15 Lessons I Learned about Divine Favour (it is the dignified alternative to Begging, Bootlicking, Seduction and Lobbying)
Photo Credit: Kira auf der Heide (unsplash)

15 Lessons I Learned about Divine Favour (it is the dignified alternative to Begging, Bootlicking, Seduction and Lobbying)

Imagine the following scenarios: Having goods and services that don’t sell; possessing valuable skills in your industry that nobody wants or is unwilling to pay for; being ready for marriage and not desirable to or suitable for anyone; doing everything in one’s power and yet remain obscure, unrecognised, unnoticed, and unrewarded.

These scenarios are tales of the woes of the UNFAVOURED life.

Favour is being recognised, accepted and rewarded by another. The idea stems from the fact that someone in any position (higher, lower, within or outside our circle of influence) rewards us or responds positively to our entreaties to do something for us that what we cannot get done, or to give us what we cannot have, without them.

15 Lessons on Favour

In my studies of the Scriptures and variety of experiences in and out of leadership opportunities, I have learned the following:

?? 1/15 Favour is a Spiritual Currency with tangible social-economic value. Favour is required to transact in this life profitably. Favour is to have an advantage at life’s negotiation table that determines our shares, stake and eventual take home. Without Favour, one would be on a perpetual losing streak.

?? 2/15 Life will be colourless, dull and boring without Favour. The root meaning of Favour also means Beauty. Merriam-Webster defines Beauty as the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit. It also means a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially sight, per the Oxford dictionary.

An unfavoured person is unattractive, unseen, unrecognised and largely ignored and possibly ends in obscurity.

?? 3/15 Everybody needs and seeks Favour. Favour plays a vital role in this life, so much so that Jesus needed it to fulfil his earthly mission — for Jesus had to grow in Favour with God and man. The rich need it, and the poor also need it. God reckons with it, Men reckons with it, and the Devil reckons with it.

Individuals need it to advance their personal lives. Regardless of the industry, businesses and careers cannot thrive or grow without it. We can see why businesses invest heavily in branding and individuals rely so much on social media to “get the word out”.

?? Click HERE to read the remaining 12 lessons


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