#153 August 15th, 2024
Blake Carroll, CPA
PwC People Team - Manager | Helping Aspiring CPAs Navigate the CPA Exam with Confidence
Good relationships lead to health, longer life , and happiness. It’s as simple as that. This article challenges us to reflect on how much time we spend on our own versus with other people, specifically the people we would say are most important to us. Are there friends or family members in your life that you would love to see more often but for some reason you just can’t get yourself to make the effort? Relationships have to be nurtured as opposed to just persisting on their own. It’s much easier to just stay in at home with our technology. It can be tough to be brutally honest with ourselves if we know deep down inside that we are not doing as much as we should to spend time with the important people in our lives. But think about how great you feel after a fantastic catch-up conversation, or after having fun on an outing with friends. The research in this article has found that often we underestimate how great we feel after some sort of event involving others. If you think back to the best memories of your life, most of them would probably involve other people, not just you being on your own. The article also does a great job explaining how much loneliness can make it’s way from our feelings into our bodies to actually harm us physically. It’s not that being with other helps us, it’s not being alone too much can really hurt us. By our human nature we are built for community and being together.?
A lot of people in the US may not realize that other countries around the world consistently rank as being much happier than the US. The United States is typically somewhere in the teens, whereas the Scandinavian countries are typically the happiest in the world. This article looks at Finland specifically and why people there are generally much happier than Americans. In the US there is a culture of holding negative emotions in, putting on a positive face, and always acting like we are fine. Contrast that to Finland where people can feel open being vulnerable and honest when they are struggling with difficult thoughts or emotions. Finland’s work culture encourages having more interests and hobbies outside of work as opposed to the hustle culture in the US which always tells us to do more, produce more, and work more. In Finland they use that free time to learn new skills and explore new hobbies. Americans use free time to work more. Finland also emphasizes restorative time in nature much more than we do here. Perhaps most interesting, we actually even have different definitions of happiness itself. American happiness is about euphoric mountaintop experiences, but we all know you quickly come down from those. In Finland their happiness is much more a constant state of being content and feeling like what you have is enough. Their happiness is something you can tune into regularly as opposed to something more dependent on external circumstances.
Mastin Kipp - "Perfectionism is a dream killer, because it's just fear disguised as trying to do your best".
Maria Shriver - "Perfectionism doesn't make you feel perfect. It makes you feel inadequate".
Edith Eger - "Perfectionism is the belief that something is broken — you. So you dress up your brokenness with degrees, achievements, accolades, pieces of paper, none of which can fix what you think you are fixing".
Hearts and Mind - "Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor. Remember that fear always lurks behind perfectionism".
Perfectionism can be a difficult thing to deal with because it will regularly tell you that you are not enough. Even if you did something 99% well, perfectionism will make you focus on that one percent where you came up short or made mistakes. Perfectionism makes you neglect giving attention to the process you did make and what you did accomplish. It makes you beat yourself up for any mistake rather than accepting that mistakes are inevitable and a part of the learning process. Being respectful does not require being perfect. Perfectionism keeps you playing small and holding yourself back because you will not even try certain goals if there is a chance of failure because you view any degree of failure as unacceptable. Even if you overcome the fear of failure, you may procrastinate on starting because worries about getting it perfect persist. This author experienced all of these negative effects of perfectionism, but she has been able to change these patterns and show herself more kindness and compassion. A lot of the solution is simply developing an awareness of how your perfectionism manifests itself negatively in your life. A lot of perfectionists have never thought about how tangibly this mindset affects them negatively. Then when you are aware and find yourself being unkind, you flip that into something more positive. You can be kind and compassionate to yourself rather than being overly critical.?
Burn out is when anxiety and stress have reached a almost chronic constant state of ever presence in your life. It can be a result of running your life at full speed for far too long. I like the analogy that even race cars need to take pit stops regularly, and many of those stops happen before an emergency need has popped up, not after. The pit stops are proactive in order to prevent the emergency. No one wants to burn out because that can leave you constantly irritated, tired, and generally not excited about your life. It really can impact every single area of your life and create relationship strain as well. When cars get pit stops they refuel, top off all their fluids, and replace their tires. What are the similar activities that will restore you and help you keep running? Of course you need to be doing the common sense things for your physical well-being like getting enough sleep, regular exercise and movement, and a generally healthy diet. You also need to carve out time for your passions and interests rather than being wholly consumed by work or obligations to other people. The best antidote to burnout is taking care of yourself ahead of time so you never reached that point.?
If you need a coach or a mentor on the CPA exam I would love to help you and work together; please check out my website below:
CPA tip of the week: It’s so common for CPA candidates to completely miss a day of studying because something unforeseen popped up and ruined their plan to study for a couple hours a day. When you have less time than you expected it is still so much better to do something than to do nothing.
Totally empty days kill your momentum and also lead to internal criticism and doubt.When you keep the promises you make to yourself by making a little bit of progress, no matter how small, it is so much easier to build the routine and habit of studying. That is how you see tangible results from your time and that is how you build momentum.
Don’t hold yourself to a standard of perfection. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good!
Guiding Accounting Firms Through Technology, Process, & People Changes | Championing Effective Change Leadership | Minimizing Employee Friction
7 个月I think this is my favorite of your newsletters so far! Really thoughtful and nuanced. Thanks for your voice in this community, Blake.
Digital Assistant @Mindful Governance || Vice President Education @ Nomadic Toastmasters Club || Part-time Virtual Assistant for Coaches and Startups
7 个月This is awesome! I am not done reading yet but I just couldn’t wait to let people know such a good read it is. I am reading on and the bit about our happiness not being in things but in good relationships. Which sounds very easy but on second thought takes a lot of effort and intentionality to have. Alright let me continue reading now ??