16 Literary Magazines Accepting Hybrid and Experimental Work - Paying Markets

16 Literary Magazines Accepting Hybrid and Experimental Work - Paying Markets

Hybrid writing encompases any literature that breaks down barriers. It can hop from one genre to another and fuse disparate forms, such as prose and poetry. Hybrids can blend fiction and nonfiction, experiment with novel approaches to plot and dialogue, employ lists, letters, or art to tell a story. If it defies categorization, it’s a hybrid.

If you are a writer who does not like to be hampered by the constraints of genre or style, here are more than a dozen literary magazines that are happy to pay for your untrammeled artistic expression.



Beestung is a quarterly online micro-magazine for non-binary and two-spirit writers and readers, with an emphasis on intracommunity sensibilities. beestung resists the canon and all forms of bigotry. Beestung considers poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, hybrids, and art, by creators who fall under the non-binary umbrella or who are two-spirit. Multilingual work and work in translation is welcome. Payment: $20.

Bennington Review

Bennington Review publishes innovative, intelligent, and moving fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, film writing, and cross-genre work. “we are particularly taken with writing that is simultaneously graceful and reckless.” Payment: $100 for prose of six typeset pages and under, $200 for prose of over six typeset pages, and $20 per poem. See submission periods.


Brink accepts a variety of creative work from Nonfiction to Fiction, from Poetry to Translation, as well as hybrid work that falls into the cross-genre category of Evocations. “We are looking for contributions that engage both the particular theme of each issue as well as the idea of being on the brink.” Payment: $25 — $100. Brink has two reading periods: February 1 — March 31 and July 1 — August 31.


Foglifter is a biannual compendium of queer and trans writing. It’s a space where LGBTQ+ writers celebrate, mourn, rage, and embrace. “Foglifter welcomes daring and thoughtful work by queer and trans writers in all forms, and we are especially interested in cross-genre, intersectional, marginal, and transgressive work. We want the pieces that challenged you as a writer, what you poured yourself into and risked the most to make. But we also want your tenderest, gentlest work, what you hold closest to your heart. Whatever you’re working on now that’s keeping you alive and writing, Foglifter wants to read it.” Payment: $25.

Gordon Square Review

Gordon Square Review considers short stories, personal essays, and hybrid prose works. Please submit one piece of prose up to 5,000 words OR up to three flash pieces of 1,000 words or fewer (attached in a single document). Their focus and aesthetic is literary. Payment: $25 per prose piece and $10 per poem. See submission periods.


Lammergeier publishes poetry, fiction and nonfiction. “Have a piece you think doesn’t quite fit into the previous three categories (or is a combination of said genres)? Feel free to send it in as hybrid. Submit either one piece of up to 5,000 words or less or up to three flash pieces of 1,000 words or less or equivalent audio/visual material. (Hybrids will be considered with nonfiction submissions for featured writer submissions until further notice).” Payment: $25. See submission periods.

MARY: A Journal of New Writing

MARY: A Journal of New Writing is a student run online arts journal sponsored by Saint Mary’s College of California’s MFA in Creative Writing program. MARY accepts previously unpublished fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and hybrid genres. Please send no more than five poems or 15 pages of fiction or nonfiction per submission period. “We like weird and risky and humming a little.” Payment: $50.

Neon Hemlock

Neon Hemlock is a Washington, DC-based small press publishing queer speculative fiction magazines and chapbooks, as well as queer speculative fiction novellas and anthologies. Novellas are distributed in paperback and ebook formats. They ask for exclusive Worldwide English rights. They do not ask for audio rights. Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural, Slipstream, & Weird. Hybrid work or difficult to categorize novellas are also welcome. Payment: Advance+Royalties option or a Royalties Only option for novellas. Payment for short work varies. See submission periods.

Ninth Letter

Ninth Letter is published semi-annually in print at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. They are interested in prose and poetry that experiment with form, narrative, and nontraditional subject matter, as well as more traditional literary work. Payment: $25 per printed page, with a maximum payment of $150. No submission fee during November and December.

