#143 May 23rd, 2024
Blake Carroll, CPA
PwC People Team - Manager | Helping Aspiring CPAs Navigate the CPA Exam with Confidence
This article specifically talks about grief but I think its principles can be applied to dealing with the entire range of difficult feelings. Unpleasant feelings are going to pop up from time to time regardless of what we do; it’s just a part of how our brains function. But we have so much power in how we choose to respond to those feelings.?
The first step is becoming aware of it when you are feeling it. You can’t do anything about it before you recognize it and label it. The more specific you can get with labeling it and describing it the better because you are then separating yourself from it and creating distance. If you get lost wallowing or brooding inside an emotion it’s tough to break out.?
It is important to not beat yourself up for feeling any type of way. It’s not kind nor productive nor helpful.? Only after you have accepted and acknowledged the feeling should you now start to work past it. Otherwise you are just numbing the feeling and distracting yourself.?
When this is done right, whatever form of self care you want to choose can be what you need to move on from the feeling.?This is a process, so be patient with yourself!
It’s interesting how powerful the fear of starting small can be. We may never try to start our own business or side hustle because the ultimate goal is to completely replace our income, so making barely any money to start just doesn’t seem to be helpful. But everyone has to start somewhere; everyone has their first sale or their first customer.?
No one is going to replace their income right away. If you are doing something you enjoy and that you are good at any money on top of that just icing on the cake even if it is just one dollar? It’s a natural part of the life of a business to have to scale up.?
That is also how you get better at whatever you are working on. You will never get to the big opportunities if you are not first open to the small ones.?
This article is for you if you find yourself using the phrase “I’m too busy” whether that’s as a reason or an excuse. The article explores when it is a legitimate reason versus a cop out excuse that we use to hide what is really going on.?
Reasons are based on facts, excuses can be based on emotions instead. There is probably some truth to an excuse, just not total and complete truth.?The article challenges us to really examine when we use busyness as an excuse to get out of doing something.?
Perhaps we are simply too tired or depleted from everything else that we’re doing. Maybe we’re really afraid of trying something new and failing or being seen failing by others. It can be convicting to realize how much of our behavior is motivated by worrying about what others will think of us. Maybe there were just other things you chose to prioritize over whatever you are too “busy” to do.?
None of us can do everything; we have tons of choices and our time is finite. We will feel much more peace if we’re honest about how we choose to spend our time.?
The author of this article stayed in a job that was a bad fit for a really long period of time, and the situation also became worse from her own doing because she was not engaged at all with her daily work. She shares her experience of what she could have done differently and what she wishes she had known.?
If you really dislike your work, odds are there probably some specific people factoring into that, but odds also are that there are some people at your company you would click with.?Is there any way you can shift who you work with on a day to day basis? Our relationships at work are so important to our day-to-day well being.
Your career will also be a lot better if you are always evolving and growing, and that usually will be in the form of the learning new skills or gaining new experience. Opportunities may not always just come to you, you will have to actively seek them out. Work will also not always be perfect. It’s important to accept that difficult times will pop up, but you know that you can get through them.?
Other tips are to make sure to give yourself enough time to get into a flow state to crank out the work that is most important. Keep yourself motivated with daily reminders of why you do what you do and who it helps. Take small breaks throughout the day, even every hour or so. And lastly, remember that most of our jobs really aren’t that big a deal at the end of the day. Most of us are not saving lives or curing cancer. That thing you are stressing about now will most likely not matter very much future
CPA tip of the week: You’re not going to learn the entire curriculum of whatever CPA exam section you’re studying for today. But you don’t need to! It takes weeks, months, over a year for some. Just focus on getting one step closer today, one step closer tomorrow, and then in the future you’ll be looking back seeing that you passed!
If you need a coach or a mentor on the CPA exam I would love to help you and work together; please check out my website below:
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