15 Tips + Practices to Improve Self-Consciousness, Patience, and Calmness
Manisha K.
Hospitality, Digital Marketing Client Services Expert, Content Creator, Freelancer, Motivation Geek
As I dwell in my mission of my own self-discovery. Lately, I figured out few practices that helps me get past the turmoils of life’s challenges — much more productively! These practices, which are self-evaluated helps you recover, control your reactions, and even manage your mood swings that occur due to biological reasons.
I have been practicing them, and frankly I feel so much better. Hence, without further ado, generously they are as follows:
Think about your God and start off spiritually. I know sometimes you might feel bored that every day is the same. And that is when we must add purpose to it. You know no matter how good the food is, it needs salt to taste better. Life’s the same. There has to be an effort. Hope. Faith.
E.g. you can have a favorite quote that reads the motivation you need to see, or even you can develop your own well-wish like, ‘may this day be full of happiness, and may nothing happen to dismay us’ and repeat it every morning.
2. Have a separate playlist for morning jam.
Music is a helpful tool, a friend I would say that directly correlates with our mind. Music has the power to inspire, to control our emotions. According to a study of the University of Central Florida, neuroscientist Kiminobu Sugaya and world-renowned violinist Ayako Yonetani’s “Music and the Brain’ emphasizes how music influences the brain function and our behaviour.
Including stress management, pain, depression, and improvement of cognitive skills. It states, unresponsive Alzheimer’s patients’ eyes light up when you put headphones that play their favorite music. That is how music activates our whole self.
What music is the best? You decide! It depends on your personality, your choice of music that you feel the vibe.
Choose a list of songs that increase your motivation, brain activity and makes you feel light up.
Listen to the morning vibes playlist while, you start your day.
Fun fact: I’m listening to my favorite music, while preparing this article!
3. Dance your way while you start your day.
Similar to music dancing has the same effects as its fellow comrade. If you can engage in dance recreationally either professionally it does a positive outcome for both your mind and your body. The Harvard Medical School states, that dance is now used to treat to people with Parkinson’s disease, which is a serious neurological movement disorder.
Dance is a therapy!
4. Don’t forget to sing. If you cannot sing just hum — that is more than enough!
Sing a song everyday. It may or may not sound silly, but I mean it. Sing at least a part of a song or hum to your favorite song.
How about listening, singing and dancing to your most favorite songs every day?
Sounds like the perfect combo!
Do you know that singing increases the blood flow through our body and encourages the brain to release the good hormones (endorphins)?
5. Have a consistent schedule for workouts every week — 4–5 days.
I personally recommend following Centrfit’s guide on setting clear goals.
Set goals that align with your requirement and level of physical fitness.
6. List something you wanna do every single day. Be it something you wanna do today, tomorrow or some day doesn’t matter — just have a separate list and pen it.
Wanna travel to States? The UK? Or Dubai? Forget about the finances, the visas and all. Just write it down!
7. Practice conscious breathing.
Breathing is meditation. If you are aware of your breath, the way you breathe, and if you can master the control of your breath — you become a master of your own emotions. This is the hardest practice for me. Because sometimes we are too occupied on our work, and we often forget the most important thing we should focus on. Our breath.
8. Engage in your hobbies
Writing, listen to/create podcasts, follow inspiring content, video making, travelling, exploring, candid photography, drawing and more.
Do what makes you feel like you!
9. Take a brisk walk or go cycling when you encounter mood swings.
Can’t cycle? Then you opt for a short walk!
It is scientifically proven that even a short 10 min physical activity or brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and mood (positively).
10. Explore the nature and the little things you see around.
The warmth of the sun, the green, the sky with clouds that feels like a screensaver that never switches off (except during night feels like it’s turned off), the naturally scented flowers that never fade their color for the rain or morning mist. The stars that shimmer at night.
Just look around you, and start appreciating the little things.
11. Analyze, and prepare a learning algorithm.
This includes what you know already and what you crave to learn next.
12. Prepare sticky note quotes with the reminder you need to see everyday.
Keep them closer where you access often. Wallpapers help too! I highly recommend the terribly tiny tales latest wallpaper set!
You can check them on their Instagram.
13. Practice laughing/smiling yoga.
14. Find activities to engage, which mindfully motivates you.
Again, similar to tip number 09., but you can always personalize according to your preferences. Be it walking, cycling, swimming, or even joining a book club!
15. Be aware of your perceptions.
Lastly, this is another challenging practice. Probably, the most challenging one for us humans. Be very very conscious on our perceptions.
It really helps in maintaining fruitful connections to lasting relationships.
This article is further emphasized on my podcast, which you can listen for free over:
Which practice or tip do you already follow and which one resonates with you the most?
The comments section is always welcomed!
Great list! Tip #7 on conscious breathing really resonates with me. It's been a game-changer in managing work stress and staying focused. I've also found that regular exercise, helps a lot with patience and calmness. Curious to see what works for others!