No Niin

No Niin publishes works in a variety of forms: text from different genres, video, photography, podcasts, comics and hybrids of all kinds. Payment: €150–250 for fiction (short story, a short play or short script); €100–200 for poems; €150–350 for essays, articles, exhibition reviews, manifestos, letters; €150–300 for interviews; they also pay for memes, illustrations, comics, photos, videos, podcasts, and playlists.

The Offing

The Offing publishes personal essays, memoir, art, enumerate, back of the envelope. “The Offing publishes work that challenges, experiments, provokes — work that pushes literary and artistic forms and conventions. The Offing is a place for new and emerging writers to test their voices, and for established writers to test their limits.” Payment: $25–$100.

Scrawl Place

Scrawl Place accepts CNF, Fiction, Poetry, Hybrids. Length: 900 words max. “Scrawl Place is part visitor’s guide, part literary journal. “The audience for this online publication is the guest, the visitor, the traveler, the day-tripper, the out-of-towner, and the in-towners eager to wander. I’m looking for submissions about “places in the places” where you live or where you’ve visited.” The only fixed criteria is that your submission be about or connected to or associated with a specific, physical place that someone could visit. The more specific the place, the better. How that manifests in terms of content, style and form is up to you. The place you write about could be a Wonder of the World, a random street corner that means something to you, or anything in between.” Submit up to 3 pieces at a time. Payment: $35.


Shrapnel is a Canadian literary magazine that publishes experimental writing from emerging writers in the genres of fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, and poetry. They are also interested in publishing graphic narratives and comics, as well as transgenre work that is not easily categorized. Payment: All fiction, CNF, and essay publications are paid $25; original artwork for stories and comics are paid $20; and poetry, book reviews, interviews, and columns are paid $15. On top of their rates for written work, there is an additional $5 for writers who are able to record themselves reading their piece.


SmokeLong publishes flash narratives: fiction, nonfiction, and hybrid up to 1000 words. This word limit is firm. They do not consider poetry. “We are not interested in works previously published in online magazines. Pieces published only on your personal web site or blog will be considered, but inform us of this in your cover letter. Translated work must also be previously unpublished in the original language.” Payment: $50.

Storm Cellar

Storm Cellar is a nationally distributed, independent literary arts magazine rooted in the Midwest, appearing in print and ebook editions. They publish fiction, poetry, art/images/graphics, and hybrid work. For hybrid works, send up to 15 pages and pick a home genre. “We want your prose, poems, chimeras, and ideas penned on envelopes in buses and train cars. The magazine aims to publish amazing work by new and established writers and artists, present a range of styles and approaches, and be as un-boring as it can. If you write one thing to be read while waiting for the all-clear to sound, send it here.” Payment: $10

Whose Pleasure is it Anyway?

Whose Pleasure is it Anyway? is a digital collection of essays, interviews, poems, visual art, film, music, and multimedia/hybrid works that will explore the feminist pleasures that activate or infuriate us. “We’re looking for grouchy and disobedient desires, feral and exploratory delights, and playful and improvisational delectations. We’re looking for pieces that firmly place pleasure at the centre of their aesthetics, poetics, or politics. Submissions that laugh, tickle, and shriek in the face of frivolity, shame, and institutionalization highly encouraged.” *Please note that Canthius celebrates poetry and prose by women, trans men, nonbinary, Two-Spirit, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming writers. Payment: $50 for traditional works (up to three poems, one essay, one story, or one visual art piece with an artist statement), and $100 for multimedia works.

Like this article? For more articles about the publishing world, useful tips on how to get an agent, agents who are looking for clients, how to market and promote your work, building your online platform, how to get reviews, self-publishing, as well as publishers accepting manuscripts directly from writers (no agent required) visit Publishing and Other Forms of Insanity.


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