130km kitesurf for Heart Research
Nils van Oosten
We help companies achieve greater efficiency in their daily operations through Odoo
Some people run a Marathon - others dream of an iron man.
My passion is Kitesurfing and when I learned about #HoektotHelder ( https://www.hoektothelder.nl/) I wanted to participate.
The dutch Heart Foundation does research and provides support to people with a weak heart (failure, bad condition etc.) To do so, they need money.
To kitesurf the ENTIRE dutch coastal line - 130 KM - in 1 day!
This is extremely challenging as we depend a lot on the weather conditions, it's not easy to change position and the entire challenge, which takes ~8 hours.
Donations (My personal donation page here)
Each participant is expected to raise a minimum amount in donations. 100% of these donations goes to the heart foundation. The organization is paid from the starting fee, paid by the participant.
Why donations?
Links & Sponsors
Fiscality donations:
The majority of the donations are private and very welcome! The minimum amount is 1500 euro's which means 30 people donating 50 euro!
Companies can donate and invoices can be issued by the organization.
Go to my perosnal sponsoring page (sorry, it's in dutch) Click on "sponsor": choose an mount or one of the counter-actions I propose. And follow the steps.
* Voor nederlandse bedrijven is de donatie aftrekbaar, sinds de Hartstichting een ANBI status bevat: https://www.belastingdienst.nl/wps/wcm/connect/nl/aftrek-en-kortingen/content/anbi-status-controleren
** For companies in Belgium, the charity event needs to be aligned with the rules in Belgium. Deduct ability starts from 40euro's minimum: https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/belgium/corporate/deductions#:~:text=Charitable%20contributions%20may%20not%20be,500%2C000%20to%20be%20tax%20deductible.
*** For all other countries; please check the regulations in your country. The Hartstichting is listed as official non-profit foundation on this page: