13 Tips On How To Take Control
Reward making mistakes and mistakes will vanish!
- Set your goals. Short term, for the day and for the week ahead. Midterm, for the months ahead and long term, for the years ahead.
- Know what to do and know what NOT to do. Setting goals makes the choice easy of what you should do and what you shouldn’t. It gives an easy direction for all your future actions.
- Take responsibility for what happens in your life. When you do so you put yourself in control. You give yourself the power to change and improve.
- Don’t blame others or certain circumstances of what happens to you. If you blame others or blame circumstances (politics, weather, colleagues, competitors, suppliers, enemies, etc.) you put yourself at its or their mercy. You make yourself powerless.
- Understand the fact that nothing is positive but nothing is negative as well. Accept life, accept all that ‘happens’ to you without your judgment. Detach from every outcome. This way you are independent of everything.
- Know that you can achieve everything you want in life. No matter what has happened, no matter what happens today.
- Get an in-depth understanding of your ‘problem’. Once you know the real problem you’ll get the answer.
- Define solutions on every problem you encounter. When you know the problem you’ll always find the answers, even if it will require some effort from you.
- Commit to action. Once you know your problems and you know the solutions you only have to take action on this.
- Understand there are no such things as problems. Everything you experience in your life is made up by you.
- You give everything a label, might as well give it a label you like. Everything, really everything that you see, feel, hear, gets a label from you: nice, dirty, beautiful, cool, crazy, scary, cold, warm, loud, ugly, charming, bad and so on. Why not use labels you like? I promise you that they’ll energize you!
- Understand that setbacks are the necessary steps you have to take in order to reach your ‘excellence’.
- Fear is an illusion. Understand you don’t need any fear in your life. Do what you feel you have to do and do not let fear keep you away from what must be done.
Most important I would say is to understand the ‘problems’ which are seemingly holding you back. Get to know these into detail. Identify all that needs to be done to solve them. And commit to action.
Ask yourself:
- Do you have a problem? If yes, can you solve it? Yes! Why worry then?
- Do you have a problem? No. Why worry then?
- Do you have a problem? Yes. Can you solve it? No. Why worry then?