15 Proven Tricks that make you seem smarter than you really are

15 Proven Tricks that make you seem smarter than you really are

15 Proven Tricks that make you seem smarter than you really are

It is really fun to be smart! Some people are smarter than others. Like intelligence, being smart does not depend on a single factor; it is the outcome of a mixture of complex factors, including your heredity, environments and lots of others in the process of development.

Advantages of being smart

1. You are an asset to every company and climb faster the corporate ladder.

Employers like hiring clever people as they are able to improve the success of the company. They are pleasant to work with, and are very productive with their tasks. You are committed to life-long learning to make the best of your career.

2. Your grades in college are commendable and on a scholarship, you get free education.

Although marks are not the most important and only indicators of a person’s success, a grade of A is definitely better than D. Professors appreciate bright students and treat them with respect, inspire them with good marks and even graduating with honors.

3. For smart people, it is easier to over-come stress.

Smart people are knowledgeable about the world: its dangers and effects. You are more aware of the dangers and their effects. Understand what is happening around. You will be more capable of coping with difficulties.

4. Finding a solution is a prerogative of being smart.

Being armed with many facts, arguments and examples, you can compare the issues, develop alternative situations and find the solution, which is the most suitable for your case.

Use these 15 proven hacks to impress others with your seeming brainpower.

·       Walk with a speed like all the others.

Are you walking faster or slower than commuters around you? If you do, they will think you are stupid. When you moved at the same speed as everyone else, they will consider you smarter and more competent as everyone else. Considering other factors like age, height, weight, etc…, the average walking speed of a person is about 5.0 kilometers per hour (km/h), or about 3.1 miles per hour (mph).

·       Wear thick glasses.

Research suggests that if you wear glasses, you will appear unattractive but more intelligent. Findings proved that people wearing glasses, especially the rimless or with rims were rated more intelligent – looking than those without glasses. People wearing full-framed glasses were considered more distinctive and more people are focused on their eyes.

·       Never hold a beer while walking around.

Joint studies conducted by the Universities of Michigan and Pennsylvania revealed that holding a beer can make the individual look less intelligent. In fact managers interviewing applicant are very keen on what they will order – wine or soda?

·       Include a middle initial.

How people are perceived by others is affected by the middle initials added to their names. Middle initials are often excluded but is included in the names, their presence seems to add social status to the person as well as add positively inferences about the intellectual capacity and performance of the person.  Look at the names of distinctive personalities as movie magnate Cecil B. DeMille, Ex-President George W. Bush, millionaire John D. Rockefeller, etc. They used their middle initials. Using a middle name has no relevance or reason why some people held important places It might just be a coincidence.

·       KISS

Messages must be KISS. Keep it sweet and simple. Long and verbose messages using extraordinary words abuse intelligence. Showing off your skills and spelling with all those high sounding vocabulary words might back fire. Using big words appear clumsily often causes people to think you lack intelligence. Intelligent people speak for themselves, so no use in showing off your impressive vocabulary.

·       Include a graph

People are more likely to trust a source if it contains graphs. Graphs come after analyzing objects under study. People are likely to believe that if it looks and smells scientific like a graph, the source is reliable. The use of anything scientific appears to grant persuasive power.

·       Speak with conviction

Monotone sounds are dull. He best way is to use expressive speech, apply proper modulation in pitch and volume, with a few of noticeable pauses for emphasis. Your speech shows sincerity, boosts of credibility and enhances the impression of intelligence.

·       Eye meets eye

If your conversation partner looks straight into your eye, there is a greater capacity for perceived smartness. Look at the other person’s eye while speaking for this is a key behavior of your intelligence. Loyola University conducted a study where the participants who managed well their intentional eye contact got scores that were significantly higher as perceived intelligence.

·       Act confident.

A self-assured expression of confidence is the opposite of a serious scowl. The difference was used as a predictor of perceived high intelligence. Feeling over confident can make you seem more knowledgeable. People trust confident persons because they seem more assured in their actuations.

·       Dressing smartly can mean a lot

Studies proved that clothes also make the man; what he/she wears color and shape the perceptions other people will have regarding his/her capability. Teachers wearing smart clothes easily catch the student’s attention but less interesting dressers hardly get any attention. The clothes worn, whether of the latest styles or smart-looking uniforms have power not only over others but also over the wearers.

·       Smile.

Do you want people to consider you smart?  Then start smiling and add that happy glow on your face. There is a close connection between semblances of emotions as joy or anger in measuring high or low intelligence in faces. The "high intelligence" faces appear to be smiling more than the "low intelligence" frowning faces.

·       Take out your facial jewelry.

Proofs of bravery as piercing faces have nothing favorable to the need of flaunting your IQ. Subjects in an experiment were shown photos of a man and a woman filled with different types of facial piercings. Students were asked to rate people in photos based on attractiveness and intelligence. The students after examining these photos rated them lower on both traits. Those with multiple piercings got the lowest negative ratings.

·       Have a sense of humor

Sense of humor can be a sign of being smart. Making others laugh and even to laugh at oneself are supplements to your being smart. The result shows that guys with sense of humor were rated on intelligent and physical attraction. Men with good sense of humor are also most attractive to the opposite sex.

·       Lead them!

Leaders have high intelligence so they are smarter. In a study made between leadership and intelligence, it turns out; there was a strong connection between a smart students and how they are perceived good leaders of the group. A good leader inspires and encourages followers to do their best. A leader is also a good follower.

·       Admit what you don't know.

Yes, you can pretend that you more knowledgeable than you really are. But you are not God; there are some situations that you do not know. Be modest by admitting your lack of knowledge about the issue. Admit that there are things you do not know. Your competency is not deducted t as long as you will do your bert efforts to find out.

How to be smart

1. Follow your passions

Choose an area that interests you. It can be a great literature, mysterious puzzles, foreign languages, interesting classic art works, or difficult technical topics Force yourself to learn, to digest and to absorb.

2. Read things slowly to absorb

Reading is the key to be smart. If you want to be smart on a topic, read it more slowly. Read the topic carefully and reflect on it. As ideas are absorb, more concepts spring in your mind, stop and reflect and think on them before you start reading again. Look out of the window to refresh and rest your eyes. Do this from time to time so your mind stays fresh.

3. Explain it to yourself

Think about the topic more deeply. One important deep thinking activity is to stop from time to time and explain to yourself what the material is all about. Leave the pages of the book for a while and refashion the ideas in your own words. Self-explaining helps you on how to get smart.

4. Teach it to others

Make the activity a routine to learn more things. These are steps you take if you want to be smart. Another good option is to tell others about what you’ve learned. Explain your new understanding in different context. Your family will be interested in new topics or tell your friends about it at a bar, or in chats with netizens.

5. Develop the habit and stick to these routines

The ideas are with you – take time to process them. It is not like magic that the ideas will grow like Jack’s beanstalk. In a matter of time, you can be smart by making a habit of following the above routines. Each is useful, interesting and rewarding in itself, so there is no need for you to constantly struggle when you move into this path. As your mind grows, you will discover ways to elaborate and polish your process.

Learn to be smart and be smart. Continue the routine, learn new things every day and be curious to learn more. There will come a time when you do not need to pretend you are smart, as you are really smart!

Hope this helps you be more successful

xoxo Haley Fox


Bill Cannon

IT Project Manager at UHS, Dog Lover, Open Networker (L.I.O.N)

7 年

Another great article Haley!


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