16. "The Ethics of HR: Upholding Professional Standards in a Rapidly Evolving Industry"

16. "The Ethics of HR: Upholding Professional Standards in a Rapidly Evolving Industry"

HR Ethic thresholds and how to maintain them

Dear readers,

Moving every day faster, the dynamic nature of the HR industry demands from us all to always keep an eye on our practice's ethics and professional guidelines. It is after all a part of our job description to be just and fair to all and lead by example. My extensive experience in the HR sector, as well as OOP, have taught me the importance of upholding ethics promoting equity, honesty, and dignity within organizations at all times and how to measure and uphold them. Today let us explore together some key ethical issues which are typically faced by HR experts in their daily practice. Following each highlighted issue, I will be presenting practical and viable solutions, for sustaining professional standards amid ubiquitous change.

Fairness in Recruitment and Selection: Combating Bias and Discrimination

In the sector of human resources, ethics hold paramount significance when it comes to maintaining fairness throughout recruitment and selection norms. Any display of bias or discrimination within these procedures will essentially undermine the concepts of unity and equality, negating equal opportunities for every candidate. Henceforth, it revolves around HR professionals responsibilities to establish recruitment practices that are impartial and inclusive by design, truly fostering meritocracy while treating all candidates fairly.

What can be done:

a) To safeguard the principles of fairness during recruitment (blind recruitment), it's important to provide unconscious bias training for hiring managers and recruiters. This enables them to recognize their own biases in decision-making processes so they won't impede diverse workplace representation.?

b) Implementing structured interview processes with standardized question sets and evaluation criteria is imperative for a consistent hiring approach. This helps minimize prejudiced judgments, ensuring all candidates are judged based on identical standards.?Removing desired qualities that will create biases, is mandatory.

c) To prioritize diversity while recruiting, actively search out diverse talent by expanding recruitment channels like, job boards or school partnerships supported by organizations focused on promoting underrepresented groups within your industry or field.

Ethical Employee Relations: Promoting Respect and Fairness

To create an atmosphere of mutual trust between employees and their employer that promotes productivity, ethical employee relations must be prioritized. In this regard, HR professionals have an important role to play in promoting principles such as respect for all parties involved in the workplace interactions and equitable treatment, which will guarantee that everyone is treated fairly regardless of personal beliefs or background. Openness is a must, in communication with every member being given equal voice when addressing issues that matter, both at individual or organizational level.


a) Organizations must prioritize developing clear policies outlining expected behavior from each employee, while providing diverse conflict resolution mechanisms as well as ways for reporting wrongdoing. In order to promote harmony in the workplace and avoid misunderstandings regarding expectations, our organizational structure must prioritize regular communication sessions. All parties involved should have easy access to information about desired work conditions for optimal results.

b) Establishing confidential reporting channels when there are possible concerns about potential ethical misconduct, is an excellent way to promote a culture where employees feel safe reporting activities without fear of retaliation. By demonstrating commitment towards accountability, organizations can also encourage personnel participation and minimize risks associated with unethical actions.?

c) We must conduct regular training sessions on the importance of ethical practices in order to educate all our employees on the standards we uphold in the workplace. This will also serve as a reinforcement mechanism for promoting an ethical organizational culture.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Safeguarding Employee Information

It's imperative to maintain employee information's privacy and confidentiality as per ethical protocols in HR, considering local data protection laws. As new tech tools and data analysis gain momentum, HR professionals should handle sensitive employee data with discretionary oversight, restricting usage to legitimate ends only. Additionally, honest and transparent communication about the collection and storage practices will help build employees' trustworthiness.


a) When it comes down to ensuring confidentiality within stored databases, it's paramount that one establishes reliable policies further conformant with changing regulatory territory. These procedures outline how we must approach matters such as acquiring, storing, and accessing confidential material. This needs communication across organizational levels. Communication enables keeping up-to-date compliance closer at hand, including regular reviews which would be productive in accomplishing just this.

b) Data vulnerability audits (int. or ext.) done regularly will specifically identify areas where heightened vigilance is warranted. Complex security measures such as encryption techniques, access limitations and multi-factor authentication schemes, will come into play here to ensure that data stored remains as secure as possible.?

The incorporation of privacy values within company culture will most definitely have a beneficial effect.?

c) Towards this holistic end, a clear employee education program focusing on the importance of safeguarding personal and business information, alongside with their legal rights under current GEO targeted data protection laws, must be put in place.

In closing

HR's ethical practices are fundamental for upholding credibility, instilling employee trust, and propelling organizational triumph. It is crucial to maintain professional principles, steer ethical predicaments deftly, and mold a forthcoming where HR practices prioritize ethics and integrity. This can only be done if we (within the HR departments first) lead by example. Through a very brief field research on the HR sector in CY (and especially Limassol), does not seem that we are quite there just yet. There is still a long way to go, and a lot needs to be done but with the right attitude, I truly believe that nothing is impossible!

Thank you all for your precious time!

Sources that can be used to support and inspire my article:

  1. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2022). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/about-shrm/Pages/code-of-ethics.aspx
  2. Kavanagh, M. J., Gueutal, H. G., & Tannenbaum, S. I. (2012). HR ethics: An empirical study of individual judgments. Human Resource Management, 51(6), 851-872.
  3. Pulakos, E. D. (2015). Performance management: A new approach for driving business results. SHRM Foundation's Effective Practice Guidelines Series.
  4. Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (n.d.). Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/
  5. Jones, G. R., & Kavanagh, M. J. (2017). Human resource management (12th ed.). South-Western College Pub.
  6. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). (n.d.). Ethical Principles. Retrieved from https://www.siop.org/


On tomorrows version, article?PART 17. "The Intersection of Technology and HR: Adapting to the Digital Transformation"




Βασ?λειο? Ι. Ιωανν?δη? Ph.D. / CHRO-CHRBP / [ψ]的更多文章

