15 ways to deal with interview stress!

15 ways to deal with interview stress!

The Science behind it all

Human beings have evolved graciously from humble beginnings to the current civilizational peak we occupy but when we strip away our fashionable clothes and smartphones and there is still a fragile creature lurking underneath, with a set of animal instincts underpinning our behavior.

When subjected to stressful situations, it is all too easy to let these instincts take charge. And a job interview can create the perfect storm of emotions that can knock even the most composed individuals off-kilter.

A lot of this is down to the fight or flight response which floods your system with adrenaline and other potentially disruptive substances. This is a very fundamental part of our make-up and forms a highly efficient survival response used by our ancestors when confronted with potentially dangerous situations.

What does job / interview anxiety look like?

Interview anxiety can manifest itself in lots of noticeable ways, from shortness of breath and blushing to an intense need to use the loo at an inconvenient moment.

The pressure to impress prospective employers often evokes such responses, but mastering nervous urges and turning them to your advantage is not always straightforward.

While a job interview would hardly be classed as a dangerous situation, it is an unfamiliar one and one where we feel the need to be on guard and to give the ‘right’ answers. As we start to feel nervous or anxious, many changes start to happen in the body almost all of them subconsciously.

  • In response to the release of hormones such as adrenaline, your blood pressure increases and breathing speeds up preparing you for muscular effort, i.e. the fight or flight.
  • For most people that is as far as it goes and they feel energized and ready.
  • For others the feelings can be more intense and they may experience some shakiness and muscles may become tense
  • The palms of the hands and feet may become either sweaty or cold and clammy.

What you need to remember is that all of these reactions are perfectly normal and natural.

Walking the tightrope of interview nerves requires practice and preparation, and there are some steps you can take to get ahead of the pack.

Tips to stay calm when your big day arrives

So how can you stay calm in your interview and overcome your fears. What can you do to face an interview panel with confidence? Here is the lowdown on how to handle and ultimately overcome those interview nerves for good.

1. Remember you are not alone

First and foremost, remember that everyone experiences some nervousness prior to an interview. There are very few people who are able to stand up and speak in front of strangers and not feel some degree of tension; top actors, television presenters, senior businessmen all succumb to nerves and all have their own way of coping and getting on with the job.

2. Nervousness during a job interview is good

Firstly it is important to realize that interview nerves are not necessarily a bad thing; if you learn to leverage them you can even become a better interviewee. With your brain engaged and your senses heightened, you can make connections quicker and perform well when put on the spot.

In addition, interviewers will expect to see some nerves as this indicates enthusiasm and a desire to get the job. A candidate who presents at a job interview all cool and laid back will be less likely to succeed as the interviewer will assume they are not interested enough in the role.

3. Turn interview anxiety on its head

The trick is to turn the anxiety on its head without getting overwhelmed by it. Because it is equally unhelpful to go into an interview in an overly relaxed state, which might lead to just as many slip-ups as if you are a gibbering wreck.

A certain amount of nervous energy is useful. It will make you appear interested and enthusiastic keen to take on the role. In my experience a candidate who appears too laid back, too calm could be seen as apathetic and perhaps not really interested in the job.

4. Make the interview familiar

The interview is an unfamiliar and artificial setting made all the worse if you don’t know what to expect. It is very much based in our fear of the unknown however by preparing properly and practicing repeatedly, interviewing will become more familiar and as a result your nervousness will be reduced.

5. Anticipate the interview questions

Putting your mind at ease before an interview is essential, so make sure you are ready to face whatever questions they might throw at you and are prepared to talk about yourself positively. A lack of prep is likely to increase your natural apprehension about the event itself and make nerves harder to overcome.

6. Clear your head

Before the interview begins, take as much time as you can to gather your thoughts and work with your body, not against it. If you have the opportunity, taking a short stroll around the block can be immensely helpful, as sitting still will give you time to stew and will not provide the hit of endorphins that light exercise can deliver to quell any qualms.

7. Avoid stimulants

What you eat and drink before an interview plays a big part in how your nerves manifest themselves. Steer clear of coffee and other caffeinated drinks, as these will make you more likely to appear shaky and unable to concentrate. Drink water, but make sure that you enter the interview room with an empty bladder to avoid distraction.

8. Chew gum

Some experts advise that chewing a stick of gum can smooth out any jangling nerves, but remember to dispose of it discretely well before you encounter anyone in your potential place of employment, as this is not a good look for a first meeting.

9. Repeat confidence-boosting mantras

People often find that having a confidence-boosting mantra to repeat to themselves is a boon, whether said out loud in private or echoing silently in your own head. Simply chanting something like “I am fully ready for this” or “I can do this brilliantly” can muster a bit of mettle and make the prospect of the interview less daunting.

10. Watch your posture

Sitting comfortably but attentively is necessary to make sure you can complete the interview without having to fidget and shuffle around, and to project an air of confidence and dynamism. Slouching is not an option, nor is sitting on the edge of your seat, so try to find a balance between the two; upright and engaged without appearing flighty.

11. Calm shaky hands

If you feel your hands shaking, do not clamp them in your lap or fold your arms. By clenching your thigh muscles instead you will calm the shakes and still be able to use them to make open, honest gestures as you speak.

12. Focus on the questions

Nerves can crank your inner critic up to 11 and might mean that you miss an important aspect of a question you are asked, so try to focus on what the interviewer is saying.

13. Breathe

Making a conscious effort to breath evenly and listen will naturally combat other issues caused by anxiety, such as a rising pulse rate, so there are a range of benefits to gain.

14. Keep in mind they are on your side

Your interviewers will know you are nervous and will allow for this. In fact, in our experience we have never seen a candidate miss out on a job because simply because they were nervous. We have however seen candidates lose out because they were too relaxed and came across as not interested.

Your greatest ally in dealing with interview stress will be preparation! Here are some key take always for you to keep in mind.

  • The key to overcoming interview nerves is to prepare and practice.
  • The trick is to turn the anxiety on its head without getting overwhelmed by it. Because it is equally unhelpful to go into an interview in an overly relaxed state, which might lead to just as many slip-ups as if you are a gibbering wreck.
  • Walking the tightrope of interview nerves requires practice and preparation and the tactics above will help greatly.

Accept the opportunity of a free 15-minute call with me and I'll show you just how quickly bulletproof confidence can be yours. Lets talk!

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Emma Thornton

Bookkeeper for Healthcare and Wellbeing Professionals | Certified ICB Bookkeeper | 17+ Years Experience Supporting Healthcare Professionals | Virtual Bookkeeping Support |

2 年

Great tips, thank you for sharing ??


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