16 Feb 2023: Green Hydrogen in South Africa, New Rules on Bank Accounts in Angola, and Medical Information in Ghana.
Angola - by Miranda Alliance
New rules on opening, operation and closure of bank accounts
Order No. 1/23, of 30 January, of the National Bank of Angola approved new rules for the opening, maintenance, operation and closure of bank accounts by natural and legal persons. ?Continue reading
Ghana - by Bentsi-Enchill Letsa & Ankomah?
Medical Information in Employment Contracts
It is unlikely that employees will voluntarily submit medical information to employers. Employees run the risk of medical information being disclosed to third parties without their consent, as well as the possibility of workplace discrimination from their employers and/or co-workers because of their medical status. While the law protects the privacy of medical information of employees, there are instances under which an employer is permitted to access such information for the employee’s benefit. This article highlights the right to privacy of medical information in the employment setting. ?Continue reading
South Africa - by CMS
Ambitious projects are under way to produce green hydrogen in South Africa ?
This energy source is one of the most promising potential solutions to SA’s electricity crisis. In recognition of the global proliferation of sustainable energy, and considering COP27 and SA’s international law obligations under the Paris Agreement, the country is strengthening its contributions and efforts towards climate change mitigation. These steps are crucial if we are to have a clean, affordable, sustainable and bright energy future. In addition, investing in clean energy has the potential to boost economic growth and the attainment of social justice in the country. ?Continue reading
State-owned Société Congolaise des Postes et Télécommunications (SCPT) presents a smart franking machine at the Salon Congo de Pullman, launching the digitisation of DRC’s postal services in collaboration with France-based mailing equipment and business process automation company Quadient.
European energy commissioner Kadri Simson stresses the importance of the strong partnership between Egypt and the European Union in the field of new and renewable energy and green hydrogen in an interview on the sidelines of her visit to Cairo to participate in the Egypt Petroleum Show.
C?te d'Ivoire
C?te d'Ivoire prepares a decree to create regulations for the introduction of electric charging stations across the country as the government prepares to introduce electric vehicles into transport fleets.