15 Job Tips for New Graduates
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Are you one of those fresh graduates who are puzzled about what to do or where to go next? I've been teaching college students for more than two years, so I frequently run into grads who are struggling to decide what career to pursue. There were also people who had numerous job applications rejected and were now reluctant to reapply. Some of my former students now fresh graduates contacted me seeking motivational guidance on how to land employment or identify their true callings.
The standard advice I offer them is as follows:
- Attend seminars and training.
Fresh graduates who have obtained multiple certificates from workshops, seminars, short courses, or other types of those training have an advantage over those without. You have fewer credentials to land a job as a recent graduate without any prior work experience, especially if your co-applicants have years of experience.
At this point, the best thing you can do is take part in training that is related to your degree or the type of career you wish to pursue. Your credentials might persuade HR managers at potential employers that you have acquired the necessary abilities to contribute to their staff.
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- Get as many skills as you can.
It's not just entertaining and nice to learn new things. These later become useful as well. The more practical skills you've picked up, the greater your chances of finding a good job. You won't regret learning things like leadership techniques, how to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, how to use an LCD projector, and fundamental bookkeeping.
You can also pick up knowledge pertaining to the field you want to enter. For instance, you can enroll in quick courses on housekeeping and front desk operations if you wish to work in the hotel industry.
Discovering your passion might be aided by developing new talents. For instance, you might decide to become a professional musician after learning how to play an instrument.
- Develop communication abilities.
In order to succeed in white-collar employment, one must possess effective oral and written communication abilities. Many candidates for jobs fall short during interviews because they lack the ability to their ideas clearly. There are also people who fail written tests because they are unable to put together coherent, ordered responses.
Understanding a language's grammar is not sufficient. The capacity to comprehend questions and articulate your opinions in a clear and reasonable way is crucial.
Reading books and journals frequently can be beneficial, as can practicing interview questions with a partner. Expose yourself to the language by viewing shows in it and conversing with native speakers if a second language—such as English—is necessary for the job you wish to attain and it is not your mother tongue.
- Make sure your personality is appealing.
Although it could sound discriminatory let's confront the unpleasant truth: Fresh graduates with good looks have a better chance of landing a job. If two applicants have the same educational background, talents, and years of work experience, the charm will ultimately decide who gets the job—the applicant who is more handsome.
Yet to land a job, you don't have to look like a star. Develop your unique brand of beauty. Play up your strengths and hide your weaknesses. For instance, to emphasize the size and depth of your enormous, attractive eyes as a lady, add eyeliner and eye shadow (but make it as natural-looking as possible). Wear the black suit instead if you believe you are overweight and are uncomfortable with your body features to provide the appearance of having a slimmer body.
Make sure you appear professional, tidy, and well-groomed. Use cologne or perfume as well. I hope you use this advice every day, especially if you already have a job. Don't just use it for interviews.
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- Establish links.
As fresh graduates, you can advance in the race if you have influence. Character references from well-known persons might help you make a positive first impression. The company you are interviewing for would regard hiring you as an opportunity to meet potential investors or forge new contacts if they are high-ranking authorities, successful businesspeople, or respectable experts with wide-ranging influence.
Any organization, whether public or private, appreciates social responsibility. and political affiliations for substantial backing. Indeed, creating a connection with well-known people is difficult, but you may begin with tiny measures.
Being polite to everyone you meet is a good idea since you never know who they may be connected to or who they may turn out to be in the future. Engage actively in social activism and other programs for advocacy. Join several organizations as well. You will soon have a large network of friends and acquaintances who may be able to assist you in some way.
- Use caution when posting on social media.
Despite being private, your social media accounts might nevertheless affect your trustworthiness. Some businesses conduct social media account checks on job candidates or workers who are on probation as part of their background investigation procedure. Make your accounts look as professional as you can because of this.
Use your genuine name instead of a code name because the latter could come across as less mature. Also, refrain from uploading too many selfies because doing so reveals vanity and may indicate a sense of self-importance.
While posting your ideas, use caution. While expressing your thoughts or beliefs, refrain from being so extreme as to offend and degrade others. That may be taken as a sign of narrow-mindedness, which is unacceptable in the workplace. Avoid sharing offensive images, using vulgar language, or cursing.
