15 Behaviors That Will Make You Brilliant in Anything You Do
It’s time you realized you can achieve almost anything you want.
It is common knowledge that you need to have more skills than one to be successful. In this case, you need to be Jack of all Trades in order to adapt to any situation in order to succeed. It doesn’t really matter what it is you want to succeed, I’m telling you it is possible if you dedicate your time for your own personal development.
Most people have fixed ideas on how they ¨will¨ succeed, and some will of course using that same road to every goal but there are others who will say: ¨What worked for you, doesn’t have to work for me!¨. Which is completely true.
So how do you know what works for you? What is the right road for you?
The honest answer is, you don’t know which road will take you to your paradise, but possessing the right skills and competencies, ways of life and thinking, will allow you to make that trip from point A to point B as easy as 123.
Bottom line is learn as much ways of creative thinking, gain as much skills as you can, never stop being eager to learn and give extra 10 % in anything you do.
But, here are some behaviors that can help:
This allows you to develop multiple strategies on how you are going to approach your day. Also helps you to see your objective from multiple angles. Simply because, by exploring content from multiple perspectives, you will become comfortable with complex situations that have multiple right answers. This familiarity will help you to welcome others’ viewpoints and opinions.
Personally, I can assure you that being stubborn enough to only think your way is the best will lead you nowhere nice. You can often get stuck in a rut and think that you completed your limit, when in reality all the situation needs is to be looked at from another point of view. So recognizing the need to take on a different perspective is an important introspective part of its own.
So to sum up:
Having multiple perspectives expands your limits and brings your achievements closer!
And yes, I can guarantee you, there is something unique about you. I am really not saying this to boost your confidence, but I can honestly say that by finding out what makes you special you will be one BIG step closer to finding out what is your true calling. For some people it’s giving advice, for others it is the Introvert’s way of listening etc. My point is, focus on yourself and turn off the world around you.
Yes I am projecting myself right now. But I’m sure that a lot of the readers here do the same. Always quiet their own mind and needs for the sake of other people feeling good. Yes that is amazing and sweet and kind and I do applauded you on that, but where does your shine come through?
Take the time to think about yourself, be brave enough to put yourself first sometimes!
And no, this isn’t just for business managers and people who don’t have a lot of time, so they organise themselves better. This is an amazing skill and strategy to develop in order to stay true to being yourself.
Following your career path or simply following your heart and what you want to achieve is better when you have set some goals. This can mean dream big, achieve one at a time, or if you want to listen to psychologists, be realistic. Other big managers will tell you dream higher, but if you are already a person with bad self-esteem or have low self-confidence, then I can advise you that it is way better on any way, that you set goals that are measurable, realistic and which have a time stamp on them, so you can actually know when you have achieved them.
Of course don’t forget one crucial thing! Before you start any of this, find out what you truly want to achieve, meaning find out who you are before you decide who you want to be!
As we are all human, we all have moments in which we think everything is going straight to Lucifer himself. And let’s be fair we all have called ourselves ¨stupid¨, ¨idiot¨ and more.
I have done it just today in the store, because my mind just stopped and I couldn’t remember what I needed more. It is a stupid situation and it was easier to call myself names than to be uncomfortable for now knowing the grocery list.
Now how does that sound to you?
It is ridiculous that we tend to put ourselves down in these situations and of course far greater ones such as in the workplace or family dinners. But I’m here to tell you that stops now!
A great way of turning bad mojo into a good one is to just recognize when these negative thoughts start to appear. It can also be related to far bigger states such as anxiety and depression. Especially in those situations it is important to maintain a positive thought going!
So recognize the negative way of thinking and stop yourself by asking yourself the question: ¨Why am I doing this to myself?¨ The truth is, you wouldn’t do that to a stranger, so why do it to one person you should love the most?
Most people just plain forget to give themselves a pat on the back when they reach some goal or something they are proud of!
Why? You are the number one person to yell and insult yourself when you fail so why not say: ¨Amazing job! I’m proud of myself!¨? Weeeeell that’s because success is expected and failure is not.
That is wrong my friends. And yes, we all do it, but we should stop. Take the time to congratulate yourself and see what kind of a boost of energy, motivation and productivity comes your way.
It’s all about the journey! As I told you guys before, success isn’t a destination it is a mindset you need to possess. What you will learn on the way to your destination is what will help you build a better perspective for the next journey.
So as you can read in the title, results are okay, but what you do, how you plan, how you think, who you become is far greater than just saying: ¨I succeeded!¨ (Although that part is amazing too, so yay you!)
