13 Life Hacks that will help you to stay in a state of Bliss.
?‘It is not how many years you lived; it's how you felt each moment in your life that matters’
?As we are nearing the conclusion of the critical phase of our lives and are ready to shift to higher gears from the safe mode, thought it would be crucial to jot down and share a few vital lessons learnt during the phase.
a)?Staying healthy and calm is the key
As in the initial phases and during the waves it was very important to keep calm and focus on being healthy. Most amongst us were having two stress one to be safe from the pandemic and next the more important is to keep moving ahead or staying afloat to reach the other shore .
?b)Let not the backlogs of your yesterdays hold you back
Always remember your today is what you have in your hand .Carrying the burden of past failures, setbacks& challenges is not going to help you in anyway other than better ways to doing the tasks today. Let not past failures determine the course of your actions
c)Focus on being productive than being busy
It is very tough to differentiate among being productive & busy as both would keep you engaged and in motion but it very important to observe your productivity for each action that you do rather than be disappointed after a long time that being busy was never taking you closer to your goals or your dreams.
d)?Data Diet
It is quite happy to note that people are more conscious on the food that they have and are more keen to maintain better physical health than ever before but what is alarming is at the same time; people are consuming too much raw, crude and unrefined data which basically is going to haunt them for days and years to come.
Always remember experts consider our brain to be fit to process 60000 thoughts on an average so keeping track on what feeds you are giving to the brains has great impact on what you feel everyday or each moment. So keep your social Media pages aside during productive hours and never use it to kill boredom else in the coming days automatically you would pick up the phone when you feel bored rather than the better option of picking a book or listening to your favorite playlist which are far more enriching & soothing experience than stressing your dopamine levels on someone who are having a better moments than the rest .
?e) Be Here
This is rather to be a mantra than a suggestion being there at the moment is perhaps the most vital note you should keep focused on. If you rewind a day’s process and your thoughts during each action each and every moment you keep engaged in actions but rather than focusing on it your mind wanders on the action post the present or may be days after the same which makes you waver from reviewing and enjoying the moment.
?f) You need not clarify to each and every person
You have 8.3 billion people in this world always remember that perceptions about the same incident from different people is way too much for a person can digest. Each human is bound to have his /her perception based on the culture, background or situation they are confined too so even if their views might convince you it might not be right to your conviction or personal views so better to keep the arguments at minimum so that you could avoid prejudices while moving ahead.
Control the voices from outside that comes to you from different corners.
g) Maintain a Quality Circle
It is very important to have a set of good friends or companions preferably from different industry and regions to have discussion on various topics of common interest or social responsibilities. Here we have to differentiate this with the set of friends with whom we would go for a weekend trip, a movie or perhaps with whom you spend your challenges or life. By quality circle we mean the people who read a lot, observe world news, keep engaged or communicate with people from different walks of life and strata of the society .
Being engaged with such quality circle and interacting with them will keep you refined and also have a neutral view from different angles post your discussions.
Also at times you might get a new spark about a new venture or opportunity you might never have thought personally.
?h) Respond responsibly
This is perhaps the most key aspect a human should focus on. It is for sure clear that everyone in this world is not blessed with equal opportunities or chances that life throws each moment.
It is only our responses to incidents and instances that we have control on. At times someone might try to push you to the remotest corner by their selfishness but keeping a control on how you respond is what is crucial and at times important. Always remember three things while
i)Will create a positive impact on your state of long term emotion related to the incident?
ii)Will I react the same way if I meet them a week after the incident?
iii) Will?the person who respects, loves & adores me the the most be disappointed with me in case if they come to know how I reacted ?
i) Read atleast a new book a month
Years before while we started to earn, we had heard a golden advice that savings is not what you save after spending your expenses but keeping aside for the future a ratio of what you earn to be financially independent. But I feel what is even more important is to spend your time in improvising yourself and enriching knowledge on a systematic basis.
Taking efforts to read a good book a month will open up new world to you and perhaps a new perception towards life.
?j)?Keep an eye on your progress every day
A simple action can bring a great deal of difference provided we are systematic in observing each days progress and improving our next days action even by a smallest % the next day. At times we are in a state of constant action wherein we miss out to observe or review our tasks. So keep an access to the impacts that the days actions have bought .This will help you to make better decision the next day
k) Stay Focus on what you could have control on
?This might be sounding simple for everyone and is to but to be consistent and improving every day is the key here. Also these life hacks does not guarantee you your goals or great success in your career but will keep you focused on the systems rather than the goals which would ensure that you are satisfied each moment.
l) Communicate more with yourself
This is perhaps the most neglected zone for each and every one of us we seldom take time to communicate with ourselves, our inner desires and our real 'ME'. Take efforts every day to keep a disciplines time slot early morning or just before you sleep and review your actions and review it with your goals and aspirations does it take you closer to your goals or if not at least is it making you feel happy & content. The more you communicate more unique & focused your actions will be and, in the end, better promising days ahead
m) Be thankful for who you are and what life gifts you
Being Thankful or having an emotion of gratitude will always help you to attract what will keep you in the same state of bliss by the .Each breath you take in with happiness remember somewhere across someone might not be that lucky the next moment. Showing gratitude for little acts will keep your space free to accept the bigger blessings in life.
?Feel free to leave your thoughts; argue, discuss or debate wherever you felt the observations can be improvised as we always believe
There is never a perfect plan, but making a plan & then feeding it with the perfect systems to succeed.