Have you finally been invited for a scheduled job interview after eons of applying and waiting for a response?
Do you want to nail and ace your next job interview?
Are you a recruiter/hiring manager searching for the right questions to screen candidates for that important vacant position in your company/organization?
If your answer is yes to some of these probes then well, look no further because you are at the right place, looking at the right thing and at the right space time continuum.
In this ever evolving world of competition, evolve with it, be the competition and....
Prepare, prepare and prepare in order to maximum your chances of getting that job. Lucky you, this article is just about that business of helping you to land that job not tomorrow but today!
Without further ado, and before we can dive into the questions and sample responses for a BDM. It’s important to know a little difference between a Business Development Manager (BDM) and a Sales Manager.
There's a thin line between a BDM and a Sales Manager, Most companies choose to use the term BDM as a fancy flashy title to attract qualified candidates, and of course who wouldn’t want to have a flashy noticeable title?. Anyway let's get back to the difference. While with sales you always have to push a sale without really forming a long term or no relationship at all with a prospect, However as a BDM you've gotta deal with building, nurturing and maintaining relationships with prospects, both potential customers and existing customers (key partners), market research and of course Business expansion/development. Now these are just a few from among the major differences.
Furthermore, Business development Mangers/specialists are among or are some of the key players in the growth and expansion of businesses, this position is vital for nearly every company and organization. It's therefore essential for recruiters and hiring managers to hire the right individual with the right skills and relevant experiences. As such, to help you prepare for the interviews and land your dream job or hire the right candidate for your company. After a thorough research, I've prepared 13 top most common Business Development interview questions with sample answers (Tips). There are indeed dozens ways recruiters phrase these questions, but if you take time to actively listen and understand the questions before you respond, you will see that the "..Pronunciation might be different, but the meaning is still just one and the same..."
Now that you know, enough talk, let's do this!
1.????? Why should we hire you/ why do you want to become a business development Manager?
?With a title as BDM, in most cases BDM earn big, but this also depends on various factors like per say the type of company etc., but this shouldn't be your response to the question. In your response, this is actually your chance to highlight your best skills which align with the job description as required to have for a BDM and how you will be an asset to the organization. The interviewer wants to know and understand the specialist motivation, interest and commitment for the role if you are likely to succeed in it.
Sample answer:
I like to socially interact with people and henceforth offering solutions that work. Furthermore, I'm interested in this role because it challenges and offers me an opportunity to use my knowledge, expertise and skills to contribute to the growth of the organization/company. My invaluable skills include but not limited to excellent interpersonal and communication abilities, being able to effectively collaborate with colleagues and customers (partners) alike, ability to utilize my research and analytical skills to identify new business opportunities and strategize, my negotiation skill to help secure new contracts, project management ability. Additionally, I strive to stay up-to date on industry trends and ethical practices and finally, I believe that my previous experience working in sales and customer service would be beneficial in this role
2.????? ?If hired, what will be your plan of action/priority as a newly appointed Manager?
Here the recruiter/hiring manager wants to assess your farsightedness, the recruiter wants to know if? you can plan to get started, therefore use this as an opportunity to show the recruiter/hiring manager that you set plans as an approach to your job after being hired. In your response focus on the growth and expansion of the business.
Sample answer:
If hired as a newly appointed Business development Manager, my first priority would be to familiarize myself with the company’s/organization’s strategic objectives. Doing so, will equip me with knowledge and information which I can then use to create a plan detailing how to best achieve those company objectives. Included in the comprehensive plan would be developing relationships with key partners, identifying target customers, researching potential markets etc
Additionally, I value collaboration and therefore I would also take time to build strong working relationships with colleagues and getting to know and collaborate with people in other departments like the Marketing department, sales department, product department and of course the customer service department.
3.????? As a BDM, What is your measure of success?
Here the Hiring manager/recruiter basically wants to know how you plan, set goals and organize your work in order to meet deadlines and archive targets with your time management skills. It's important to know that the company/organization is most likely to set goals for you. So don't be caught off guard.
Sample Answer:
Setting goals and objectives helps me plan ahead of time, stay motivated and be organized. Having said that, before embarking on any sort of project or even personal developments initiatives, I ensure to set goals by breaking down large complex tasks into manageable milestones followed by turning to work towards archiving those goals while keeping regular communication with team members, stakeholders and or clients so that everyone is aware of deadlines and targets. Then finally at the end of the project, I compare the outcome to the expected results to measure or see if success has been realized
4.????? ?As a Business Development Manager, What is your style of Management?
The hiring Manger/ recruiter wants to assess your viewpoint of management i.e. what kind of leader you are, how you plan to grow and develop a team. Since this is a Management role, your response should include how you delegate tasks and responsibilities.
