15 Brand-boosters for your Company in 2016
Craig Severinsen
Marketing and JV Comms at Universal | Best Selling Author | Biz Growth Consultant | MBA candidate
The New Year is a time for resolutions. You are naturally looking ahead at what you want for yourself, your family and your company. Perhaps the most important changes you can make for your company is how you position your brand. Once you find your voice you will attract the best clients, charge the best fees and feel energetic about your work again. To help you start making those changes, try out some of the items on this list.
Find your core values
People like stuff, but they connect with values. You don't become a powerhouse brand without standing for something. Find what you stand for and declare it to the world. It's scary. You will make enemies, but you will also be happier and more successful. -
Find the problems you solve
People could really careless about you. Well, they don't care about you until they know that you care about them. So, find out what problems you solve for your client and then put those front and center. -
Unify your message
Your written material, your website, your social media and your customer service should all be on the same page. Every member of your team should know where you're headed as a company. Odds are, you're all pointed in different directions, which keeps you from heading forward.
Be a part of the Story
You clients are the heroes of their own story. Don't compete with them, be their guide. Help them achieve greater things and help them win. They'll return the favor with loyalty. -
Be mobile friendly
Tablets and phones aren't going away, but you will if you don't get on board. -
Engage your clients on their turf
Where do your clients live? Are they on Facebook or Instagram? Twitter or LinkedIn? Find out where they are and go to their home turf. Build your reputation with your ideal client by making digital house calls. -
Build a culture
Empower yourself and your staff to truly embodied the values you stand for. Be the catalyst for change and empower your staff to make bold decisions. They'll surprise you and love you for it. -
Surprise your clients
Over deliver whenever you can. Always give more. The more generous you are, the more your clients will want to work with you. Delight clients with the small things and they'll be loyal for life. -
Be Real
Don't hide yourself. Your clients can find a phony. Give them your best you and let them see you when you goof up too. Your faults will endear your clients to you, and let them view you as a true partner. -
Go Video
The world is leaning video, don't get left behind. Invest in someone who can help you do it well and you'll see the returns. -
Build Rich Content
Ask yourself what more you can give. Build rich, deep and interesting content and then re-use it as much as you can. Good content doesn't have an expiration date. -
Update your look
When was the last time your logo was updated? Maybe it's time to have someone give it a once over, or even hold a contest to find a new one. -
Enrich yourself and staff through education
Educated, happy and engaged people do amazing work. Build your culture by building yourself and your staff. Go on retreats and to conferences. Enjoy your work and learn all you can about your industry. -
Define (update) your mission
Do you remember why you do what you do? Does your staff know it too? Revisit your companies mission and make sure you have a deeper reason besides money to get up in the morning. -
Define (update) your tone
Are you fun, friendly, firm or serious? Does that tone reflect in everything you do or is it undefined and ever-changing? Set a tone and stick to it, consistency is the key to building trust.
*BONUS* - Give Back
Give your best to your company and your community. Giving back through service and monetary donations will enrich your life, your companies heritage and your connection to the community. Give until you think you can't give anymore then give again. Karma has your back, you'll see it come back around.
About the author: Craig thinks that you should be getting
better results. If you aren't getting the traction you want then you need better branding.
Craig helps organizations just like yours to clarify their story and build their brand. With a clear story you can reach your ideal client and build a healthier company. Find out more about Bright Works' Branding Workshop "30-days to a Killer Brand" at www.BrightWorksPR.com.
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