13 Reasons why your Eyebrows are Spoiling Your Look

13 Reasons why your Eyebrows are Spoiling Your Look

This Post was First Published on Chowdhurysdigital's Blog. See the Original Post here: https://www.rafichowdhury.com/13-reasons-eyebrows-spoiling-look/

Eyebrows, the New Talk of the Town”

A pretty pair of brows is a great way to frame the face and spark up the eyes. They do not just make you look gorgeous, but also completes the looks fabulously. But, what if they become too thin, too dark, or just have no hump over the top? Of course, it will simply give you a disastrous look, which will entice nobody.



Brows give your face a gorgeous look, without which a face looks dull and drab. So, it is always important to keep your tiny arches in shape all the time. But, so many women go so wrong that it completely smash up your entire look.


Worried are yours a little wonky? Well, you can find it out now!



Check out These Top Thirteen Reasons Your Eyebrows Have Been Spoiling Your Entire Look Completely


  1. You Square Off The Front


One important reason that is completely spoiling your look is that you are squaring off the front too much. Yes, doing it too harshly can instantly make them look drawn or fake.



How to Fix It?


Instead, shape it in tiny and hair-like strokes; no matter you are using eyebrow pencil, powder, or mascara. Doing this, you will not just make them more natural looking at the front, but also making them look more gorgeous like never before.


  1. You are not Shaping them


Unruly brows are something that can destroy the way you look. Unshaped and weird looking brows look horrible and can even spoil your entire look. And, nobody wants to go wrong when it comes to eyebrows, as it is an important part of the face that can make or break your looks.


How to Fix It?


So, why not get them in shape and look awesome. And, if you do not have time to do that, you can simply tweeze those extra hair and get your brows in shape again. But, when tweezing, do not pluck more hair to make both of them identical. You will simply be going to make another blunder, if you are over plucking the brows.



  1. You Fill In Them Patchy


Nothing looks as weird as patchy eyebrows. Leaving those patches visible can make you ugly. Yes, you do not want them to see those brows filled with patches of makeup, right? So, why go for this disaster?


How to Fix It?


In case, you wish to make those perfect arches, begin by brushing the hair in upward direction first. Simply use gel to keep that unruly hair on the place. But don’t go wrong, just by applying gel to half or some part of the brow. Gel up the entire eyebrow and let it dry for a while before applying makeup.



  1. You Leave It Messy


When you do not comb them and leave it unkempt, perhaps you are making a big mistake. If you don’t groom them, they will surely make you look messier. So, brush them upward and outward to get the perfect look.



How to Fix It?


Messy brows not just look weird, but also turn your gorgeous looks into filthy. So, groom them and most importantly keep them at place. Many women even go for shaving their brows wondering that they will grow some perfect looking brows later on. But, it can be completely horrible for anyone who does this.


What would you do if you shave hair off and they never grow again?


Well, you can imagine what a great blunder it would be!


  1. You Are Not Blending The Product


Those who do not create natural-looking brows make a big mistake. Unnatural ones can completely spoil the look. And, it can be topmost reasons why your eyebrows are spoiling your entire look.


How to Fix It?


So, what you need to do is simply blend the product well, so that it is not visible anymore. Yes, it might be tough to do it at the start, but later you will regret why you never tried this trick before.


So, pick your spoolie brush, put the product on the eyebrows, and get started now!



  1. You Color It Bad


What can be more disastrous than choosing a color that hardly clubs with your makeup? If you have been applying wrong color, then never expect your brows to look gorgeous.


How to Fix It?


Simply choose a color that suits your face tone and is lighter than your hair color.



Finding a perfect shade might seem a task for you, but trust us, it is not that hard.


Tips for choosing the right shade”

  • If you are having trouble finding the right shade for your brows, pick something that is one shade lighter than your hair


  • Pick two different shades to fill the brows.


“Tips for choosing the right shade”


  • If you are having trouble finding the right shade for your brows, pick something that is one shade lighter than your hair




  • Pick two different shades to fill the brows


  1. You Are Using Too Much Product


Using too much of eyebrow products can also go wrong. Yes, if you are applying more than needed makeup to fill the brows, it is possible that you are going to scare them off. Do you want those kids to run away seeing those darkest brows ever? No, we guess! So, go for lighter ones, which would make you and others fall in love with it.



How to Fix It?


So, never go for too dark eyebrows, as it can turn those pretty looks into something horrible, which no one wishes to see. In case, you have applied too much unwanted products, then wipe it off with the spoolie brush until you see that natural hair popping out.


