16 October 2023

16 October 2023


AFM could be used for early cancer diagnosis

A standardized procedure to measure the mechanical properties of cells with atomic force microscopy (AFM) could lead to a novel method for early cancer diagnosis.

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Credit: Ortiz-Catalan et al., Sci. Robot., 2023.

Optimizing the human–machine interface of prostheses

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a human–machine interface that improves the prosthetic connection to the residual limb, making it more comfortable and reliably effective. ?

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Study reveals genetic basis of evolution in Darwin’s finches

An international study comprising nearly 4000 Darwin’s finches reveals the genetic architecture of their adaptive traits.?

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Introducing Z to mRNA

Researchers have incorporated a base into mRNA that is not naturally present in the human body, producing mRNA that has decreased cytotoxicity compared to unmodified mRNA.???

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The gene expression changes behind Alzheimer’s disease

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have published four papers on the molecular changes underlying Alzheimer’s disease.

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Spatial biology: a collaboration between the biological sciences and information technologies

The first patent for spatial biology was filed in 2000 for a technique called Spatial Analysis of Genomic Activity, which received a US patent in 2009. This technique dates back to the 1990s and the launch of the Visible Embryo Project, which Mike Doyle (now the Vice President of Research at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, NM, USA) created and led for over 15 years.

Here, Mike shares how the VEP led to the advent of spatial genomics and considers the computational advancements that were needed to manage the large datasets required for spatial biology.

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