Sample response:
In my view point of Management, I like to believe that work should be equally distributed in order to avoid some workers being overloaded with work hence burning out while others remain idle. I also ensure that every member is an expert at what they do, that they understand their roles and I create an atmosphere of collaboration. This way, the team can depend on one another and tasks that require special skills can be skillfully be assigned to a team member with corresponding skills.
5.????? How do/would you handle conflicts between individuals (colleagues) in your department?
Where there are people of different backgrounds, conflicts are almost inevitable. At least once in a while you will encounter conflicts or be a mediator between quarrelling colleagues. So evidently here the interviewer/Hiring manager is seeking your problem solving skills.
Sample response:
I am a good listener which helps me solve even the most difficult of problems. Therefore, if I found myself in a conflict with an individual in my team regarding different views about a product or sales strategy, I would invite my colleague for lunch and discuss our differences. Thereby combining our ideas into one if possible for a hybrid solution. On the other hand if I rather spotted colleagues quarreling, I would start by seeking to know the root cause of the quarrel. After that I would hold a meeting with the involved parties and adverse them how to forget their differences. Furthermore I would put them into a group to work together while monitoring their collaboration. If the dispute continues separating them would be ideal.
6.????? How do you stay up to date with knowledge of the industry trends?
As technology advances so are changes in every industry and fields, so the Hiring manager/ recruiter wants to know if you're committed to staying updated with the latest developments in the industry. In your response show that you're always learning and growing as a professional.
Sample response:
?As a business development specialist, I made it a priority to stay updated with the latest industry trends. Therefore, I'm subscribed to several newsletters that publish new developments in the industry. I also attend conferences, webinars and seminars not forgetting networking with industry experts via various social media platforms i.e. LinkedIn.
7.????? Are you familiar with our products and services, How would you make a sale?
Prepare, Prepare, prepare that's success to every job interview, researching about your future company/ employer will help you. Basically the hiring manger/ recruiter is assessing your research & preparation skills, your level of interest in their company, your knowledge about the industry and your knowledge about their company specifically their products and services.
Sample response:
As a Business development manager it is my responsibility to stay up to date with the latest developments and industry trends in order to identify new opportunities for growth, so therefore Yes, I am familiar with the company's products and services. I have thoroughly researched your products and services, during which I was able to gain an understanding of their key features and benefits. And If I was to sell your product, understanding the customer's needs would be the ideal step followed by highlighting our products Features, Advantages & Benefits (FAB) to meet those needs. Addressing any objections would be the second last step before offering a mutually beneficial deal as the last final step. I am therefore confident I can help your company reach its goals.
8.????? What are the Key roles/responsibility performed by a BDM, and What skills are a necessary for success in this role?
There're multiple but few reasons to why Recruiters/ hiring managers ask this question, First they want to test the waters if you are familiar with the roles, have the skills, and experience to succeed in this role. Secondly, the interviewer/Hiring manager wants to know if whether you are familiar with the people that you need to keep in touch with in order to execute your roles effectively. And finally the interviewer/hiring manager may be looking for an idea or advice in your response on how they can improve their business development efforts and your ability to identify key success factors.
Sample response:
I like to believe that the primary roles and skills of a business development manager include but are not limited to;
-Market research
-Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- The ability to understand customers’ needs and creating plans to meet them
-The ability to develop and maintain relationships with clients
-Strong negotiation and presentation skills
-The ability to identify new business opportunities
-The ability to work independently and take initiative
-Excellent time management and organizational skills
Furthermore, a business development manager should keep in touch with the executives, product managers, product owners, and the sales team. In working closely and more often with other departments within the company can ensure that all business objectives are met.
9.????? How do you imagine a typical day would look like as a Business development Manager, what would it involve?
The recruiter/ Hiring Manager is testing you whether if you know your daily routine, it's therefore important in your response to mention that you plan to take the initiative. This will help the Hiring manager get a better sense of an understanding of the BDM's Skills and experience. Keep in mind that BDM's who spend their day at their classy office on their comfy chair hoping for some spooky good news from the sales force , or hoping for a spooky phone call from a client don't really bring in more or much business and revenue to the company.
Sample response:
My typical day to day at work will include marketing research and identifying new opportunities plus outreach, which is 20% of my devoted time. Another 20% of my time will be dedicated to networking both online and in person to build and nurture relationships with key or existing clients. A 40% of my time will also be devoted to having meetings, making cold calls trying to identify the key decision makers within those companies and trying to win or close deals. Finally, I would spend the rest of my remaining time performing relevant administrative work and necessary tasks related to the position.
10.? ??Describe what strategies you use to build relationships with potential partners and how you retain existing clients
?As a BDM or even as an individual, nothing you do should be random and therefore you should have a well developed plan on how you are going to manage multiple relationships.? If asked this question, it is intended to help the interviewer determine how you prioritize your work and the necessary skills you use develop partnerships hence to archive success. It’s vital to know that it’s ten times 10X more expensive to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an existing one according to proven statistics. It's also important to know and to understand how to provide top notch customer service.
