#15 Story Points
Welcome back to Story Points, where our tech news is fresher than your unboxing experience with a brand-new gadget. Let's unwrap this week's stories! ??
News sprint
Comment from our team about Microsoft's Recall feature:
We don’t need to go over the serious privacy and security issues that arise from storing screenshots of everything people do on their computers. Thankfully, the tech community was quick to sound the alarm and Microsoft was forced to listen.
Still, we can’t help but wonder: can the supposed benefits promised by this feature overcome these justified concerns? Will users care enough about files being easier to find that they’re willing to opt into something eerily similar to spyware?
Even tech-savvy users can feel overwhelmed by the amount of security and privacy threats we face daily on the internet – from hundreds of tracking third parties hiding in plain sight on cookie consent forms, to deepfake scams and beyond.
Companies will continue developing powerful technologies, and that's a good thing. However, they must act responsibly and remember that they exist to serve customers, not prey on them.
In any case, our best defense as technology users is to stay on our toes and constantly develop our technological literacy and critical thinking skills to make informed, conscious choices.
The Backlog
How to calculate the lifetime costs of software development?
Before you choose a development partner, make sure you know how you’re money will be spent. You can either save in advance or make sure that you’re solution will be cost-effective long-term. Here’s how to make proper calculations.?