Sarah Cook
Award-winning networking for passionate female founders of impactful online service businesses. Proud advocate & cheerleader for women. Empowering, uplifting, honest & kind. Seeking speaking engagements online/ in person
Okay so let’s dive straight in with tip number 1.
No1: Willpower.
I’m so pleased you’ve read No1 because if that is all you read & you now move right along to the next piece of content on your feed today then fingers crossed I’ve planted a little seed in your brain that says ‘If I want my blog to do well I must have willpower’. I really can’t stress this enough. As women in business our lives are full to the brim and everything (I mean everything!) gets put onto a list or a post-it note and given a priority ranking. Very often ‘write blog’ doesn’t get much love at all and ends up bottom of the pile. So make a commitment to yourself today, believe you can do it and fill up on willpower juice!
No2: Consistency
We’ve heard this word a hundred times or more, whether it’s social media, email marketing, networking or something else in the entrepreneurial world, it matters. Consistency helps our readers and followers build the all important know-like-trust factor. It’s super simple this bit of marketing speak but it’s super important too. If people don’t trust you then won’t buy from you (maybe apart from the exception of toilet roll and biro’s) and when you are consistent, trust grows.
And being consistent helps you form a pattern in your business, a habit that you keep doing. The more you do it the more it becomes automatic and the less arduous it feels. The benefits of anything we do in life come from consistent repetition. Think about learning to drive. We take lots of lessons (more for some than others) and consistently practise. Again and again and again. Until we pass our test. Now we don’t even think about every step our brain needs to consider in order to drive a car,we just do it. Imagine if blogging (or anything else for that matter, that you find difficult right now) could be as easy as driving.
No3: Storytelling
It’s why John Lewis use a story in their famous Christmas adverts. We are drawn in, connected, we become emotionally invested & we feel a deeper sense of emotion, belonging & sense of humanity.
No4: Your headline
Get this right and you’re guaranteed people will click ‘read more’. Get it wrong and your blog won’t get a look in. Think ‘dangly carrot’ headline - something irresistible that compels us to want to know more and find out what the headline is suggesting.
No5: Relevance
Do your research and be sure to write about struggles you know your ideal clients have, not just what you think they might have. The more your content resonates with them, the more compelled they’ll be to take action.
No6: Remember your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
After all the objective is to get as many of the right eye balls on the blog as possible. Weave your SEO into your blog as your write is preferable to attempting to chop it to death afterwards trying to shove in your keywords.
No7: Have a powerful CTA (Call To Action)
No8: Pay attention to the quality & relevance of your graphics. Be on brand!
No9: Think about how to make it easy on the eye with bullet points, sub headings, spacing etc
No10: Make it easily shareable with social media click through links
No11: Have a theme
No12: Evergreen content is brilliant for longevity
No13: Repurpose. Turn your blog into an infographic, social media posts, a podcast, live or 101 other things.
No14: Use your social media to promote your blog. Don’t just pop it on your website and hope for the best.
I’m passionate about empowering women to have a voice, have their story heard and follow their dreams in life & business. My mission is to offer innovative, extraordinary & inspiring networking opportunities for female lead businesses. Book a free taster networking event in The Tribe our Membership Hub 14 TIPS TO GET YOUR BLOG OFF TO THE BEST START