15 STEM Scholarship and Leadership Opportunities

15 STEM Scholarship and Leadership Opportunities

At STEM Greenhouse, we're passionate about helping underprivileged kids unlock their potential and build a bright future in STEM fields. We know that financial, cultural, and educational hurdles can make this journey tough for many.

Our hope is that sharing these scholarships and leadership opportunities will help reduce these barriers, making STEM fields more diverse and inclusive – and that's a win for everyone.

If you know someone diving into a STEM field, share these opportunities with them! And if you've come across a STEM scholarship with an upcoming deadline that we've missed, or if you'd like to offer a scholarship for the students we serve, drop us an email at [email protected]!

**Friendly reminder: STEM Greenhouse doesn't have a direct affiliation with these opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns about a particular scholarship, just use the links provided to get in touch.

1) 2023-2024 Billy Bear Hug Youth Advisory Board Application

Due Date: 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 23?

Opportunity: The YAB is a unique service-learning program that puts West Michigan youth at the center of running a non-profit organization. Selected student leaders serve as ambassadors for the organization and engage in hands-on projects to grow and expand the Billy Bear mission. For example, in an effort to enhance a child’s experience of receiving a Billy Bear, YAB members designed ‘Cub Kit’ care packages to include Billy Bears and other items that are delivered to key partners. Other members have worked with their schools to incorporate BBH into school-wide fundraising activities or go shopping to put together care packages & craft kits for patients.? In turn, selected students gain access to unique professional development opportunities, including resume workshops and meetings with prominent business leaders, medical practitioners & nonprofit professionals.?

Eligibility: The application is open to rising 9th through 12th-grade high school students in West Michigan.

URL: https://www.billybearhug.org/2023-yab-application

2) BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship

Amount: $10,000

Application Deadline: Sunday, April 9th at midnight PST

References Deadline: Sunday, April 16th

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A current undergraduate or graduate student at a four-year university in the United States or Canada (the graduate program itself, e.g., business school, might be shorter in length)
  • Accepted into or continuing university as a full-time student in Fall 2023 and returning in Fall 2024 with a minimum 40% course load
  • Pursuing a degree in business/commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics, or a related discipline
  • Interested in a career in Financial Services with a focus on Capital Markets preferred
  • A person with a (visible or non-visible) disability (defined as someone who has, or considers themselves to have, a long-term or recurring issue that impacts one or more major activities that others may consider to be a daily function); this definition also includes the perception among others that a disability exists. We know that 90% of disabilities on campus are invisible, and candidates with all disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  • Previous BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education scholars and applicants are encouraged to apply again if they remain eligible.

URL: https://www.limeconnect.com/programs/page/bmo-capital-markets-lime-connect-equity-through-education-scholarship

3) Women in STEM Scholarship, The BHW Group?

Due Date: April 15, 2023

Amount: $3000


  • Women who are pursuing an undergraduate or master's degree and are majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics during the 2023 school year.

URL: https://thebhwgroup.com/scholarship

4) Black Americans in Cybersecurity Scholarship

Due Date: April 17, 2023

Amount: $10,000


  • Recipients must be Black or African American in regard to race.
  • Must be an individual pursuing, or planning to pursue, a degree with a focus on cybersecurity, information assurance, or a similar field.
  • Must be an undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student. Ph.D. students are not eligible.
  • GPA must be at least 3.2 on a 4.0 scale (or an analogous rank based on a comparable scale).
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Must be attending a college or university in the U.S.
  • May be attending on-campus or online.
  • May be attending full-time or part-time.
  • If awarded: the funds will be sent to your school with instructions that it may be applied to tuition, fees, books, and required electronics, and up to $3,000 may be applied to on-campus housing. Awards are paid directly to the college or university; recipients do not receive the scholarship award directly.
  • If you are being considered for the award, you agree to a short video interview with KnowBe4. You must have camera capability for this meeting via computer, tablet, or phone camera.
  • KnowBe4 and (ISC)2 employees are not eligible for the award.

URL: https://www.iamcybersafe.org/s/knowbe4-black-americans-scholarship

5) Raytheon Technologies Underrepresented Minorities in Cybersecurity Scholarship

Due Date: Monday, May 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM EDT

Amount: $10,000


  • Must be a U.S. Citizen.
  • Must belong to a historically underrepresented minority in STEM – including but not limited to women, Black, Native American, Asian American & Pacific Islander, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, persons with disabilities.
  • May be male, female, or nonbinary: women applicants are not required to belong to an ethnic or racial minority group.
  • May be a high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student (Ph.D. candidates are not eligible to apply).
  • Must be pursuing a degree in cybersecurity, information security, or a similar field.
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.30 or higher.
  • May be attending on campus or online.
  • May be attending full-time or part-time.
  • If awarded: The award will be sent to the school with instructions that it be applied to tuition, fees, and books.
  • Encouraged but not required: participation in at least one National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition (any qualifier or regional) since 2017.

