15 Second Information Commute
How long does it take to find the correct drawing and information you need to respond? i.e. How long is your information commute?
The Drawing Specialists can get your information commute down to as little as 15 seconds.
There is insightful algebra embedded in facilities management (FM) :
1. Effective event response = accurate information + expertise on hand + speed
2. Effective facilities management = information asset management + expertise in house + efficiency (speed / time expended)
3. FM provider reputation = KPI's met + Uptime achieved + Cost to owner
A rapid information commute is critical to all FM formulas because time is;
1. money;
2. a depleting asset;
3. vital in mission critical situations.
If time is money and "uptime" is a KPI, fast access to required drawings and information is mission critical for any FM firm.
The Drawing Specialists have polled some of their clients about paper and digital information commutes before and after deploying echo. Assuming an average FM hourly salary rate of $37.00 (source: payscale.com), the real costs are:
- Average time to retrieve a paper drawing stored in the facilities managers office = 28 minutes = $17.27
- Average time to retrieve a paper drawing stored in the facilities managers building = 3 hours = $111.00
- Average time to retrieve a paper drawing stored on campus in another building = 6 hours = $222.00
- Average time to retrieve a drawing stored and search using echo = 15 seconds = $0.15
- Ability to respond to a mission critical event = priceless!
These costs do not factor in lost productivity or the costs of more than one person being involved in the search for a necessary drawing. In addition to time and money benefits, digital drawing management with echo provides:
1. Reliable 15 second information commutes.
2. Ease of drawing management and revision control.
3. Reduced or eliminated physical storage costs.
4. Zero cost disaster recovery.
5. Easy knowledge transfer.
Why are you still using paper drawings?
?Get a drawing management strategy from The Drawing Specialists.
The Drawing Specialists 4 Phase Drawing Management Strategy
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