15 years experience ?
"I have been shingling for 15 years" ... is how one lecture I heard years ago started. This sticks in my head because what followed really opened my eyes to my own ignorance and short sightedness regarding my industry and place in it.
Thanks to this lecture I have been on a mission to learn and learn and learn all that I can about my own industry, and EVERY WEEK I do something to educate myself.
So how did the lecture proceed?
Something like this "I would rather hire a guy with one year's experience then fifteen, as a shingle. Why? Because in all honestly it only takes on year to become a truly proficient shingler, there is simply only so much you can learn and after a year anyone would be pretty much an expert. Therefore, the guy who brags about being a shingler for fifteen years, is really saying that he has been repeating one year's worth of experience and growth in the business over and over again ... he is not growing"
This made sense to me, and at the same time was a kick in the ass. I WAS THAT GUY ! And I wanted to grow in my trade, my business and my industry so I made it my mission from that day on to LEARN as much as I could about my industry.
The up side ... well I have learned so much that I look back and realize how ignorant I was. And I, look forward and see how much more that I have to learn.
So would I say that I am an expert ... YES ... would I say that I know it all, NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Would I say call me for your contracting or consulting needs, well of course I would (480) 265-1613