14 Months a year
Saqib K. Azmat (X-waiter)
Award winning (jr. high school) storyteller (to my kids) thought leader (I think alot) sustainability activist (I recycle) scientifically minded (did a science project in high school, 3rd place), third culture citizen
That's right, its 14 (fourteen) not 12 months to a year. Now let's see how did we come up with this number. If you just add all the minutes we spend on social media (that's your fb, insta, bla bla) then add the useless TV surfing we do before sleeping and most of weekends and holidays. Now add that little bit of day dreaming we love during washroom breaks, etc. We'd have wasted approx 100k minutes. Care to guess how much that is in days...approx 70. Now don't get me wrong. Who doesn't love surfing the TV and the web (separately or simultaneously) but if you add all the drops, this is a big ocean.
Now let's get serious. We only live once (unless you are a monk, then it's a different story). Just imagine if you can have all those 'surfin minutes' in your hand, how much value you can add. And not just to your life, but to your loved ones, to the environment, etc.
Off all the quotes of Steve Jobs that we love, only one has stuck in my mind (and it haunts me quite actually). "What is the most expensive thing in the world? A death bed. With all my money, I can't pay anyone to sleep on my death bed in my place."
Please use your time, wisely.