13 - Promotions that punish

13 - Promotions that punish

"Changing the Observer", my weekly suggestion to take a fresh look at what is said, thought and done according to how we have been taught to do it, in order to stop repeating the same patterns that cause problems.

Remember that everything I write is based on OntoPsiquis?, the theory I developed with my colleague, Dr. Claudia Behn-Eschenburg.

To promote someone is to elevate them because of their merits and/or qualities.

However, promotions can do more harm than good, both to people and to organizations, if the real qualities and needs of those being promoted are not taken into account.

If you want to reward a grade #teacher with a successful track record by promoting her to a supervisory or managerial role, but you deny or ignore the fact that her natural characteristics are not control and administration, but generosity, empathy, a spirit of service and human relations, that #promotion will be something unrelated to who she is, as well as what she seeks and hopes to achieve at work.

She may fail at supervision because this activity forces her to set limits on a different level. She may also not be able to lead if her perspective on life is not based on controlling and managing resources, but on finding ways to #educate, train, empower, and accompany her students in their #growth.

This teacher was punished by being promoted.

The same thing happens in other professions.

It is a mistake to think that the pairing of merit and remuneration is satisfied by positions of greater responsibility.

Doing a good job should be enough to earn a higher income, without having to resort to a organizational ladder or any other justification other than "for merit and career".

Perhaps there is a fear that this will "allow" others at the same level, i.e. without promotion, to try to earn more money "without giving anything" in return.

The company thinks it is winning by reducing the employee to a professional level, but it is only activating natural defenses that undermine #productivity.

Watch the video of the motivational exercise (in Spanish) and/or re-read issues #1, #2, #3, #5 and #6 to see that we have different characteristics that make us more sensitive, or administrators, or controllers, or competitive, etc., and that it is a mistake to think that we all want and/or can do any task or activity without affecting our mental or emotional health.

  • Be aware of different natural characteristics.
  • The reward should be matched to the individual.

Do you use promotion to reward or to justify that there is no more room in the company for a qualified person?

If you prefer, you can also subscribe to the original version of this newsletter to read the articles in Spanish, by clicking on https://www.dhirubhai.net/build-relation/newsletter-follow?entityUrn=7279162648607244288

  • Find out about my career and work at


  • Social media / Books (three awarded in 2024)


Next Monday, “The value of saying no"

#dranibalsantoro #ontopsiquis #thinscen #HR #consultancy #consulting #inner #strengthening #coaching, #psychoanalytic #psychotherapy


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