13 Ways to Maximize Your Work Effectively Through Delegation
1. First Explain “Why” the Work is Needed
Before you start getting into the fine details of the work, tasks or delegation you are about to communicate, first explain why you are delegating it and why the work/task is needed. This will help who you are communicating with on the overall scope of the task at hand. This allows each goal you are trying to achieve through delegation to become more efficient and effective on it's results.
2. Analyze Your Daily/Weekly/Monthly Workload
Write down your time dedicated for each task you are completing everyday. At the end of the week take one hour to calculate the total time you have dedicated for each project that week. By the end of the month, you will have a firm grasp of the amount of time you are putting into each project vs. the results you are getting. In other words, you need to completely analyze your time you put into projects vs. the success rate (also known as capital returns) you are receiving.
3. Determine Where Your Contribution is Most Needed
This follows from number two. This will greatly impact your ability to delegate what you can give to others to finish vs. doing time consuming tasks that keep you from being focused on the more important projects/tasks. Once you have a firm grasp of where the most profitable and important priority items are, you will be able to contribute more towards those and rely more on delegation for the less priority items in which you can delegate to others.
4. Identify the Best People in the Organization
This is crucial on growing a firm foundation of your company. I believe that everyone within an organization needs to have top-notch personnel. No matter what type of company, industry or project is involved. However, some people are just better at things than others, have more ambition, or both. Identifying who your best people within your company are, will grow your company to levels you have never reached before.
5. Train & Development of Your People
Dedicating time everyday for development and training is a must. No matter how busy you are everyday, you must take time to teach your people working with you. In doing so, you will be helping your people grow at a highly effective rate. Without proper training, you are not giving the ammunition your people need in order to advance their current knowledge base.
6. Empower & Believe
This is sometimes difficult for people to practice on a daily basis. In order for your training, coaching and development of your people to exceed heights you’ve never reached before, you must empower them to do the things they have to in order to grow as a professional individual. Also, belief ties with empowerment. You must truly be genuine in your belief in them or they will not feel the empowerment to be real. This will also increase the ambition and motivation in your people’s daily professional lives while simultaneously growing their respect levels for you. People who know their boss, partner or colleague empowers and believes in them, deliver results you need. Period.
7. Trust
Trust is a sensitive topic for some. Because business owners, directors, and/or managers find it difficult to extend their trust when their reputation is on the line. However, without giving trust to your people, you are setting yourself up for failure. A person who knows you trust them is a powerful ally for you and your company. While it also allows you to build long-term successful relationships that are priceless.
8. Share Your Business Strategy with Employees
You don’t usually see upper level management or business owners sharing their company’s strategy with their people often. However, this can go a long way. This is similar to number one (mentioned above). But actually sharing the business strategy with any project you and your people are working on allows everyone to feel as if they are a part of this strategy (which they are). It only emphasizes the trust and overall goal as you and your teams work together to deliver a successful project.
9. Develop Repeatable Processes
I spoke briefly about this in one of my previous articles. Now that I’ve been to many different countries (both Western and Eastern countries), I can honestly say that there are a lot of companies in which don’t have repeatable processes in place to enhance project results. No matter how simple or complicated a project gets, a simple/repeatable process allows room for project organization as well as delivering higher/quicker results. Make a simple Standard Operating Procedure for each position within your organization. Or training manuals on how people should function within their role in the company. If you don’t have this already, you need to implement this as soon as possible.
10. Focus on Results
Stop wasting time with the “What if’s”. Focus on the actual results you get for each project you complete or fail. No matter if you complete the project successfully or fail, sit down and analyze what you could have done differently. Once you do this alone, schedule a meeting with your team and get their ideas and recommendations on how they think you can better the results you did or did not get. This will also empower your people to believe their words and recommendations are influencing the company’s success and growth (which they always are). It's up to you to make sure they are influencing your company's future in a negative or positive direction.
11. Follow-up Without Micromanaging
Micro-managing can bring your business to its knees. I do admit, finding the middle-ground between managing and trusting your people to complete work/task according to the standards you need can be difficult (especially if you have high expectations). However, you must find this middle-ground. Follow up with your people just enough to get updates on progress without making everyone feel as if you are looking over their shoulder. Keep your distance but also make sure you can track their progress without making everyone feel smothered.
12. Encourage Your Key Managers/Directors to Delegate
It cant be just you who knows how to delegate. You must teach your direct managers/directors working for you to delegate as well. By doing this, you are growing a healthy environment of trust, development and empowerment throughout your entire organization.
13. Learn
Learning is huge for your own growth. You cannot be a true leader/delegator in which your people believe in, if you stop learning. Nor can you delegate properly if you stop learning. You must continue to keep the image of a Teacher but maintain the mindset of a student in everything you do.
I hope these points give you a different perspective on how to enhance your company through delegation. I wish everyone the best of luck and success!
David Brodine II
Agora & Affiliates / Agora Turkiye / Agora Consortium / Ozcorp International Inc.