URL: https://www.iamcybersafe.org/s/raytheon-cyber-security-scholarship

6) Octillo Women's Cybersecurity Scholarship

Due Date: Monday, May 1, 2023, at 11:59 PM EDT

Amount: $4,000


  • Recipients must be female.
  • Must be an individual pursuing, or planning to pursue, a degree with a focus on cybersecurity, information assurance, or a similar field.
  • Must be an undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student. Ph.D. students are not eligible.
  • GPA must be at least 3.2 on a 4.0 scale (or an analogous rank based on a comparable scale).
  • You must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Must be attending a college or university in the U.S.
  • May be attending on-campus or online.
  • May be attending full-time or part-time.
  • If awarded: the funds will be sent to your school with instructions that it may be applied to tuition, fees, books, and required electronics. Awards are paid directly to the college or university; recipients do not receive the scholarship award directly.
  • Octillo and (ISC)2 employees are not eligible for the award.

URL: https://www.iamcybersafe.org/s/octillo-womens-cybersecurity-scholarship

7) Boster Bio Scholarship

Due Date: May 31, 2023

Amount: $1,000


  • ?Applicants must provide proof that they have been accepted into a research position in biology or medical-related lab on a full-time or substantial part-time basis (minimum 9 credit hours worth of research work for the next two semesters).
  • For high school candidates, it is acceptable to provide a proof of significant interest in biomedical research. This interest can be supported by a history of volunteering or internship in an area related to biology and medicine.
  • 2. Candidates must obtain and submit a letter of recommendation – either from a teacher, mentor, tutor, or lecturer who knows them well or from an employer in a relevant healthcare services niche (must be signed and on letterhead to be accepted).
  • 3. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.60 on a 4.0 scale.
  • 4. Deadline to submit an application is May 31, 2023. We will announce the winner on June 30, 2023, and send funds by check.

URL: https://www.bosterbio.com/scholarships

8) Probo Medical Scholarship

Due Date: June 21, 2023

Amount: $500


  • Must be enrolled at an accredited high school, college, or university in the United States
  • Must be either in your final year of high school or enrolled at the undergraduate level in “good standing.”
  • Must be age 16 or older
  • Must be attending a U.S.-based institution
  • Must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (or equivalent)

URL: https://www.probomedical.com/probo-medical-scholarship/

9) HoshizakiIceMaker.com Scholarship

Due Date: June 30, 2023

Amount: $1,000


  • Be an undergraduate college student or high school senior
  • Have a cumulative minimum of 3.0 GPA
  • Maintain full-time enrollment of 12 credit hours or more per college term
  • Be a declared major in a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field of study
  • Demonstrate a passion for STEM subjects, strong moral character, and leadership ability
  • Reside in the U.S., attend a U.S. university, and be legally declared as a U.S. citizen

URL: https://hoshizakiicemaker.com/stem-scholarship

10) MyBioSource Inc. Scholarship for "S.T.E.M." Majors

Due Date: June 30th, 2023

Amount: $1,000


  • High School Seniors, Undergraduates, Graduates as well as international students can apply
  • Candidate must be enrolled as a freshman, undergraduate, or graduate student at an accredited college or university for the 2023 Fall semester
  • Intended major in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, or related fields
  • Complete the application along with a 250-word response on why you have chosen to enter the field of "STEM" and why you should receive the scholarship

URL: https://www.mybiosource.com/scholarship-stem-majors

11) ABC Humane Wildlife Women in STEM Academic Scholarship

Due Date: July 1, 2023

Amount: $1,000


  • Applicant must be a student currently enrolled at a college or university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in the United States.
  • Applicants must be studying or planning to study the fields of science (excluding social sciences i.e. economics), engineering, mathematics, or technology.
  • If the applicant or the applicant’s parent/legal guardian is employed by ABC Wildlife, Inc. at the time of award, the student is not eligible for the scholarship.

URL: https://abcwildlife.com/about-us/women-in-stem-scholarship/

12) GeneTex Scholarship Program

Due Date: July 14, 2023

Amount: $2,000


  • Student in good standing and enrolled at an accredited college or university.
  • Declared STEM major
  • Open to international students

URL: https://www.genetex.com/Article/Company/Index/Scholarship

13) MFMA Scholarship Program

Due Date: July 14, 2023

Amount: $1000


  • The recipient must be a legal resident of the US and must attend school in the US.
  • Field of study - Applicants must be accepted into one of the following fields of study: Architecture, Forest Management, Forest Products Technology, Forest Science, Forestry Studies, Wood Science & Engineering, Wood Science & Technology, other fields related to wood technology, or studying a trade that translates to the wood flooring industry.

URL: https://www.maplefloor.org/en/guidelines/

14) MPOWER Women in STEM Scholarship (International / DACA)

Due Date: July 15, 2023

Amount: Up to $6,000


  • Be accepted at, or enrolled in, a full-time degree program at a U.S. or Canadian school that MPOWER supports, and
  • Be an international student allowed to legally study in the U.S. or Canada, as applicable:
  • For study in the U.S., this means that the applicant meets one of these criteria:
  • Has a valid visa that permits study in the U.S.
  • Is protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
  • Is a U.S. permanent resident (Green Card holder)

URL: https://www.mpowerfinancing.com/scholarships/women-in-stem#womeninstem

15) Jordi Labs Analytical Chemistry Scholarship

Due Date: July 31st

Amount: $1,000


  • Full-time student (including incoming students, undergraduates, and graduate students) who attend an accredited college or university pursuing a career in science.
  • Students must be U.S. citizens, enrolled in science, and likely to pursue a career in science.


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