  1. You Leave The Bald Spots Visible


Bald spots look as bad as filling in them too much. Leaving those empty spots can make you look unattractive. So, why not fill in those spots, which can make you look ugly.


Come on, It isn’t that hard to do! Try it!



How to Fix It?


So, go for filling it with a pencil or brow powder and get those unattractive gaps filled in no time. Use angled brush to dust some brow powder and be ready to look perfect using such a simple trick.


  1. You Are Over Plucking Them


How do you feel at the moment when you realize that you have plucked a bush of your eyebrows? Insane, right. Of course, losing that precious hair from the brows is quite a horrible situation for any girl. So, what do you do now?



How to Fix It?


Worry not, what is eyebrow pencil meant for? Just us this tool the right way, you can get some incredible eyebrows in no time. Just remember to color the brows in the upward direction using light strokes. After you have colored the brows, use your cute spoolie brush to blend everything in place right away.


  1. You are Creating no Hump


Who likes flat unattractive eyebrows? You too might have gossiped about their flat eyebrows. Make sure people are not talking about yours the same.



A little arch gives your eyebrows a perfect look, making it more attractive. If you miss that hump in the natural ones, simply fake it off by drawing one.


How to Fix It?


Simply brush the brows and create an angle with spoolie brush. Now apply some highlighter under the outer half of the brow to bring that little section to light.


Ta-da, your instant arch is right there!


  1. You Think They Are Twins!



If this is what you think, then you are absolutely wrong. Yes, you read that right! When you are obsessed making them exactly the same, you are simply spoiling your entire look.


Trying to make them identical is something, which can make your brows look ugly.



And, in case, you have already done that, it is the right time to stop tweezing and let them grow.


Your Eyebrows Are Supposed To Be Sisters Not Twins!


  1. You Are Using A Wrong Brush


When it comes to applying makeup on eyebrows, it is not the same as applying it on the face. Both face and eyebrows need different makeup and when you use the same method to color them, it results in blunder.



How to Fix It?


Angled brush is your answer. If you have been using any other brush, simply replace it with this one to get perfect eyebrows.


  1. You Are Measuring It Wrong


Yes, you are not measuring it right, before shaping it. Such eyebrows can never look right or frame your face accurately.


How to Fix It?


So, what you are going to do is simply measure it right.



Yes, you can measure your eyebrows before shaping it. Just take an eyebrow stencil and put it on the natural eyebrows to shape them perfectly.



And, what most of the ladies do wrong to their brows is start it wrong.


See, how your brows must start here!



So, why not leave these habits behind and get a new way to live with perfect eyebrows?



Moreover, making perfect eyebrows is just a matter of a few steps. All you need to do is follow them the right way.


Exactly like this!



And, for those who have just stepped into this world of coloring and tinting, here is a complete and perfect guide for them



Isn’t that simple? Of course, it is! So, go ahead and start making your brows looks natural and right today!


Hey Ladies! Have you heard of the eyebrow extensions lately?


Eyebrow extensions! What are they and do they really work? Well, it is a process where some more hair is added to your brows.



And, it is one of the things that are trending in the brow market these days.


So, say farewell to those thin and badly maintained brows and get ready to say hello to those perfect fuller eyebrows with Eyebrow extension.


A Woman Does This And Here Is What She Got!


When doing this, you will get to see some adhesive stencil being used on your brows. It even involves adhering synthetic to stick that unnatural hair to the natural ones.



How They Do It?


The procedure involves blending two types of powdered colors. A loose clear powder is then applied to the set the adhesive and another one, which is colored to conceal any sparse area that can simply create a balanced and defined natural looking brows.



Do They Last Long?


Well, it all depends on how you maintain it. If everything goes well, then probably it can last up to ten long days.


  • The one that are placed directly on the skin lasts for about FIVE days.

  • And, if placed on the existing hair, then probably for TEN long days.


Remember, “This Goes Well Only If You Are Taking Care Of It Properly.”


So, when talking about this new trend of the town, we believe that it is all in your hands. Only you can make or break your look. And, when it comes to your eyebrows, it should be perfect and fuller.



So, we hope that this guide would help you in shaping impressive brows, which can simply make you a pro in doing this stuff.


Yes, eyes do play an important role when you are shaping your brows. Eyebrows should club perfectly with your eyes shape and, if not, it will be adding to one of those another disaster that you will be making to your brows.


And, before you go, don’t forget to check out how you can get the right eyebrows, keeping in mind your eyes!


Look here!



And, don’t forget how to shape them perfectly



One more tip before you say Goodbye!



Wish you gorgeous eyebrows!







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