The 14 Steps of a Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan
With December right around the corner, it’s hard not to start thinking about 2023. Will these last two months of the year drag on, or will they fly by? When the new year comes, what’s going to be different, better, or maybe a little less chaotic than 2022?
These types of questions are exactly why I created our upcoming event: The Big Comeback. It’s all about getting you ready to come back stronger in 2023 with your very own 14-step Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan.
Today through November 16, tickets are on sale for $95 – which is $400 off the regular ticket price of $495! You can check it out at – just use the code save400 when you check out to get the $95 price.
I’ve been mentioning the event in many of my newsletters, and this week a few of you guys sent in questions asking, “What are the 14 steps of the Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan, and how do I start working through them?”
So I decided that, this week, I’m going to give you an overview of each of the 14 steps of this planning process.?
Now, chances are, when you look at these steps, you might feel overwhelmed. You might not know how to fill them out, or they may seem like a huge amount of work.?
You can try to follow the steps on your own, and if it works, that’s great! But I think it’s hard to do on your own. And that’s exactly why we created the Big Comeback Event – so we can do it all together.?
In fact, each of these steps is written out for you in the Big Comeback workbook, which you’ll get a PDF copy of before the event (we’ll mail you a printed copy if you become a VIP!). That, too, may seem overwhelming at first, but you’ll leave the event with every step filled out.
All right, let’s get into it – I’m going to list out each step and give you some food for thought with each one.
Step number one: create your dream and vision. What do you want to create in the world? What do you want to have at the end of the year, in three years, in five years?
Step number two: create your goals and committed actions. What are your top three goals, and what are your top three committed actions that correspond to each goal? At The Big Comeback Event, I’ll give you examples for each of these.
Step number three: clear out your limiting beliefs. Many of us are born with what I like to call “money voices”: voices in our heads that subconsciously prevent us from making the decisions that we want to make.?
At The Big Comeback Event, we’re going to find the roots of these voices, dig them out, and create new, positive voices that will support you as you work towards hitting those goals.?
Step number four: nail down your offerings and prices. At the event, I’m going to walk you through the simple strategy behind what each service or product does for your business and help you figure out how to price and when to launch each offering.
Step number five: establish your boundaries. Most entrepreneurs I meet have one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. They’re afraid that if they move unabashedly towards their goals, they’re going to lose themselves, their free time, or their family time in the process.
The way to get around that is to write down all of your time and energy boundaries – and we’re going to be doing that together at the event.
Step number six: create your annual projections. How much money will you be making this year, and how does that break down into programs, products, sales conversations, and weekly targets?
Step number seven: determine your target market and message. To work through this step at The Big Comeback Event, we’re going to talk about the three elements of a target market and how to create a verbal message that invites the right people.
Step number eight: create your sales plan. How many sales conversations do you need to have every week and month in order to hit your overall annual projection? What does your conversion rate look like, and how do you cultivate a sales conversation that is inviting?
Step number nine: design your marketing plan. What are the top three activities that are going to get you in front of your target audience? At The Big Comeback Event, I’m going to show you my top nine marketing activities and how to put them in action.
Step number ten: craft your monthly schedule. I’m going to show you how to schedule your weeks so that you’re working towards finishing a project each month.
Step number eleven: define your quarterly goals. This is so important. I recommend that you have three goals each quarter, and, at the event, I’m going to show you examples of really great quarterly goals.
Step number twelve: create your weekly plan. I suggest that you allocate each day of the week to a specific category of activities. For example, perhaps Mondays are Money Mondays; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are for fulfillment; and Fridays are meeting days.?
Step number thirteen: outline your daily plan. No matter how great your long-term plans are, if you can’t execute them when you sit down to start working, you’re going to be constantly frustrated.
It is so important – and entirely doable – to create goals, plans, and projections that you can work towards every single day. I’m going to show you how to create a daily plan that makes the most of your time and energy.
Step number fourteen: create your support plan. On this step, I’m going to help you pick out the virtual assistant, team members, and subcontractors that will help you hit your goals without sacrificing your time and freedom.
And there you have it – your 14 steps to having an amazing 2023! If this feels like something that you need help with, I’m right here to walk you through it at The Big Comeback Event.
We’re going to come together virtually for three days – December 7-9 – to fill out all of these steps. I’ll be there – along with a truly wonderful community of entrepreneurs – to answer all of your questions, take you by the hand, and make this real for you.
It would be my pleasure and honor to help you build your very own 14-Step Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plan. Remember – tickets for The Big Comeback Event are only $95 through November 17. Visit and use the code save400 to save $400 on your ticket during the Bigger Dream Sale until November 16th.?
So don’t do this alone. Don’t put it off. Don’t let the overwhelm eat you alive. Come join us!