15 Ways To Make Your Life Easier
Amazed with the idea of making life easier?
Managing life along with Finances is challenging for many of us. Our own health, family member’s health, relationship, office issues and so on. Apart from these, we have bills to pay, kids’ education, emergencies and with all this stuff it became very difficult to plan for future, growth, retirement etc. In actual these thoughts create stress and drain the energy from within.
Working with thousands of clients, we have observed that most of us live in chaos and the beautiful thing is..we have ignorantly or by default created this chaos or disorder.
Sounds illogical or incorrect?
Let’s check:
Do you have multiple bank accounts to operate?
Do you spend efforts on the selection of your wearing for the day?
Do you have many monthly bills to pay with different due dates?
Do you have multiple companies with different due dates for the renewal of your Life Insurance or Medical Insurance or SIP or EMI?
Do you have something (actually many things) at your home, which you had bought but don’t need or don’t use?
Do you compare your life with others?
Do you have an unsatisfied Job?
When we live with a lot of emotional stress due to such disorder or chaos it can be difficult to spent time for happiness or step ahead for success and growth.
That directly affects our financial wellbeing and you might feel frustrated, depressed, and anxious, then you compare yourself with others and drag your self-esteem further down.
Even if you feel overwhelmed with all the stress, there are ways to improve things.
We can de-clutter our self and make our life easy. While going through the phases of life, we can spare our self from the chaos and start working on our goals. When we achieve our goals, we feel so happy and energetic.
Learning to make life easier can free up time so that you can focus on things that matter more to you. With very small & easy steps you can get rid of any extra mental and physical clutter that is preventing you from achieving the things you want from life.
There are many proven ways to make your life easy, but we don’t need to apply all of them. Let’s check which one is most suitable to us as a FIRST STEP TODAY and make our 2020 a great start:
- Budget time for Social Media and be stick to it.
Social media is a must now a days, but once we reach to it, we float from one post to another and spend hours & hours on it. Generally we take a break from work for few minutes and we landed on to the social media platform, so leave your phone and do a quick walk, drink water, talk to someone.
Set your time to check the social media post and set alarm for it.
Uninstall apps from the phone, if you can check on your laptop. That will save lot of time.
- Organise your things at the workplace
We generally spent a considerable amount of time searching for something, which we actually forget after placing that. Even sometimes, we couldn’t get that. What happens at home, workplace.
At first, organise places for everything or at least in the group. Then make a habit of placing each item at its place. Start from your workstation and drawers. De-clutter the unnecessary items as well.
- De-clutter your calendar and reduce multi-tasking
We generally believe that multi-tasking boost productivity, but that can hamper the real productivity.
We have witnessed that while working on a presentation/assignment, we got an mail and we start replying to that. While replying to that we need to search for some information to incorporate in that, then we start doing something else and we also disturb other colleagues and staff as well by the intrusion of unplanned work.
Make your calendar with the maximum possible similar tasks for the day to be in focus and boost real productivity.
- Say direct No to unnecessary things or take a big-pause (and see, if it will bring you success, happiness or growth) before saying yes to anyone or anything
Sometimes we suddenly got a call or message and instruction and within no time we say “Yes” to that and later regret.
This happens to anyone, as the mind work in that way only. When we are doing something with great focus and suddenly need to answer something, our mind couldn’t process that immediately BUT by default “Yes” came out.
Start building a habit of saying “I will confirm later” or even saying “No” would be better than the later regret.
- Organise your finances
Just like the clutter and chaos at the workplace, we have seen many persons have clutter at their financial things as well. E.g. maintaining multiple accounts of family members and updating them on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. Sometimes have funds in one account, sometime payment for a particular account made from another account and later do the correction/adjustment.
Maintaining household expenses or bills and paying on time is also critical.
Reduce no of bank accounts to one or minimum to avoid focusing on multiple accounts. Maintaining one account is much easy, so operate one account for each member.
If one can’t spare time or not good at numbers, it is advisable to take the help of someone to keep track of the finances.
- Reduce commute time & cost
It would not be easy to commute nowadays from home to work or to school etc. Some of you travel daily even up to 4-6 hours, just to go office and come back. That travel time can’t be productive even through own driven cars, cab or public transport and it is also not cost-effective in many cases.
In major cities, the pollution level is too high to survive and one has to be there for 4-6 hours on the roads. It will reduce the life expectancy and the quality of life due to severe health issues in the longer run.
Find ways to reduce this, e.g. find a nearby job or relocate yourself etc.
- Plan your Investments & Reduce Debts
It is very common for some persons to have ongoing repayment of Debts (such as Home Loan, Car EMI, Credit Card EMI, and Personal Loan). We found in many cases, that the funds are mismanaged and one is happy in paying off the debts for 15-20 years.
Unless you have other investment options for good returns, pay off your debts ASAP. Don’t just wait for the EMI date, but park the funds in good liquid funds to get the habit of saving and also handsome returns on it. We have advised this and witnessed a whopping chunk of savings to get rid of the debts.
Take the help of an expert to make your financial plan. That works even if you are in debt, right-now.
- Read more Books, See less TV (or Netflix)
You can see the biographies of successful personalities, they all have a habit of reading books. Even a few of them read a book per day.
In fact, researches revealed that Reading, Travelling, Cooking, Gardening & Singing etc. are the greatest stress busters. Reducing screen time will help improve your health & especially eyes and reading books will give you more knowledge, wisdom, and way to success.