- Do more research.
Going on to graduate school may boost your marketability as a professional. Which is Why not limit yourself to a bachelor's degree? Just a word of advice: only do this if you have a job or previous work history.
More degrees might greatly aid you in promotions, but if you have never held a job before, you may find it challenging to find your first one because you will be overqualified for it. Yet, due to your lack of experience, employers will be hesitant to hire you for a management or higher job.
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- Examine various fields.
If you are still unsure of what career to pursue, you might look at various job categories. As fresh graduates, you may become more aware of your strengths and areas of comfort as a result. Never settle for a single profession in order to be practical. If you continue to work in a job that you dislike, you will eventually burn out and become less productive. So, don't be afraid to take risks and try new things until you find what you truly desire.
- Select jobs that are related to your ideal career.
If you already know what career is best for you, you should prepare for it. You can't jump to the top, so you'll have to start at the bottom. Take every step with caution. Invest your time and energy in job opportunities that will bring you closer to your goal.
Assume your ultimate goal is to be a lawyer. If it is not yet possible due to unforeseen circumstances, you can work in a job related to your desired field in the meantime. You could work as a legal secretary. Aside from the points for work experience, it can be an opportunity for you to be exposed to a lawyer's environment and learn lessons that you can apply once you have already achieved your dream.
- You adore your job.
The first step toward being productive in your work is to enjoy it. If you only see the pressure, mismanagement, lack of compensation, and other flaws in your company, you will become stressed and complain. You would not put forth enough effort to complete your tasks. well. You'd end up being one of those mediocre employees who only go to work for the money.
As fresh graduates, if you want to be an excellent professional someday, you must enjoy your current job. This way, you'll be satisfied with your work and motivated to do your best. Avoid complaining about your boss or anything else that bothers you about your job. If possible, simply formally report to your supervisor the issues you've noticed and suggest ideas to help your company improve.
You may one day be a boss, and while you would not want to be stabbed in the back by your coworkers, you would appreciate receiving helpful ideas from them.
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- Make an orderly exit.
You should be concerned with more than just getting a job. Exiting it is also a critical step that must be taken with caution. Make certain that you do not cause any problems at work in order to avoid being fired. This will give you a bad reputation.
If you want to resign from your job and look for another, make sure you do so gracefully. Follow the proper resignation procedure and meet all of the requirements. You can then return to that company if you so desire. You can also obtain your employment certificate, and your supervisor can serve as a character reference for your next job application.
- Be ready for an opportunity.
I don't believe that 80% of life consists of simply showing up. I believe you must prepare. Also, practice. And make errors. And take notes from them. Please, however, do not simply show up and expect things to happen to you. I frequently find myself in meetings marveling at how other people simply sound better. The answer is rarely to take a speech class; rather, it is to read more and do the work.
- There is never a good time.
To travel abroad. Or you can relocate. Or look for a new job. The thing about opportunity is that it rarely comes at a convenient time. So, when you're presented with an amazing job, gig, or fellowship and you say, "It's just not for me," a good time..." double-check yourself. Will there ever be a better time than this? This, I believe, is especially true in the midst of a pandemic.
- Be ready for an opportunity.
I don't believe that 80% of life consists of simply showing up. I believe you must prepare. Also, practice. And make errors. And take notes from them. Please, as fresh graduates, however, do not simply show up and expect things to happen to you. I frequently find myself in meetings marveling at how other people simply sound better. The answer is rarely to take a speech class; rather, it is to read more and do the work.
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- Strive for greater heights and never settle for less.
The height of your success will be determined by how far you want it to go. be. Do not limit your monthly earnings to just enough to cover your house rent and bills. Strive to advance in your profession and advance to a higher level as long as you have the time and opportunities.
Why stay on as a regular employee for ten years when you could have worked hard to become a manager in that time? Why settle for a job as a chef in a popular bistro when you can save up to build your own? Dream big dreams and don't be afraid to take risks to achieve them.
Life is more than just having a good-paying job and saving for retirement. No matter how much money you make, if you are dissatisfied with your job—and you stay— If you stay in it for thirty years for the sake of stability, you will lose half of your life. Discover your calling, find your passion, and you will be living a fulfilling life.