15 Leadership Lessons I Learned From Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso Season 2 is over and YOU ARE MISSING A LOT if you haven’t seen it yet. Not only it’s one of the best comedramas ever, Ted Lasso has numerous leadership takeaways that your mentor won’t tell you about. Here I hand-picked 15 of them with no spoilers, enjoy!
1- Get to know your team first. Who has the most influence on others? Who is trying to settle in? Who is selfish and avoiding the teamwork?
2- Define what motivates each person. There is no one-size-fits-all motivation style.
3- Listen to everyone, including the team’s equipment carrier. Get as many opinions as you can. Be curious, not judgmental.
4- Having a star in a team is great but you need a group of people to get the victory.
5- You will never be 100 percent ready for anything. When the opportunity presents itself, take it.
6- A true leader should be interested in improving the well-being of each team member, from senior to entry level. This makes the leader loved and respected, which is crucial to the success of the team.
7- Get yourself an assistant with “low agreeableness trait” who is not afraid to tell the truth at all costs. Take criticism with grace.
8- If a mistake happens be like a goldfish, which has a 15-second memory. Just learn from it and move on.
9- Create a “common enemy” to consolidate the team (Machiavellian vibes here).
10- Get to know your enemies and break the ice. Try to pull them to your side.
11- Don’t bring an umbrella to a brainstorm. Be open-minded.
12- Identify each team member’s strength and focus on them.
13- Challenge yourself. If you feel comfortable doing something, you are doing it wrong.
14- Always be honest with the team, that’s how trust is built.
15- And finally, always BELIEVE.