14 Short Lessons I Intend To Teach My Children...
Ian Worthington
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During my 44 years on this earth I've picked up many lessons - and continue to do so on almost a daily basis.
I'd like to claim I've learned these lessons through elegant learning -?reading, intelligent analysis and study, but the truth is many I have unintentionally stumbled across - usually learning a painful lesson having done the exact opposite!
In fact, I've made soo many repeat mistakes, I'd have to be an absolute idiot not to have learned my lesson by now!
So, here it is, without further build-up - my "14 Short Lessons I Intend To Teach My Children"...
You can have NO money and be wealthy, and you can have lot's of money and be poor!
Whether you believe you can, or believe you can't - you are right!
You are going to spend many years 'working'. Make sure your 'work' is something you love.
You are NEVER to important to be kind.
Who you surround yourself with is 'who you will become'. Surround yourself with people who inspire not mock.
If you are fortunate enough to have a lot of money, don't build higher fences, build a bigger table!
Short-term pain often brings long-term pleasure. Short -term pleasure often brings long-term pain.
Pay close attention to who you are around when you feel 'good', and who you are around when you feel 'bad'.
Limit saying "I can't". Instead ask the question "How can I?"
Carefully guard what you let take up space in your mind. Filling it with hate, anger and jealousy will leave very little room for the good stuff!
Take advice only from those who have what you want, have done what you want to do or have been where you are!
Don't major in minor things! Focus on things that REALLY matter to you.
Even after the bleakest winter, spring and summer ALWAYS?follows. There will be times in life that you don't feel OK - know that this is just a snapshot, and not here to stay.
What have I missed? I'd love to hear the the lessons you live by!
Ian - GymWolfPT.com
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