$15 or Bust
Robert Sloop
CEO @ KAIZEN MANAGEMENT LLC | National Tech Stack Implementation Specialist R365/Compeat/RSP
A new study finds that the fight for a $15 minimum wage could hurt the very workers it is intended to help. Economists find that "increasing the minimum wage decreases significantly the share of automatable employment held by low-skilled workers, and increases the likelihood that low-skilled workers in automatable jobs become unemployed."
Finding confirm speculation that the food industry, a key industry targeted by minimum wage activists, is responding to wage hikes around the country by replacing cashiers with self-service kiosks and other kinds of robots. Wendy's and McDonald's, for instance, plans on placing these touch screen ordering devices in a thousands of its restaurants.
"The findings imply that groups often ignored in the minimum wage literature are in fact quite vulnerable to employment changes and job loss because of automation following a minimum wage increase," conclude the researchers.
Headed to the House