13 States: Governed, Populated, and Sub Divided
Left Coast
Capital: (Portland, OR) Uniting Seattle and SF & Silicon Valley while being a smaller city makes a hipster central the hipster capital.
Population: 21,651,252
Pacific Northwest (Regional Capital Tacoma, WA)
NorCal (Regional Capital San Jose, CA)
Mountain West
Capital: (Denver, CO) Central location makes it slightly more ideal than Salt Lake City despite it being a larger city, plus it’s easier to see far when you are a mile high.
Population: 21,773,972
Great Basin (Regional Capital Salt Lake City, UT)
Moab (Regional Capital Las Vegas, NV)
Rocky Mountain
El Norte
Capital: (Tucson, AR) It′s middle of the desert location between SoCal and the Southwestern desert make it ideal, while being smaller than Phoenix and more strategically located than Albuquerque . Just watch out for roadrunners, wildcats, and coyotes!
Population: 33,350,870
SoCal (Regional Capital Bakersfield, CA)
Grand Canyon
New Mexico (Regional Capital Albuquerque, NM)
Texico (Regional Capital El Paso, TX)
Capital: (Oklahoma City, OK) Smaller than the Texas Behemoths and since the Ozarks have no major cities Oklahoma City becomes the capital Sooner rather than later.
Population: 26,294,521
Red Rocks (Regional Capital Austin, TX)
Ozarks (Regional Capital Springfield, MO)
Deep South
Capital: (Birmingham, AL) without the size of Southern Giants like Houston, Memphis, New Orleans, and Louisiana while being in the middle of the Southern stretch and having a respectable size Birmingham blazes Alabama into relevance again.
Population: 31,654,295
Bayou & Oil (Regional Capital Baton Rouge, LA)
Blues and BBQ (Regional Capital Little Rock, AR)
Gulf Coast
Atlanta (Regional Capital Macon, GA)
Capital: (Orlando, FL) Smaller than Miami and Jacksonville and more central than Tampa, Orlando makes magic happen in Central Florida.
Population: 20,302,086
Playa del Sur (Regional Capital Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Everglades (Regional Capital Gainesville, FL)
Capital: (Lexington, KY) with a central location that can′t be beat the grass is bluer in Lexington, KY.
Population: 31,628,460
Blue Smoky (Regional Capital Knoxville, TN)
Iron Mountain
Farmlands (Regional Capital Cincinnati, OH)
Capital: (Baltimore, MD) while larger than most regional capitals it perfectly unites Virginia & North Carolina with Delaware & New Jersey and that′s nothing to get crabby about.
Population: 28,611,702
Tobacco Road (Regional Capital Greensboro, NC)
The Capital District (Regional Capital Richmond, VA)
Chesapeake/Delaware Bay
New Yankeedom
Capital: (Providence, RI) To avoid the New York v. Boston rivalry while maintaining a central location Providence barely outdoes Connecticut’s cities; if only to provide providence from extremely rich white people running the most populated state.
Population: 38,328,737
New Amsterdam (Regional Capital Queens, NY)
New England
Adirondack (Regional Capital Syracuse, NY)
Capital: (Fort Wayne, IN) With most Indiana and Ohio cities gobbled up by Appalachia and the Great Lakes, this fort manages to hold out to unite the spread-out Midlands.
Population: 31,491,584
Liberty (Regional Capital Allentown, PA)
Lower Rust Belt
Corn Belt/Great Plains (Regional Capital Overland Park, KS)
Great Lakes
Capital: (Madison, WI) In the middle of the giant snow drift and frozen lakes that is the Great Lakes, Madison bucks Milwaukee out of the running, even though Milwaukee still badgers them.
Population: 31,491,584
Mitten (Regional Capital Lansing, MI)
Sausage & Cheese
10,000 Lakes (Regional Capital St. Cloud, MN)
Capital: (Juneau, AK) The grizzly bears decided not to go here that′s why!
Population: 736, 732
These folks have enough things trying to kill them (cold, blizzards, grizzly bears, polar bears, angry moose, stupid elk) they don′t need to worry about government intervention, and honestly they can take care of themselves they don′t need help.
Capital: (Honolulu, HI) They had to had one place to keep the rest of paradise A. Running B. Paradise.
Population: 1,419,561
They′re more worried about when the next big swell will come or if Mauna Kea′s big eruption will happen than what′s happening in the Contiguous 48. Let them sip another Pi?a Colada and listen to the waves crashing on the beach or skinny dip in the jungle waterfall with their lover no need to intervene.