16 Books I'll read in 2022

16 Books I'll read in 2022

Hello. My name is Fernanda Abarca, I am UX designer by Senac S?o Paulo and PUC Rio Grande do Sul.?

We already know that a professional, especially when working in the IT area, must always be aware and updated both on what happens in the market and in its theoretical foundations.?

Note: since not all the books have English editions, I chose to use the titles in which they were published in Brazil.

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There are countless ways to keep up with this information: websites, forums, events... And, of course, books! ?That is why I am bringing here a post of the books I will read during 2022 - some of them I have already read, or I am reading - to share with you.?

Soon, I will possibly post reviews about them as well. Almost all titles have translations into other languages or were originally written in English. Let's go?

1. Arte e Mídia

Artificial Intelligence and digital culture. Is Art changing? Could it be the end of classical art? Author Priscila Arantes will talk to us about this theme, based on research, analysis, and interviews in an objective (though somewhat academic) language about the panorama of the development of the history of technology as an artistic medium in Brazil, after the 1990s, in which the connection of the arts with technological, scientific, and media means revisits discussions under the aesthetic, ethical, rational, and sociological points of view.

2. Design Digital

How do classical principles of graphic design such as form, color, and image apply to digital media? How can we use them in favor of user experience? This book discusses the theoretical aspects and production steps necessary to create digital interfaces. The book features illustrated examples, suggested reading, and valuable resources for any interface designer.

3. Imergindo no Mundo do Vídeo-Game

Why do people spend so much time playing video games? What holds their attention for hours without interruption? In narrative games, that is, those that have a story to be explored, the player is taken to a state beyond just concentration. He enters that reality in a way that his senses are stimulated from all sides. Besides the use of stories, navigation, characters, and objectives, games manage to isolate us from increasingly frenetic environments. Correctly activating the senses increases the chances of achieving this feeling of displacement and belonging in the imaginary world. This book helps to enter the universe of games for academic or game development purposes. The content presented unites a scientific research methodology and the experience generated by the practice of playing. Thus, the whole approach considers the main characteristic of games: the fun.

4. Walkscapes

Walking is a cognitive act. This book narrates a history of the perception of landscape through the act of walking: from the era of prehistoric nomads to the artistic avant-garde of the early 20th century. The author, Francesco Careri reviews some of the historical proposals that conceived the act of walking not only as a tool to configure the landscape, but as an autonomous art form, an aesthetic instrument of knowledge and physical modification of space, which becomes human intervention.

5. O Herói de Mil Faces

The hero's journey causes many mythological figures to have commonalities in their narratives. Universal folklore represents the various phases of the same story. The relationship between its timeless symbols and those detected in dreams by modern psychology is the starting point of the interpretation offered by Joseph Campbell, one of the greatest scholars of mythology in this must-have classic for understanding the hero's journey.

6. Design de Intera??o

The book takes an interdisciplinary and process-oriented approach to interaction design. It covers fashionable topics such as social networks and mobile devices. This book is very popular among design and technology students and professionals, and an ideal research source for learning the interdisciplinary skills needed for human-computer interaction, information design, UI/UX, and ubiquitous computing.

7. Use a Cabe?a HTML e CSS

Books about code are often boring and dull. But I really like the Use Your Head collection for bringing the subject in a fluid and easy-to-understand way - especially for people who are still learning how to write code. The book proposes to teach HTML and CSS practically as a thoroughly modern introduction to the practices of markup and presentation of web pages. The incremental approach full of pictures is super didactic, helping a lot to understand the subject.

8. O Código Cultural

Anthropologist Clotaire Rapaille shows us how to decipher the cultural code in order to better understand the behavior of people considering the country in which they live. From childhood, we learn the code of culture and act according to it without realizing it. The cultural code is what makes us French or German Americans and shapes our behavior in an invisible way.

9. Design Emocional

Don Norman defines what emotional design as: the aesthetics that repel or attract us to a certain product. Using examples that are part of people's everyday lives, such as computer interaction, the production and use of photographs, and objects purchased while traveling, the author explores a question that permeates society, which is whether pretty things really work better than ugly ones.

10. Design do Futuro

What if the world was completely automated, deciding, with its cold logic of algorithms, would this be a brave new world? What would be the place of the human being in this not-so-futuristic scenario? In this book, Don Norman takes a critical look at artificial intelligence and shows his concern about how machines are rapidly taking control of the human being's daily life. If before technology was controlled by people, with on and off buttons, now it has become more powerful, complex, and the human being has become less able to predict its actions. For the designers of these technologies, the great challenge remains: to create an adequate way to provide a harmonic interaction between people and intelligent devices?

11. A Magia da Pixar

This book tells the creative, technological, and business story behind the success of Pixar the most innovative animation studio of all time. Based on interviews conducted with dozens of experts the author examines the pioneering years when computer animation was considered infamous to the present day to see how writers directors and animators make their incredibly popular films.?

12. Isto é Design Thinking de Servi?os

This book presents an interdisciplinary perspective on service design, structured in 3 sections: "fundamentals" presents the concepts of service design thinking and brings a selection of individual perspectives, showing the similarities and differences between the areas involved in the process. "Tools" explains the iterative process of service design. "Cases" shows how fundamentals, processes, and tools work in practice through international case studies.?

13. Pensar Com Tipos

This book tries to help us think with typography. Typography is a tool with which we can give concrete form to content and facilitate the social flow of messages, from the old rigidity imposed by working with physical movable type, metal or wood, to the flexibility offered by the digital medium. Divided into three sections: "letter", "text" and "diagram", it addresses the particularities of organizing words into coherent text bodies and flexible systems. Thinking with Type is an invaluable resource for anyone who has ever had to traverse the abysmal territory of the blank page being harassed by questions such as "what font to use?", serving as a guide that teaches us to navigate imaginatively the set of typographic norms and advises us on when it is appropriate to break them.

14. Elementos do Estilo Tipográfico

Written and designed by US typographer Robert Bringhurst, the book gathers and discusses in depth the history of Western typography in accessible language. As the author states, "Literary style is the power to move freely through the length and breadth of linguistic thought without slipping into banality." It is with this claim to give the reader the information necessary to attain knowledge on the subject differentiating Bringhurst's book from the practical manuals, historical compendiums, and introductory volumes on the subject.?

15. A Psicologia das Cores

This book deals with the relationship between colors and our feelings and shows how the two do not combine by chance. Organized in thirteen chapters, the work offers a rich panel of information about colors: from popular sayings and knowledge to their use in product design, chromatic therapies, people manipulation, etc. The diversity of this approach makes Eva Heller's work an indispensable tool for all those who work with color: artists, therapists, designers, architects, advertisers, among others.

16. Design as Storytelling

Good design, like good storytelling, brings ideas to life. The book explores the psychology of visual perception from a narrative point of view. Presenting dozens of tools and concepts in a vivid and visual way, it will help any designer amplify the narrative power of their work, eliciting emotions, empathy, and conveying action in form and language.

Source: respective publishers

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André Alves de Avelar

B2B | Gera??o de leads | SDR | BDR

2 年




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