Sample response
?As a Business Development Manager, I understand the importance of relationship building and the need for top notch customer service and satisfaction in order to retain existing clients and to nurture new business relationships for the success of any part of a business development strategy. Having said that, though I tend to partially depend on the company CRMS and a calendar to balance my time, my approach to this also involve a combination of research, communication, and collaboration.
The CRMS helps me record the details of every conversation that I have with both existing clients and potential partners, and I use the calendar to schedule my next appointment or a follow up meeting. By so doing it ensures that no prospect or client is ever left out.
?Another approach is I can start by researching the company or individual I seek to partner with. This helps to understand their goals, objectives, and challenges so that I can tailor my pitch accordingly. Once my understanding is good and clear of what they are looking for, I reach out to them via email or phone to introduce myself and explain The Features, Advantages and Benefits (FAB) of our products and services and why our partnership could be beneficial.
From there, I like to believe that Trust is essential in any business relationship therefore; I work hard to build trust and establish a strong relationship. I do this by being transparent about our capabilities, listening to their needs, and providing them with meaningful resources.
11.? What models/techniques or procedures would you employ to increase sales and how would you negotiate, if you are to sell me something?, just imagine I'm a prospective client.
I know right?
This sounds like a sales position interview question, yes! That’s because it is my friend. This is perhaps one of the most common questions in sales interviews. “But I'm a BDM, what does this gotta do with me"? Your mind might ask. However, you have to accept the role play or there would possibly be no offered payroll.? This question often reveals the truth about your sales strategy skills, your ability to think on your feet and your ability to persuade and to eventually close on a mutually beneficial deal. Remember to use your charisma to impress and to engage the probable buyer in an interesting conversation by being transparent hence building trust which are keys to making sales and enabling retention/referrals.
Sample response:
As a newly appointed BDM I would propose introducing new products/services and expanding the marketing base by improving the price of the product and its public relations to increase sales and improve company image. And If I was to sale you something, I would start by understanding your needs and requirements/preferences by asking probing questions. Then, I would highlight and thoroughly explain the FAB or Key Features Advantages and Benefits of our product or service that align with your needs, and I would later address any objections or concerns you may have before finally proposing a deal to seek an agreement on a mutually beneficial deal.
12.? Suppose you find yourself negotiating with an aggressive prospect or dealing with a prospect who is continually devising excuses to avoid you, how would you approach such issues?
The Hiring manager/ recruiter is trying to gauge the candidate's negotiations skills or your ability to deal with difficult prospects and or situations. In other words, this question further evaluates your persistence, problem-solving skills and the ability to handle rejection.
Sample response;
As a BDM I have encountered and dealt with difficult situations or prospects during the sales process multiple times. During which, I always focus on the facts and the value we can bring to the prospect's business while remaining calm and professional. This allows me to listen to the prospect’s concerns, validate their emotions, and collaborate with the customer to find a resolution that directly addresses their needs and satisfies both parties. I also strive to understand the reasons behind the prospect’s avoidance, which in most cases is usually either lack of interest, bad timing etc. However, whatever the case might be, for a constructive negotiation process, I always ensure respect for boundaries are set.
13.? What particular KPI's and metrics do you follow when assessing business performance?
In your response ensure that you indicate the type of KPI's you follow or use as a Manager, because this question helps the hiring manager/recruiter gain an understanding into how you use data to make decision and an insight into your analytical skills.
Sample response;
The KPI's I follow include the number of partnerships achieved in a quarter or year this can depend on company policies, the amount of product insight I helped to attain and the total amount of revenue driven. Furthermore, I like to focus on a few other metrics when assessing business performance. By looking at revenue growth, as this helps me to see how successful the company has been in generating new sales. After this action the next step I take is to assess customer satisfaction, this can help any manager to understand the level of satisfaction or how good the company is meeting it's customer's needs and the potential areas that need improvements. Finally operational efficiency is critical, and therefore analyzing this part of the business performance allows me to see whether the company is making the most of its resources and to be able to identify potential opportunities for cost savings.
You have done it! Having completed these questions and sample answers/responses has guaranteed you success in your BDM job interview.
In this ever evolving world of competition, evolve with it, be the competition and....
Practice, practice and practice now that you know how to respond to, and what type of questions to expect from the interviewer. Feel confident on that big day, because now you got it!
All the best of Good luck!
Marketing Systems Architect | I Build Predictable Revenue Engines for Scale-Ready Brands | No ROI = No Invoice
1 年Informative share! In your exploration of BDM interview questions, did you come across any unconventional yet insightful queries that you believe can provide a deeper understanding of a candidate's suitability for the role?
Its both Diverting and Insightful! Great work!