15 Tips to Secure Funding
for Childcare Survival in
Times of Crisis - Don't Miss Out

15 Tips to Secure Funding for Childcare Survival in Times of Crisis - Don't Miss Out

There is no doubt that early years childcare is a cornerstone of our society, supporting working parents and nurturing the development of our youngest people. However, childcare providers often face funding crises that threaten their viability. These challenges were exacerbated not only by a global pandemic but the cost-of-living crisis, thus creating an urgent need for financial assistance.

Fortunately, various funding streams are available to help childcare setting owners weather these storms and continue providing vital services to families. In this article, we will explore the funding options and strategies available to ensure survival during funding crises.

Public Funding Programmes

The government, both centrally and locally, offers a range of funding programmes aimed at supporting childcare providers. Local funding varies from area to area, but nationally, these include:

Early Years Education Recovery Programme (Updated 24th October 2023)

Please note that the post-covid national recovery programme’s last year is the 2023/24 academic year.

The government is providing a package of up to £180 million for workforce training, qualifications and support and guidance for the early years sector to help address the impact of the pandemic on the youngest and most disadvantaged children.

Full details of each element of the programme can be found on the government’s website here .

The programmes are designed for early years:

  • practitioners
  • leaders
  • settings, including private, voluntary and independent organisations; childminders; school-based nurseries; and maintained nursery schools

Designed to support all areas of the early years sector, the package offers training in:

Additional funding for qualifications:

Click here to download the guide and learn financial assistance available and key strategies to ensure survival during funding crises.

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