15 All-State Clarinet Resources: Rose 32, 40, Caprices, and More!
Dr. Michael Dean "ClarinetMike"

15 All-State Clarinet Resources: Rose 32, 40, Caprices, and More!

Originally published at the ClarinetMike Blog here.

On Monday, July 12, the Texas TMEA All-State audition etudes were revealed. As in years past, Rose Etudes will be used for soprano and low clarinets (and Texas ATSSB soprano clarinets). Other states in the USA also use Rose Etudes for their high school all-state clarinet auditions. And, of course, the study of Rose Etudes is standard for practically all clarinet students at colleges, universities, and conservatories in the USA and beyond.

Some of the best places to look for ideas on how to perform an etude, solo, or any work of music are other editions of the same music. Therefore, below is a annotated list of various editions of the Rose?32 Etudes,?40 Studies, and?Caprices. I have also included a few versions of the Ferling Studies as they are the basis for most of the Rose?32 Etudes?plus versions of the Rode/Rose?Caprices. I will use these resources as I prepare to teach lessons and give?clarinet clinics?on the all-state music.

Note: Cyrille Rose (1830-1902) was a very important clarinet teacher at the Paris Conservatory and 1st?clarinetist with the Paris Opera orchestra for 34 years. Rose did not compose these etudes, but he adapted and enhanced etudes written for other instruments – he “clarinetized” them. FYI, like many pros, my own clarinet lineage goes back to Cyrille Rose.

15 All-State Clarinet Resources: Rose 32, 40, Caprices, and More! by Dr. Michael Dean “ClarinetMike”

  1. Daniel Bonade, editor.?Sixteen Phrasing Studies for Clarinet.?Conn-Selmer, Inc., 1952. Bonade was a legendary clarinet player and teacher who taught Mitchell Lurie, Robert Marcellus, and other leading clarinetists of his day: he also taught David Hite, the editor of the Texas all-state etudes. These studies offer phrasing and other help on the slow etudes from the Rose?32 Etudes. Please note that Bonade renumbered the etudes. This edition was available for free for years, but now seems to be safely available only in another book,?The Complete Daniel Bonade,?compiled and edited by Larry Guy.
  2. Philippe Cuper, editor.?32 Etudes for Clarinet.?Paris, France: International Music Diffusion, 2011, with CD.
  3. Franz Wilhelm Ferling.?48 Studies for Oboe, Op. 31. Braunschweig: J.P. Spehr, n.d. (1837) Reprinted New York: E. F. Kalmus, n.d. (1933-1970).?Catalog K.04121 (Citation from IMSLP.org) Early edition of Ferling studies. (These studies are the basis for the Rose?32 Etudes.) Available for free?HERE.
  4. Franz Wilhelm Ferling.?48 Famous Studies for Oboe or Saxophone, Revised by Albert J. Andraud. San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Co., 1958. This book is often used for the Saxophone and Oboe/English Horn all-state audition music.??Available at local music stores.
  5. Franz Wilhelm Ferling.?48 Studies by Ferling for All Saxophones, Edited by Marcel Mule. Paris, France: Leduc, 1946. The Mule edition of the Ferling Studies is frequently used by saxophone students at colleges, universities, and conservatories in the USA. I often consult it myself when teaching the saxophone (and clarinet!).
  6. Ben Andrew Garcia?and?Luuk De Vries, editors.?The Complete Clarinet: C. Rose Revisited – 118 Etudes for Clarinet. Fort Worth, TX: Complete Works Music Publisher, 2014. Features every etude that Rose wrote for the clarinet, including the lesser-known?26 Etudes.
  7. Larry Guy, editor.?32 Etudes for Clarinet. Stony Point, NY: Rivernote Press, 2017. NOTE: there is a NEW edition just now shipping?HERE! Plus some additional Bonus Commentary?HERE!!
  8. David Hite, editor.?Artistic Studies, Book 1 – From the French?School?for Clarinet.?San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Co., 1986. This is the book used for this year’s Texas TMEA Soprano and Low Clarinet all-state music. Students and teachers should purchase the book and not use ONLY copies. Also, in the back of the book is an important Glossary – a list of terms briefly explaining Hite’s numerous [and sometimes overdone!] performance suggestions. Available at local music stores.
  9. Jean & David Hite, revisors and editors.?Cyrille Rose?FORTY STUDIES for Clarinet.?San Antonio, TX: Southern Music Co., 2000. A reworked edition of the Rose?40 Studies.
  10. Henry Larsen.?The?32 Rose Studies: An Analysis and Study Guide.?Avon, CT: Larsen Audiographics, 1998.?Each of the 32 etudes is accompanied by extensive notes and suggestions. UPDATE: Reportedly out of print, try Interlibrary loan plus search WorldCat?HERE.
  11. Pierre Rode.?24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Opus 22. Leipzig: CF Peters Music Office, [1819]. The TMEA All-State Rose Caprice #9 is #11, p. 22 of these. This first edition is available for free?HERE. Another early edition edited by Jakob Dont from around the time of Rose is also available for free?HERE.
  12. Pierre Rode.?Twenty Studies for Clarinet, Arranged by Harry Bettoney.?New York: Carl Fischer, 1968. This is a different arrangement of the Rode Violin?Caprices?by clarinetist Harry Bettoney, i.e. not by Cyrille Rose! Bettoney chose 20 of the Rode?Caprices?and arranged them for clarinet. The TMEA All-State Rose Caprice #9 is #15 of these. FYI, I worked on these years ago as a university clarinet student. My pencil markings are still clear as well as my teacher’s!
  13. Cyrille Rose.?20 Grand Studies Selected from the Caprices by Rode, Edited by Stanley Drucker. New York: International Music Company, 1962. The TMEA All-State Rose Caprice #9 is #11 of these.
  14. Cyrille Rose.?32 Etudes for Clarinet.?New York: Carl Fischer, 1913.?40 Studies for Clarinet. New York: Carl Fischer, 1910. These venerable editions are what many of us in the USA used in school. They are notorious for mistakes, so be careful.
  15. Melvin Warner, editor.?32 Rose Etudes for Clarinet.?New York: Carl Fischer, 2002/2009, with CD.

ClarinetMike says, “It is absolutely critical that those who?judge?these intense competitions carefully study the all-state etudes?before?the competitions.?We owe this to the students. ‘Winging It’ can be as bad as cheating.”

NOTE: The picture above was created by my friend, Baljinder Sidhu.


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