At the beginning of the novella, Scrooge is a cold-hearted miser who despises Christmas, so we can all agree there are a lot of Mr. Scrooges out there who will love to be the first ones to cut your wings off just because they despise your effort and envy your progress. There will always be these kind of people and since you can’t really change them, why lose your time and effort and buzz to change how they think. So just ignore the ghost and enjoy your ride! It is as simple as that!
People usually fear the bad reviews. From one side, I get it, you put a lot of effort into something and some critic trashed it. On another note, you have a chance to see what the public thought, and you can take their criticism and use it to do better the next time. You learn through your successes but you also learn with your mistakes.
Imagine someone telling you they didn’t like your work and in addition they write what could make your product or website or workflow, better, easier and more successful. Are you just going to ignore all the tips that can help you grow? Of course not!
So welcome all those bad reviews and see what you can do to reach a bigger audience the next time!
In the world of business it is quite simple. You can do all the talking but the ones who act are the ones who make progress and more green ones. At some point you will have to stop planning it all and start doing it. By now you can see the theme in this article. It is all about the effort you put into your work, so just be brave and don’t let someone steal your thunder.
The reason why we sometimes spend our time talking about our plan instead of achieving it is because of fear of failure. We are often too scared we will fail at our dreams and plans that we don’t even attempt to start the hustle. Just ask yourself, is your fear bigger than your dream?
Try following websites and the work of the people who already walked a mile and succeeded. Now this does not mean, follow their goals. This means study the process in which their achieved their goals. Learn the mentality it took to reach high success. One of the big guys I follow is Ramit Sethi. Not only does he have amazing insight in how you can achieve success and become better at what you do, but he dedicates his own time to helping you grow.
This will have amazing benefits to your work. Again, not by copying his work, but by learning how you are and what you can do better next time you start a journey. So just jump off of a ledge and start following one of your favorite internet idols or mentors, send them an email or DM or whatever you think will get their attention and start your rise.
Now all of this won’t be possible if you ignore yourself along the way. What I have learned through coaching is that your instincts, your gut feeling, is always right. It is about you learning how to listen and interpret what it is saying. It is that intuition that can make the difference in decision making. Of course we all read, women’s intuition is a big deal but men also have their intuitive side and nobody can deny them the right to follow their own instinct.
It is of course not a sign you are waiting for. Not in all its glory anyway, but more in a form of an energy push and focus transfer of what really matters to you. By following that there is no mistake you can make that will cost you your goal!
Failure, mistakes and bumps on the road happen. It is how it is, so there is really no point in fighting it. It is like crying over spilled milk. No way of changing what happened. But as I said at the beginning focus on the now and focus on what you can learn from that mistake or bump in the road. Some bumps you can jump over, others you need to go right through, so study the bump and see why it happened where it happened.
By doing that you will learn more about yourself and how you are in a crisis, how you are in overcoming stressful situations, and who you are as a person when it comes to gaining motivation and productivity mojo back. I can assure you it will result in motivational high.
This one is pretty clear but even so, let’s clarify why this is important.
This will not only bring you a new hunger for new goals but it will keep you on a success mindset you have developed. See success doesn’t stop when you reach your goal. This is not a one hit wonder, but a continuing process of accumulated results that have proven to be on your side. Now I don’t even know how this fancy sentence came up in my brain but it sums it up pretty nicely.
The point was: when you reach your goal, find a way to challenge yourself again, because that is the way your brain makes new connections and gives you more resources to gain new skills!
Envying others will only bring you to a stop and questionnaire of why you aren’t where they are. That again leaves you in a place where you think but don’t act. Also, their goals are not your own, you may think those goals can be the same but maybe their process of achieving it, isn’t the same as yours.
We are all unique, and we are all different, so no goal can be different. Envy only makes you focus on others, where as I said before, you need to focus on what you want. And how will you do that? By always following your heart and instincts, by setting amazing goals you will achieve someday and by having multiple perspectives!
Nobody is saying you have to walk alone or that you have to take yourself out of bad situations by yourself. This is exactly why I said, surround yourself with successful people. I didn’t mean just face to face or via internet, but with their process, by learning and gaining more knowledge on how you can behave in difficult situations. Of course it is important to remember that what is difficult for some won’t be for others. So even if you need help with your brain juice flowing, it is okay to brainstorm your ideas with a couple of friends or colleagues.
Just don’t forget to thank them when you succeed ;)
PS I have a number of other blogs or business, productivity, leadership, and life in general that I would love to hear your feedback on at https://backyourselfcoaching.com.au/blog/