- Ron McIntyre -
Semi-Retired Leadership Anthropologist, Author, Business Consultant, Owner, Mentor, Speaker
These 14 Marine Corp Leadership Traits are taught to every Marine who enlists in the form of an easy to remember acronym. They are embedded into the core of their being, it becomes part of their personal DNA. Many Marines take these with them into civilian life and the workforce where we work every day.
These are all based on a simple, yet profound acronym, JJ DID TIE BUCKLE. It’s well worth taking these into your leadership and using them daily. Commit them to memory and use them to guide your step and your teams.
While I was unable to serve in the Military, my daughter and son-in-law did serve in the Marines, so I came to learn many of these from them. These 14 leadership traits have served me well over the years as a leader and a business owner. Give them a good read and see just how they can live out in your daily life as an entrepreneur. My prayer is that they work out as well for you and your organization.
You will find each one of these covered in every seminar or coaching session I do because I consider them fundamental to your success. When you waiver on any of these your ability to move forward will be severely limited and difficult so make them a core DNA element of your culture and vision.
Leadership Trait #1: JUSTICE – Defined as the fair and impartial any earned or merited rewards or punishments.
As a leader, it is critical that you proactively respond to the things that happen in your business from day to day. If something needs correcting, correct it. If something happens that is worthy of reward, reward it. The key is to be swift and decisive and most of all be consistent and fair.
If you believe that life is never fair, then your ability to maintain this trait is going to impossible because ultimately you must create the balance necessary to make thing fair in your company. If you build a narcissistic hierarchal team then you will be unable to be fair and objective.
Leadership Trait 2: - JUDGMENT – Defined as the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning, evaluating, and comparing options to establish priorities and value.
An objective and accurate review of the facts followed by a swift and accurate decision is always the goal. However, it is sometimes easier said than done. You won’t always be swift, and you won’t always be right. Stop, reflect and give any issue the due diligence that is appropriate. Then make the call.
Judgement should reflect your morals, ethics and values. Run everything through that filter and you will always find yourself in a position to make the right decision.
Leadership Trait #3: Dependability – Defined as consistently putting forth your best effort in the attempt to achieve the highest standards of performance.
Very simply, always do what you say and say what you mean. If you are consistent you will build trust with your team, your vendors and your clients. Be a person of your word.
Leadership Trait #4: Initiative -Defined as acting independently from outside influences and control. It also means dealing with new and unexpected situations with right action. It includes using persistence and resourcefulness to get something done without the normal tools, supplies or methods being available to you.
As a business leader you will have plenty of opportunity to demonstrate initiative. There is an old saying: “If it is going to be, it is up to me”. This applies here. You must act.
Showing initiative builds others trust and confidence in you as a leader. It also provides a great example for those who work for you, if you are willing to empower them to also act in the best interest of your clients.
Leadership Trait #5: Decisiveness - Defined as the ability, power or quality of being able to decide quickly, establish priorities, and take appropriate action.
No one really wants to follow a leader that cannot or will not make up his or her mind. As a leader you make hundreds of decisions every day. Don’t be one of those “deer in a headlight” types. People around you need you to make decisions… make them and make them confidently.
Being decisive allows others to trust and have confidence in you as a leader. It also provides a great example for those who work for you, if you are willing to empower them to also make decisions that are in their realm of work, in the best interest of your clients.
Leadership Trait #6: Tact - Defined as a keen sense of what to do and say to maintain good relationships with others and avoid offending or disappointing.
Tact works best when you take time to slow down and look at the big picture. It’s usually easier to just power through an issue but it’s not always the best solution. The use of tact, however, will spare you the hassle of needing to go back and try to repair relationships and patch up hurt feelings.
Leadership Trait #7: Integrity – Defined as being honest and truthful in what you say or do always. You put honesty, sense of duty, and sound moral principles above all else.
Your reputation as a leader is worth its weight in gold. If you cannot maintain your integrity, then there is no use in going any further. Turn out the lights and lock the doors. No one wants to deal with someone who lacks integrity. Truthfulness and honesty should be the cornerstone values that supports everything you do.
Leadership Trait #8: Enthusiasm - Defined as a sincere interest and excitement in the performance of your job. When you are enthusiastic, you are optimistic, cheerful, willing to help and accept challenges.
Enthusiasm is one of the few things I will look for over knowledge any day. Enthusiasm is contagious, and it is attractive. People are drawn to enthusiasm. If you are not in the mood to be enthusiastic… be enthusiastic anyway. I would also tie Attitude in with Enthusiasm.
Leadership Trait #9: Bearing – Defined as the way one bears or handles oneself in every situation, it can also refer to your presence. Your example should reflect alertness, competence, confidence, and control.
As a leader there are times you can let your hair down and other times you must remain professional. You need to know the difference and act accordingly. Your bearing or presence will always set the relationship for those around you.
Leadership Trait #10: Unselfishness: Defined as how you avoid taking advantage of others for your own personal gain. By remaining unwilling to make yourself comfortable at the expense of others you guard against this attitude creeping into your leadership.
If you are a “ME” leader, you will wake up someday soon and realize that you are very alone and “out of business”. Your business is made up of many other people, even if you are a “one-man operation”. Business requires customers, clients, patients, vendors, suppliers etc. All are part of your success or your failure, treat them as such.
Leadership Trait #11: Courage – Defined as the mental, emotional, or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand tough times, change, fear or difficulties.
If you do not have any fear, then you may need to take a closer look and determine if this leadership is really for you. When you really, really, really care about what you are doing, it’s impact on others and how well you are doing it, you will always have a fear of some type.
Self-discipline and an attitude of action will cure fear. If you fear something, then there’s a pretty good chance that that thing is the thing you need to do. Face the fear and do it now.
Leadership Trait #12: Knowledge – defined as the learning and understanding of a science, art, or process in detail to be competent in the subject.
Your customers will pay you well for the quality and depth of your knowledge. Always strive to be in learning mode. Every day try to learn something that will improve you both personally and professionally.
Leadership Trait #13: Loyalty – Defined as the quality, state or process of being loyal or committed to the quality of your product, service, clients or those that provide you with services, products. Loyalty must be earned.
Loyalty is the core of what makes your business sustainable. It is what makes your employees want to come to work every day. Loyalty keeps your customers buying from you instead of your competition. It is what endears you to those around you. Loyalty is a common trust a devotion and a bond.
Leadership Trait #14: Endurance – Defined as the mental, emotional, and physical stamina that is measured by your ability to tolerate pain, fatigue, stress, and hardship. It is the ability to be persistent despite being in stressful, tough situations or activities.
The endurance of ever leader is constantly tested. Your mental, emotional, and physical endurance are critical to your ability to make it through another day, another project or the next sales call. To get you over the hump, think of the bigger picture, think of the reason that you decided to start your business. Never lose site of your vision, adapt it if necessary but always keep it in focus for your team. Without the capability of enduring and persisting you cannot survive is our current V.U.C.C.A. business environment.
Now, keep in mind that none of these are new, nor are they revolutionary. These are basic human values that need to be brought back into the business environment to build employee engagement, sustainable organizations and manage in this undeniable chaotic environment we lead in today.
If you want help embedding these in your culture, please call me today at 630-454-4821 or email me at [email protected]. It is important that they be embedded rather than systematized since they must become habits rather than processes.