They see the office as a battleground, and every meeting is a strategic maneuver. Godspeed to anyone who gets in their way.
4. The ENTP – The Debater
If there’s one thing ENTPs love, it’s an argument. They don’t care which side they’re on as long as there’s a debate to be had. They’re the reason meetings run over and why “devil’s advocate” is a role taken way too seriously. Pro tip: never challenge them to a game of verbal ping-pong unless you’ve had your coffee.
5. The INFJ – The Advocate
INFJs are the idealists who genuinely believe they can make the office a better place. Their empathy and insight are unparalleled, but their disdain for office politics is palpable. They’re often found meditating in the break room, trying to channel their inner zen amidst the chaos.
6. The INFP – The Mediator
INFPs are the sensitive souls of the office. They’re the ones who remember everyone’s birthdays and bring gluten-free, dairy-free, joy-free cupcakes to the party. They’ll listen to your woes with a sympathetic ear, all while silently contemplating the existential meaning of your TPS reports.
7. The ENFJ – The Protagonist
Natural-born leaders, ENFJs are here to inspire and motivate. They’re the office cheerleaders, organizing team-building activities and sending out motivational quotes. Their enthusiasm is contagious, though sometimes you wish it was less… intense. Particularly at 8 AM on a Monday.
8. The ENFP – The Campaigner
ENFPs are the life of the office party. Their energy and creativity know no bounds. They’re the ones brainstorming wild ideas and convincing you to join the company’s new ukulele club. Their infectious optimism can brighten even the dreariest of days—or exhaust you completely.
9. The ISTJ – The Logistician
The ISTJ is the rock of the office. Dependable, practical, and detail-oriented, they’re the ones who actually read the company policy manual. Twice. They’re not big on change or surprises, so keep your spontaneous flash mobs and last-minute project overhauls far, far away.
10. The ISFJ – The Defender
ISFJs are the unsung heroes of the office. They’re supportive, reliable, and the glue that holds everything together. They’ll remember how you like your coffee and cover for you when you’re late. Just don’t mistake their kindness for weakness; their spreadsheets are meticulously lethal.
11. The ESTJ – The Executive
ESTJs are the office’s enforcers of order. Rules are their bread and butter, and efficiency is their middle name. They’ll organize the supply closet and color-code the filing system, all while managing to lead the team to victory. Just don’t try to bend the rules, or you’ll face their wrath.
12. The ESFJ – The Consul
ESFJs are the social butterflies of the office. They thrive on interaction and harmony, making sure everyone feels included. They’ll organize the office potluck and ensure there’s something for everyone. Just be prepared for a few too many hugs and “How are you really feeling?” conversations.
13. The ISTP – The Virtuoso
ISTPs are the hands-on problem solvers. They’ll MacGyver a solution with a paperclip and some duct tape. They’re not big on meetings or paperwork but give them a practical challenge, and they’re in their element. Just don’t expect them to stick to a 9-to-5 schedule.
14. The ISFP – The Adventurer
ISFPs are the free spirits, the ones who bring a touch of artistry to the office. They’ll decorate their workspace with succulents and indie art prints. They’re spontaneous and unpredictable, which keeps things interesting but can drive their more structured colleagues up the wall.
15. The ESTP – The Entrepreneur
ESTPs are the risk-takers, always looking for the next big opportunity. They thrive in fast-paced environments and are natural-born salespeople. They’ll charm clients and colleagues alike, but their penchant for taking shortcuts can sometimes land them in hot water.
16. The ESFP – The Entertainer
Last but not least, the ESFP is the office entertainer. They’re the ones making jokes during meetings and planning after-work happy hours. Their zest for life is infectious, but their attention span rivals that of a caffeinated squirrel. Keep them entertained, and they’ll keep the office lively.