13 Steps To Start A Consulting Business in 2025
Eric Horwitz
14-Year Entrepreneur | Founder of Clinic Assist & LIFT Enrichment | Helping Dental Practices Increase Revenue, Improve Efficiency, and Save on Staffing Costs | Proud EOA Dubai Board Member
Starting a business is not a complicated endeavor.? It just requires a LOT of work that the vast majority of people don't want to do.
Here is the low-tech, easy-to-start method I've personally tested to start a consulting company in 2025.
Here is my method I'd personally recommend to someone to start a company that generates proposals, and most importantly cash, QUICKLY.
Just to be clear:? Consulting is when you provide a service to a company with a specific result in mind.? Coaching is more 1 on 1 and is typically more personal in subject later.? Consulting is better, at least the way I see it, because you can charge more when you target businesses than if you focus on individuals.
Step 1:? Pick A Niche That You Like
Let's say you worked for a company doing operational support and you're good at operational efficiency.??
You then decide to pick a niche because you know "The riches are in the niches"
Let's say you chose beauty salons.??
Perfect:? You are now the consultant for beauty salons
Step 2:? Create a one-sentence headline and 3 Unique Selling Propositions
Now you need a quick elevator pitch to explain what you do.? Use Chatgpt if you'd like.? Here's an example:
"At Beautify Consulting, we help transform your beauty salon to make more revenue with less work"
Now you need 3 "Unique Selling Propositions" that highlight that how unique you are a consultant:?
Step 3:? Make a flyer
Take the information you just generated and put it on a flyer.? You can make this in Canva.com in 1 hour.? Put some pictures of yourself and include your contact info (phone number and email)
It could be a gmail, that's fine for getting started.? I know multi-millionaire business owners that still use gmail.
Step 4: Make a website
All the information on your flyer just goes on to a one-page website.? I used a simple software to build mine wayyyy back in the day.??
Wix.com is easy to setup and it's not expensive.
This should take about 1 hour
Step 5:? Print The Flyer
Not hard to do!??
Step 6:? The In-Person Approach
Go buy some small boxes of chocolate and create a list of 50 local beauty salons in your area.
Go up to each one, dressed very sharply (ideally a suit and nice shoes) and bring your flyers and a box of chocolates (people like treats!)
Say this to the front desk:? "Hi, I'm (your name) from Beautify Consulting, we offer consulting for local beauty salons to help them grow their revenue and improve their operations.? I brought a flyer to give to the decision maker.? Do you know who that would be?"
Also ask:
If they ask what you do.? Just repeat the main line about your company and include your 3 Unique Selling Propositions?
If they ask how much you charge, say "I don't know because I need to diagnose the salon's current state to create a custom proposal."
Talk to 50 clinics (about 8-10 per day) for 1 week
Step 7:? The Phone Call Approach
If you can't meet with these salons in person, then get your phone and get ready to call.??
You say pretty much the same thing? "Hi, I'm (your name) from Beautify Consulting, we offer consulting for local beauty salons to help them grow their revenue and improve their operations.? I'd like to send a flyer to the decision maker.? Do you know who that would be?"
Phone calls take a LOT longer… but they work.? Your goal is to get a 15 minute meeting with the decision maker
Step 8:? Follow-up 5-10 times
Take your salons and put them into a google sheet.? Add 10 columns and write "Followup 1" "Follow up 2" and all the way to "Followup 10"??
Call once a week and send an email.? Send them to a link (you can use calendly.com) to book a Discovery call or you can schedule an in-person meeting.??
Keep asking.? If they say "No" just wait 3-4 weeks and try again.? If they say "No" on two separate occasions, then you can stop calling them.
Step 9:? Book The "Discovery Call" or "In-Person Meeting"
If someone agrees to meet for 10-15 minutes, explain that you will ask a few questions, go over how your services work and then you will send them a custom proposal.
The rough outline of this meeting is
Find out all of their problems, right them down and ask
If it's a sales problem, then say a better sales process could result in a 5-10% increase
If it's an operations problem, maybe there is staff turnover issue that takes up 10-30 hours a month of the owner's time …which is worth $100-$200 per hour.
You'll have to get creative.
Your goal is to pitch a 12-week program that addresses this problem and solves it.? Just listen and ask good questions.
Step 10:? Create a Proposal
Open a google document, write down the problems you heard about and create a 12-week plan.
Use ChatGPT to help solve problems.? It's surprisingly good.
It's not complicated if you use resources wisely and do research into how you and your consulting can work with them 1-2x a week to fix the problem.
Step 11:? Present the Proposal
Within 24 hours of the first meeting, you'll have a second one.? It could be in-person or over the phone.? You present the proposal and go over it. The more detailed it is THE BETTER.
Aim to charge $10,000.? But you can give them a deal because they are your first client at 50%-70% off if they sign and pay for it in 14 days.? Offer this to the first 2-3 clients so you can get some references AND testimonials.
For payment:? Stripe.com is easy to setup.? But bank transfers work too.? Keep it simple
Step 12:? Follow-up on Proposals
Proposals need another 5-12 points of follow-up
Step 13:? Run The Numbers
It's a number game!? If you have 10 proposals, you'll probably close one.? Once you get one client, it'll help get you more clients.
Book 5 clients and you'll have made $50,000.??
You should do everything for the first 5 clients.? Hire a very inexpensive remote admin if needed.? Once you learn how to help 5 clients, you'll have a system that you can most likely hire others and delegate.
Notice that in your the 13 steps I did NOT say things:
Do a lot of social media! ?You can do this a LITTLE bit, but focus more on the steps above (phone calls and in-person approaches)
Read books on business!
Do a lot of research!
If you read books and "do research" or "study" then you're spending way too much time trying to figure out "business" without actually taking action.??
It's the equivalent of reading about going to the gym when you know it's way way way more important to actually go to the gym and pickup a light weight and start lifting
That's it!
Go forth and start a business!