14 Tech Leaders Share How They Get Into The Coding ‘Groove’
Bob Fabien "BZ" Zinga (版主) ????????
Award-Winning Silicon Valley Senior Cyber Executive | CISO | Board Director & Advisor | IW Commanding Officer | Business Enabler | Author | Keynote Speaker | Coach | C|CISO | CISSP-ISSMP | M.S. | MBA | #BlackLivesMatter
When tech professionals take on leadership roles with increased responsibilities, they often have less time and energy for coding. Those tech leaders who want to or must stay involved in coding have to carve out the time to do so, and they must be able to quickly shift into the right mindset: Coding requires singular and often intense focus. But how can one do this successfully?
Many tech leaders have found creative ways to continue coding while keeping up with their leadership responsibilities. Below, 14 Forbes Technology Council members who have struck a good balance share their advice for getting into the coding “groove.”
1. Engage in ‘pair programming.’
I have reduced my coding activities to focus more on creating blueprints, capturing best practices and team coaching. However, I still engage in “pair programming” activities together with architects and senior developers. This approach provides a genuine sense of partnership and helps me to connect with my team in their comfort zone—and I force myself to keep my developer skills fresh as the CTO. - Pablo Junco, Microsoft
2. Schedule meetings outside your prime coding hours.
I find that the late afternoon is my most productive coding time. This is because I try to schedule all meetings for the earlier part of the day. Coding requires long periods of intense focus. Grouping non-coding tasks together frees up larger chunks of time to get into the “groove.” To remain focused, I turn off all notifications and close messaging and email clients. - Jesus Bello, Sabal Tech
3. Code when daily leadership work has subsided.
Coding requires uninterrupted thinking time, which for me is best achieved in the evenings when the daily leadership demands have subsided. I find complex challenges and intriguing problems to be stimulating and motivating. However, this can sometimes be a problem when a coding challenge becomes all-consuming—sleep is also important for optimal performance in the “day job”! - Paul Lipman, BullGuard
4. Schedule coding time in your calendar.
Time and attention are the most valuable assets for leaders. Setting aside time on the calendar to focus on coding helps. Also, once the time has been set aside, attention becomes critical. Turn off notifications and possibly find some kind of music or background noise to play that will enhance concentration. - Ryan Peeler, Voxx Analytics
5. Start with a team code review.
I find that the best time to code is when you have time to focus with no distractions. To get into the groove, I need to review the progress made on a project to better understand what needs to be coded next. Team code reviews are a good way to get updated on where the team is and get in the groove to do some coding—I wait until after everyone has left to minimize distractions. - Michael Hoyt, Life Cycle Engineering, Inc.
6. Build it into your routine.
Tech is growing increasingly complex, requiring more time to get yourself into the correct headspace for coding, testing and innovating through abstract thinking when solving difficult problems. Routine is the critical element when it comes to achieving consistent results—it forces you to define the rules of engagement for the rest of your team-limiting disruptions. Fine-tune from there. - Raymond Hicks, 5thColumn Inc.
7. ‘Time-box’ your coding work.
Balancing strategic leadership with hands-on tactical development can be difficult. If there is no availability to delegate, then it’s important to “time-box” the work. When I need to be head-down, I block off my calendar and shut down email. I get into the groove by using my favorite functional music app and before I know it, the work is complete. Then I make sure someone else tests it! - Kathy Keating, TextUs
8. Meditate first.
As a developer myself, I always get to the technical solution part for 30 minutes in the early morning hours. To get into the coding grove, I start with a 10-minute meditation with my favorite Calm app. “Free your mind and get to it fresh” is my principle. - Buyan Thyagarajan, Eigen X
9. Transition coding to a hobby.
It’s great to transition your penchant for hands-on coding to a hobby when you serve in a leadership capacity. It is a hard transition to make, but unless you do so, you will be unable to nurture and coach your team. You will feel compelled to get your hands in there, assuming you know a better way, and you will be unable to delegate or hold people accountable, thereby stifling their growth. - Kartik Sakthivel, LIMRA LOMA LL Global
10. Treat it as a creative endeavor.
It’s very similar to doing anything else creative—writing an article, playing guitar, cooking, etc. Whatever you do to get your creative juices flowing, start there, and always go back and double-check your work. The “groove” has creative advantages, but I find that I often miss the small things. More and more it’s harder to find time to code, but I realize it’s a necessity if I’m going to stay sharp. - Damian Ehrlicher, ProtectedIT
11. Know when you’re most productive.
Having led many coding teams, I think that the right mindset needed for coding is the same for completing a tech leader’s highest-priority tasks. One way to get into the “groove” is to set aside a block of hours—at least 90 minutes—that are absolutely uninterrupted and get started. Another tip is to know when one is most productive: during early mornings or late nights. - Bob Fabien Zinga, Directly, Inc./U.S. Navy Reserve
12. Eliminate distractions.
It’s easier to get into a coding session when there are no distractions. For me, the prime time is late at night when nobody else on the team is around. Maybe I’m just a night owl, but for me, this has been exceptional for coding productivity. Also, inspiration often strikes when you least expect it. Try to embrace these times—big breakthroughs often occur during them. - Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media LLC
13. Set up clearly defined sprints.
I know the most productive coding gets done when we have clearly defined sprints to work on. Having bite-sized requirements and capabilities to code and solve for makes it easier to focus and see results. This agile development style naturally helps create momentum among our teams and get sprints completed as efficiently as possible—most importantly, it doesn’t exhaust our team. - Chetan Mathur, Next Pathway
14. Don’t force it.
Honestly, everyone has a different time when they are most productive and able to find their groove. I thrive early in the morning, but I know leaders who get more done late at night. You have to be in the right mindset when you get started, so don’t force it. Work on your coding skills when you’re at your sharpest. I also use music without lyrics to get in the groove after I get started. - Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
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