13 (unlucky) mistakes to avoid when writing a Job Advert
Fast Forward Solutions - Executive & Direct Search Services
Helping organizations grow and succeed by recruiting top IT, Sales, Marketing, Engineering and Finance talent.
Companies may miss out on excellent employees if they skip creating a well-written and detailed job ad. Job advertisements are often overlooked as a method of candidate screening, but by taking the time to read and learn about all 13 unlucky mistakes in the initial recruitment process - starting with the job advertisement - you can avoid missing out on great candidates.
Don't make these mistakes if you want your ad to be effective
1. No basics in the advertisement
Unfortunately, some employers often forget (or deliberately don't mention) the basics. Sometimes, companies ask for a lot of skills for very little pay, but there is no information available about the company. Location information is also often missing. If you omit these things from your job advert, don't expect any responses. In the 21st century, there is no room for being anonymous. If candidates don't take the recruitment process seriously from the beginning, they certainly won't at a later stage.
Do not forget the essentials, like your company name and which industry it operates in, as well as job title, contact details, location, or start date.
2. Many qualification requirements
Employers often add unrealistic requirements to a job posting, thinking that they can get away with it. On the other hand, recruiters should only request requirements from potential employees that are job-related; otherwise, it might be perceived as unprofessional. Additionally, many employers make the mistake of not being specific enough in their advertisements. This makes the company appear sloppy and disorganized - two qualities that you definitely do not want your business to showcase! Keep in mind that the way a job offer is written reflects what our company is really like.
Keep your requirements to a minimum and make your advertisement clear and concise.
3. Cover letter required
The mention of required cover letters deters potential applicants from applying. Although cover letters do take time, we should end the requirement for them in every application. Not only does this save time, but also streamlines the recruitment process. With globalization and how rapidly information flows, we now receive tens of times as many applications or more per job opening. With this increase, there's no way we can read each cover letter thoroughly.?
If you want to save time and attract great candidates, omit the cover letter requirement and instead ask applicants to write a few sentences about themselves in the application form.
4. The job advertisement is either too long or too short
The job advertisement should be long enough to give the potential employee all the information they need, but not so long that it becomes tedious to read. The ideal length for a job ad is between 200 and 400 words.
If the job advertisement is too short, it might not include all the important information. On the other hand, if it's too long, potential employees might not read it all the way through.
5. Just don't use those words
These phrases are hated by job applicants and employees. Immediately, applicants are reluctant and even though they get to the next stage, they often give up when they go back to the advertisement and see these sentences again. These wordings are perceived negatively and to a large extent discourage people from applying.
Ability to work under time pressure - replace - many interesting challenges, no boredom at work
To be determined - replace - with specifics, the applicant wants to know where he stands when reading the advertisement.
Shift work, rigid working hours - replace - flexible working hours, regular breaks
6. There is no information about the salary rate
Nowadays, there is no room for missing this information. From the beginning, already in the announcement phase, you have to be clear about it. Many job seekers believe that if a company doesn't list a salary, the pay is low. In reality, most people decide to switch jobs because they want to make more money than before.
You can use a pay range if you do not want to give a specific number, and don't forget that the gross/net distinction is important.
7. No information about the type of employment contract
Each type of employment contract has its pros and cons. Therefore, do not avoid information about the type of contract offered or about the possibilities offered by your company - if there are many of them. What is comfortable for one person in terms of an employment contract type, may not be the same for another person.
Therefore, remember to state what type of employment contract you're offering. If there are multiple types offered, it will highlight that your company is adaptable and up-to-date.
8. Wrong choice of language, vocabulary
To sum it up - keep in mind that there is no single language appropriate for every job posting. If you are directing your advertisement to people after studies - they are usually young people and you can afford a more "loose" tone. If you are looking for people with several years of experience - the advertisement cannot be loose.
To make your ad successful, be sure to become familiar with the vernacular of your target audience. The language and vocabulary used are a big part of the success of your job advertisement.
9. Discrimination
"I will only hire men, non-LGBT people, no tattoos, women not planning to start a family" - yes, such sentences also take place. There's no room for that. This is unacceptable.
Forget about discrimination of people due to gender, race, or religion - not only in job advertisements but also on a daily basis.
10. No information about what the company offers
As an employer, you present the requirements of what a candidate should be like. And do you always write about what you can offer the candidate? If so, great, if not...
Then do not forget to mention the benefits you offer, for example, the development offered, promotion opportunities, etc.
11. Where is the legal clause?
While it is essential to adhere to the law during recruitment, recruiters should not forget that they must also require candidates to include these legal clauses in their applications.
There are shorter and longer clauses. Make sure you do everything legally.
12. No information about the stages of recruitment
This aspect is slowly starting to be a must-have in a recruitment advertisement if it is a long-stage recruitment. It is also worth adding information about the dates between stages. When you write about guaranteed feedback from the company - you will encourage even more. Candidates don't like being ghosted - and neither do employers.
Add a few sentences about the recruitment process, it will present your company as organized.
13. Advertisements only in one portal
Limiting yourself to posting job advertisements on one portal is ineffective. There are many free platforms available these days that can be useful for businesses.
Use many portals to post job advertisements, e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, and others specialized in the industry.
As you can see, writing an effective job advertisement is not that easy. Sometimes if you don't know how to do it - it's better to give the task to someone experienced.
If you don't have any experience in this area, or if you're just not sure where to start, you can always get help from a recruitment agency. They don't just help create your company's job advertisement, but they also locate the most qualified candidates and save you time.
Contact us!
Fast Forward Solutions is here to help you with every stage of the recruiting process. From writing job ads that attract top talent, to sourcing candidates through our cutting-edge IT recruitment system, we will make sure your company comes across professionally at every turn. With us on your side, finding the right candidate for the job has never been easier – or quicker!