14 Health Benefits of Dates
Dates from the date palm are an ancient fruit that became about 5000BC versatile sweet which is easy to taste and can be included in recipes and highly nutritious dates are a great addition to anyone's?diet?in many parts of the world dates are a staple food.?
Today, as much as dates are rich in vitamins and minerals, dates are delicious fruits. But what makes this fruit so healthy. How many dates should you eat in a day if you have very good things? Let's find out in this guide we'll be looking at the?health?benefits of dates. The quality of their nutrition and whether you should add them to your diet today.
You can eat dried or fresh dates but be aware that dried dates like other dried fruits have a higher calorie content here's. Some of the nutrients you get from serving dates are protein fiber iron vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium. Adding dates to your?diet?is a surefire way to keep yourself healthy. They make a great snack without giving you empty calories dates contributes to good brain function and good heart?health.? Know more click this link