Always place a book near you, so that before catching the phone or TV-remote you can get the book.
- Wake-up a little early
Waking-up earlier by just 15-30 minutes can take you ahead of many, who will be sleeping at that time.
We generally have a habit of waking up at the exact time to cope-up the office going time. In this process, we do nothing else than the routines.
Increase this 15-30 minutes time in spans to reach an ideal wake-up time. Just remember, not to stretch too much in one go else nothing will work. You can use this spare time to plan your day, spend on health, reading books.
- Organise Wardrobes
Getting ready every day takes time, only if we had plenty of options. However it looks very nice with a daily different combination, but it takes conscious time & energy to select the color combination and outfit for the day.
Many of the successful people (Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Siddharth Rajshekhar etc.) wear the same type and even the same color outfit on a daily basis.
According to them, no choice of different outfits helps them to keep cool & calm and focus their mind on important things even before they leave home.
- Change bills payment cycle or make them annually or semi-annually
We have many bills to pay i.e. mobile phone or our self, spouse, parents, children’s, home, Netflix bill, water bill(s), electricity bill(s), Internet Bill, Insurance Premium (monthly or quarterly) and many more.
On an average:
Phone Connection : 4 x 12 = 48
Internet Bills : 1 x 12 = 12
Netflix : 1 x 12 = 12
Cloud Storage : 1 x 12 = 12
Insurance Premiums : 2 x 12 = 24
Total Txns p.a. : 108
And each transaction every month takes same time to transact
By making them annually the total transactions can be reduced to 5 and also you would get some prepaid discounts as well.
Alternatively, you can map the monthly bills to your credit card or bank for auto pay to eliminate your focus from doing these multi-transactions.
- Create passive income sources
Do something creative now, that will reap your benefits in the future. Everyone has some unique passion, skill, habit which can be cultivated to build income-generating assets. Writing books, writing blogs, YouTube, creating a digital platform for some courses or products or you can try Affiliate Marketing.
Wise investments are also a great option for earning passive income. Remember to take the help of a good wealth manager to create great wealth and passive income.
Adding an alternative passive source of income can get you free to live life with “Financial Freedom” that is true.
- Make the financial matters your home matters (include family members)
Generally people take all the financial decisions within themselves, considering other members are not aware of, not educated or not capable or not to be disturbed. I honour that thought, but I also strongly recommend to include in these matters. And I have reasons to do that:
- Taking thoughts & opinions from other family member’s (even kids) is really good because they can’t thought for your bad. Even decision will be yours.
- God Forbid, when you will be no more to guide them, can you imagine the hard life of them with lots of blunder’s in financial matters.
- We have witnessed many instances where the person had not discussed anything within the family and it took our rigours efforts to get the all money & assets traced and back.
- All of Bank Accounts, Investments, Insurance Policies, Deposits and Property must have nomination clause duly updated and informed to the family member.
- Location, Passwords and PINs of Bank Account’s, Debit Cards, Lockers to be securely saved and informed to your closest family member.
Take action now and make a culture of sharing & caring in family.
- Take a Break and Enjoy Life: Learn something new, Travel at dream destination, Spend time with friends etc.
I can easily understand this and relate to oneself. Even I have struggled for that during my initial 10+ years and I could take vacation first time after 15 years of my practice. Even the vacation used to be the off-site working. Later I realised that 15-20 days out of 365 days can boost-up your energy and eventually your productivity goes 2x, 3x or more.
We all have a certain level of will power on daily basis but struggling with chaos and clutter, dejection, negative environment we get frustrated and exhausted. Our energy level goes down, no will power remains but we struggle to manage work thinking that hard work will give us fortune.
My friend, even your car needs a routine vacation for the maintenance, how you can skip that.
- Switch your thought patterns
Just got an interesting fact:
As per research by National Science Foundation, the average person has about 12000 to 60000 thoughts per day. Out of those, 80% are negative and interestingly 95% are the repetitive thoughts. (Statistic found on Medium)
It is very easy to say “to ignore negative thoughts and adopt positive thoughts” but very hard to apply in reality. Here I have some practical solutions.
- Make a journal of your thoughts.
- Not kidding to note 12k~60k thoughts, but 95% of thoughts are repetitive in nature, so only few to note down.
- As every thought is generated from another thought, and that sequence goes on in loops. So, for every negative thought find source of generation or initiation of that thought and write that as well.
- Write the positive things, out of that thought. Really, but how?
Let’s take an example of not able to achieve goals, thought came “I can’t do that, I can’t grow”
Source is “seeing someone else’s growth in business”
Positive thought: “I have created this and was able to reach until here, I have a great team, I have mentors to suggest”
This will make you realise that there are ways, however, you don’t know.
Someone’s great saying “Impossible really means I don’t know how to do that”
Other familiar steps for the positive thoughts are:
- Read at least 3-4 pages in the morning from some self-development book.
- Select a few motivational speeches and save it on your phone or pen drive. Play them while driving to work.
You must know that a smartphone work faster with more of RAM, but remember, many opened apps can make the phone slow with even big RAM. Likewise, our mind can work fantastically but with many open issues (i.e. multiple task, pendency, due dates and so on) Mind can also hang (frustrated, depressed or exhausted).
So it’s time to make your life easier and happier
Let’s play 20-20 to Achieve Success